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33 Cards in this Set

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Who is Buffon?
Wrote "Histoire Naturelle" in which he suggested that the earth must be much older than the biblical claim of 6,000 yr, taxa "changed" through time as did the earth, i.e. there must be a connection between the geological and biological histories of earth.Very radical ideas at the time and over 100 years before Lyell’s and Darwin’s ideas (see below).

Made observations cited as the first "law of biogeography", i.e. Buffon's Law that climatologically similar, but geographically separate regions of the world has distinct biotic assemblages. Suggested "centre of origin" for earth’s biota was in the far north when climates were more benign, biotas changed and diversified as they colonised southward into present day North America and Eurasia.
Who was Cuvier?
Earth goes through revolutions? Catastrophism
Who was Lamarck?
Aquired characteristics
Who was Carl Linnaus?
father of taxonomy....named everything Systema Naturae
Who was J.F. BlumenBach?
He classified human races by studying craniotomy. White race, yellow, red, black, brown etc.
Who was Asa Grey?
He was a friend of Darwin's, a botanist, tried to convince Darwin to go back to his faith and saw God in all things.
Who was Aggasiz?
A naturalist
Gregor Mendal?
father of genetics-pea experiments
Laws of Heredity
recessivness and dominance
william batesman?
catalogued unusual physical variations in animal specimens, and classified each variation as either a deviation from the expected number of a certain body part; or as one in which an expected body part has been replaced by another
august weismann
disproved lamarks theory
if you continue to cut off generations of mice tails they will keep growing back
Samuel Wilberforce
-wrote on darwin
-thinks darwins ideas contradict creation
-"whether it was through his grandfather or his grandmother that he claimed his descent from a monkey"
john ray
coined the word species
james hutton
theories of geologic time
uniformitarianism for creatures as well
suggested natural selection
francis galton
nature vs. nurture

founder of eugenics
george mivart
creationist and critic of darwin

how can evolution explain the beginning stages? For example you cant fly with half a wing and how would that be an advantage to survive
Richard Owen
critic of darwin

:The most numerous living beings now on the globe are precisely those which offer such a simplicity of form and structure, as best agrees, and we take leave to affirm can only agree, with that ideal prototype from which, by any hypothesis of natural law, the series of vegetable and animal life might have diverged.”
henry morris
father of creation science

founded institute for creation research

based his findings on a literal translation of hte bible
young earth creationist
fossils were animals that died during the flood
wendall bird
attorney for creation institute and defended the equal time law
michael behe
known for irreducible complexity
-a concept that asserts that some structures are too complex at the biochemical level to be adequately explained as a result of evolutionary mechanisms.

gave testimony in kitzmiller v. dover case
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
creation is a religion not a science
phillip johnson
father of intelligent design movement
-wrote darwin on trial
william dembsky
uses specified complexity to justify intelligent deisgn, tries to argue that id is a science
jonathan wells
devotes his life to destroying darwinism

argues against evolution being taught in public school-kansas evolution hearings
blumenbachs theory of degeneration
species can change over generations over heredity but these can alter or reverse
Buffon says:
organisms created in an internal mould, more active and more stable molecules in higher animals less likely to diversify
Cuvier excepted:
extinction as a fact but saw all organism created for their roles in the environment, unchanging
soft heredity
acquired characteristics
hard heredity
external causes irrelevant, no blending
created by darwin, parental gemmules blend together to create new offspring
Epperson v. Arkansas
arkansas refused to teach evolution in schools. this case invalidated this law
-violates first amendmant
edwards v. aguilard
a louisiana law said that if evolution was taught in school then creation science must be taught as well
balanced treatment acts
mclean vs. arkansas
violates establishment clause, 1st amendment again. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
-creation science is religion not science
scopes trial
tennesee law said that schools could not teach evolution
-show trial