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39 Cards in this Set

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what is the fitness of a strong, healthy long living individual who does not reproduce?


directional selection

directional selection

select traits for one extreme

ex: tall trees in canopy

stabilizing selection

stabilizing selection

1. selects for a trait that is moderate

2. selects against the extremes

ex: birth weight

disruptive selection

disruptive selection

selects for extremes

ex: birds in two distinct niches

group selection

1. natural selection acting on the group, not the individual

2. explains altruism


1. sacrifice fitness of individual

2. benefit to group that shares similar genes

conditions for a species

1. interbreed

2. produce fertile, viable offspring

3. does this naturally


different forms of alleles/traits


1. genetic change in a population caused by natural selection

2. Darwin's natural selection

ex: Giraffe's neck


adaptation of traits to better fill a niche


1. occurs when niches overlap

2. controls population growth

3. increases with resource scarcity

4. drives speciation


1. mating between relatives

2. increases the frequency of homozygotes

3. decreases heterzygotes

4. decreases genetic diversity


1. severe reduction in population size

2. increase effects of genetic drift

3. ex: natural disaster

genetic drift

1. random changes in allele frequencies

2. increases as population size decreases

divergent evolution

1. same lineage (common ancestor)

2. evolving apart to be more different

3. ex: bats and horses (mammals)

4. produces homologous structures

divergent evolution

parallel evolution

1. same lineage (common ancestor)

2. evolving closer together to be similar

3. using similar mechanisms

4. ex: feeding structure in crustaceans

parallel evolution

convergent evolution

1. different lineage (no common ancestor)

2. evolving closer together to be similar

3. using different mechanisms

4. ex: bats and butterfly wings

5. analogous structures

convergent evolution


1. Two species evolve in response to each other

2. ex: predator/prey OR host/parasite

3. not to be confused with parallel evolution

4. no common ancestor



Relationship where one benefits (parasite), and the other is harmed (host)

ex: worm in an animal


* Relationship where one benefits, and other is not affected
* ex: plant seeds stick to animal fur


* Relationship where both species benefit
* ex: fungi and algae


development through the life of an organism


development through evolutionary time of lineages/species

similar features shared by vertebrates during early development

1. gill slits

2. notochord

3. segementation

4. paddle-like limbs

random genetic mutations

1. drift

2. not acted on by natural selection

3. occur at constant rate

Urey-Miller experiment

* origin of life
* atmospheric gases: H2O, CH4, NH3, H2,
* lightning
* heat from ocean
* can create amino acids

RNA world hypothesis

* organic molecules formed from RNA polymers
* self replicate
* enzymatic activity
* template


1. aggregates of RNA

2. proteins inside lipid envelopes

prokaryotic evolution

anaerobic heterotrops --> anaerobic autotrophs, aerobics

eukaryotic evolution


hetertrophs engulfed mitochondria

autotrophs engulfed chloroplasts


1. notochord --> bones (vertebrates)

2. embryonic gill slits --> head and neck

3. dorsal nerve cord --> NS --> CNS

vertebrate phylogeny

1. fish

2. jawaless fish (agnatha)

3. cartilagenous fish and bony fish

4. amphibians and reptiles

5. mammals and birds