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88 Cards in this Set

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An industry operating an 8-hour shift 5 days a week generates 100000 gallons of wastewater per shift. Their pretreatment system has a capacity of 150 gallons per minute. How long must the pretreatment system operate to process the wastewater generated each day?
11.1 hrs
What is the average detention time, in minutes, for a 40,000 gpd flow going through a 1500 gallon interceptor.
54 minutes
What volume of spill containment capacity in gallons is needed for the following tanks if a 12 inch rainfall occurs during a 24 hour period on a common 200 foot by 200 foot spill containment pad? Assume that 100% containment of all tank capacity is needed.
tank 1: 6ft wide, 6ft long 6ft high
tank 2: 4ft wide, 20 ft long, 3 ft high
tank 3: 8ft in diameter, and 9ft high.
305,992 gallons
A solution with a ph of 5 has a concentration of hydrogen ions that is how many times higher than a solution with a ph of 7?
100 times higher
A solution of ferrous chloride used at a pretreatment facility contains 30 percent ferrous chloride and has a density of 1.33 g/ml. How many grams of ferrous chloride are in one liter of the solution?
399 grams per liter
What is the normality of a sodium hydroxide solution of 25 ml if a .01 N sulfuric acid solution neutrilizes 100 ml of the NaOH solution?
.0025 N
The hardness determination measures?
calcium and magnesium
Sodium Hydroxide is commonly referred to as:
Caustic soda
an industry has a wastewater discharge of 10000 gallons per day containing 5 mg/L of copper. What is the industry's mass emission rate of copper in pounds per day?
.42 lb/day
An industry has five sewer connections with the following discharges:
300gpd, 75gpd, 725gpd, 1200gpd, 200gpd
A flow weighted composite sample of 5 liters is desired. How much milliliters of sample from each connection should be composited?
600, 150, 1450, 2400, 400
You have been directed to collect a 12 gour flow proportional sample. Using the following data, select the volume of sample to be collected at 12:00 pm if a total sample volume of one liter is required.
6am 5.8mgd
7am 6.4mgd
8am 6.8mgd
9am 7.2
10am 6.8
11 7.2
12pm 9.0
1pm 9.6
2pm 8.8
3pm 8.2
4pm 7.6
5pm 6.8
Lead acetate paper is used to determine the presence of:
Hydrogen sulfide
A chain of custody form:
Is the ability to trace sample possession and handling from collection through analysis.
The following results for nickel in mg/L, were obtained from daily composite samples. Select the correct mean, median, and range of values from the list.
6.7, 8.6, 9.0, 8.9, 9.0, 8.5, 8.4, 8.7, 6.6, 8.8, 7.2, 8.5, 9.3, 8.9
In normality distributed population of sampling data, what percent of the data points will fall within one standard deviation.
What kind of container and preservative is required for samples to be analyzed for oil and grease?
Glass, cool 4 degrees C, H2SO4 to ph less than 2
Head meausurements on weirs should be taken at a distance upstream of the weir of ____ times the maximum expected head to be measured.
Industrial plants producing wastes with a high suspended solids content include:
High strength (high BOD) wastes is a concern to a POTW because of the:
Cost of treatment
A major pollutant of concern (POC) from a printed circuit board shop is:
Emulsified oil is connonly removed from wastewater by:
Dissolved air floatation.
MSDS is an acronym for what?
Material Saftey Data Sheet
Chemical feed pumps for ph control are automatically operated by:
ph probe and controller
Heavy Metals are commonly removed from metal finishing wastewater by:
Chemical precipitation
Safety hazards associated with hydrogen sulfide in sewer systems include:
Toxic gasses
A confined space is one that:
Is large enough to enter and work in, has a restricted entry/exit, and is not meant for continuous occupancy
What is the danger of asphyxiation set point for oxygen on an atmospheric monitor?
Whenever an inpector or sampling tech is in a manhole, how many people should there be above to respond in the event of an emergency?
Hydrogen Sulfide gas smells like:
rotten eggs
How many areas of traffic control are there?
The different areas of traffic control include:
What type of weir is best for low flow conditions? V notch or flume?
V notch
If the flow downstream rises such that a Parshall Flume is submerged, does the flow through the flume increase or decrease?
What are the four types of hazardous waste?
Flammable, Toxic, Reactive, Corrosive
What does method 624 measure?
volatile organics
What does metod 625 measure?
semi volatile organics
How often should IU's be sampled by the POTW?
Once a year
What are the 8 prohibited pollutants in 40 CFR 403.5b?
1.Pollutants that create a fire or explosion hazard in system or POTW. (closed cup flash point of 140F.
2. Corrosives. no lower than ph of 5
3. Solid or viscous pollutats that cause obstruciton of flow
4. Any pollutant including BOD that will interfere with POTW
5. Heat which inhibits biological acivity at POTW. (104F or greater)
6. petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil in amounts that will cause interference or pass through.
7. Pollutants that result in toxic gasses, vapors, or fumes that cause worker health and/or safety problems.
8. Any trucked or hauled pollutants. (except designated by POTW)
Define Process Wastewater (regulated wastewater)
Any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product.
ph measures?
concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Acidic below 7. Base above 7
Define receiving waters
a stream, lake, river, ocean, or other surface or groundwater into which treated or untreated wastewater is discharged.
What are conventional pollutants?
BOD, Fecal coliform, Oil and Grease, TSS, and ph
what is "cradle to grave"
created by RCRA to help ID haz waste generators, provide compliance standards, give requirments for treatment, storage and disposal, set up a tracking system from the point of generation to its ultimate disposal or treatment.
What constitutes a significant industrial user?
Averages 25,000gpd flow to POTW, contributes 5% or more of the average dry weather hydrolic or organic capacity of the POTW. Can be designated by the control authority (POTW) if there is reasonable potential for violation.
What is the load limit for a 1/2 inch 3 strand manila rope?
What are the 5 common gasses encountered on the job?
carbon dioxide, Methane, H2S, Ammonia, Chlorine
Heavy metal sample should be preserved with?
nitric acid
a sample which is collected on a one time basis is called a:
grab or discrete sample
What is the main thrust of the clean water act?
Emphasize control of discharges of toxic substances.
The optimum temperature range for bacteria in wastewater treatment processes is?
30-37 degree C
The organic portion of Suspended Solids are determined by volatilizing them at a temp of?
550 degrees C
The bucket and stopwatch flow measurement technique using a five gallon bucket is a fairly reliable and accurate method for flows up to and including?
30 gpm
The unit of concentration frequently used to express low levels of radioactivity in wastewater is?
picocuries per liter
What is the holding time for BOD?
48 hours
What is the holding time for a sample to be analyzed for cyanide?
14 days.
The average velocity of all liquid in a stream is usually ____ of the surface velocity of the stream.
What are precoat operations?
They are used with vacuum filters for sludge dewatering of metal hydroxides to obtain a higher solids yield.
A sample ottle must be filled completely with no air space remaining when the following analysis are made on the sample:
Sulfide, Ammonia, pH, Residual Chlorine and Volatile Organics
Orifice flow meters:
Have a large head loss
What is "Nappe"?
The curtain of water overflowing a weir.
What is the basic objective for a self monitoring program?
To provide an industry a characterization and understanding of the waterborne waste materials being discharged by the manufacturing process
What is the least important factor to be considered in selecting an industrial wastewater sampling location?
the location is always available for immediate use by the industrial waste inspector.
After traffic control is set up, the supervisor should make several test drive approaches to the site to check out the ____?
effectiveness of the devises.
What should be on a sample label?
location of sample collection, date and time of collection, grab or composite sample, time and volume info, info that may change before analysis (Ph, temp), name of party collecting sample, tests to be done on the water collected.
Parshall Flumes?
generally self cleaning flow measuring devices. ideal for flows with high suspended solids.
What situation is not a good one for composite sampling?
When there is an industrial process that has slug dumps, unless the composite sampling is done at a very high frequency.
Electrical conductivity mmeasurements are sensitive to ____?
temperature changes
What is ORP?
oxidation reduction potential measurement used for control of syanide destruct systems, measure the ratio of the concentrations of oxidized and reduced forms of cyanide.
What devices are used for sludge dewatering?
vacuum filters, pressure filters, compression filters, centrifuges
besides legal requirements and preventing violations, what can a good waste monitoring system provide?
A check on the operation of manufacturing processes.
What do refactory materials refer to?
materials in wastewater that are resistant to biodegration.
Countercurrent rinse tanks have what effect on the amount of rinse water?
They use less water than the same number of concurrent rinse tanks.
What is rinse ratio?
In the metal plating industry, it refers to the ratio of rinse water volumetric flow rate to the drag out volumetric flow rate.
List common technologies to recover chemicals from rinse water
Ion exchange, Evaporation, Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis
What does the term "stormwater" include?
Stormwater surface runoff, snow melt drainage,
What does the term "stormwater" not include?
Infiltration and runoff from agriculture land.
What constitutes a major municipal separate storm sewer outfall?
One that discharges from a single pipe with an inside diameter of 36 inches or more.
What does CWA section 402(p) say about stormwater?
certain stormwater discharges are to be covered under NPDES permit. (municipal and industrial)
What is the pollution prevention heirarchy?
1. source reduction
2. Recycling
3. Treatment
4. Disposal
What is source reduction?
The reduction or elimination of waste at the source, usually within a process. Also called "waste avoidance"
What are some methods to reduce the discharge of contaminants at the source?
Pretreatment at the production source, modifying discharging frequency of strong spent solutions, treatment of process solutions to extend usefulness, alteration of processes such as noncyanide cleaners.
would on site recycling be categorized as source reduction?
No, it is waste minimization.
What is an example of source reduction?
countercurrent rinse tanks.
What are some costs and benefits of pollution prevention?
Operating cost reduction, increased efficiency, regulation reduction.
Must an industrial user report the results of sampling if the sample is taken in excess of what is required?
Yes, and if there is a violation, it must be reported within 24 hours
a minimum of 4 grab samples must be used for:
cyanide, pH, oil and grease, total Phenols, sulfide, and volatile organics
a sample bottle must be filled completely with no air space remaining when the following analysis are made on the sample:
sulfide, ammonia, pH, residual chlorine and volatile organics
How large of a bucket should be used in the bucket and stopwatch technique?
large enough such that it takes 10 seconds or longer to fill.