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53 Cards in this Set

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Types of validity
Logical (face) validity
Content validity
Construct validity
Criterion validity
Predictive validity
Discriminant validity
Logical (face) validity
Measure obviously involves what is being measured
Not sufficient to show validity (no statistical evidence)
Example: static balance test that involves standing on one foot for time
Content validity
Not sufficient to show validity (no statistical evidence)
Example: writing an examination
Writing a test that adequately samples the material covered in the course
Construct validity
Construct validity refers to the extent to which operationalizations (aka tests) of a construct (i.e. quality of life, function, aerobic capacity) actually measure

Degree to which scores from a test measure a hypothetical construct
Used to relate a test results to a behavior
Example: sportmanship
Certain behaviors are expected of someone with a high degree of sportmanship
Compare number of compliments to tennis opponent from people with high and low sportmanship scores
Criterion validity
Degree to which results are related to a recognized standard
Criterion: previously validated or accepted measures
Degree of the relationship between the 2 measures
Used when a shorter, easier test is developed
Predictive Validity
e.g. Coronary heart disease risk prediction sheet based on LDL cholesterol
Discriminant Validity
Degree that an instrument can differentiate between different constructs
Example: patient satisfaction survey
Environment of care vs.
delivery of care
Instrument’s ability to differentiate among individuals with differing levels of a variable
Example: high functioning elderly vs. lower functioning elderly
Levels of measurement
Ordinal (0-3 scale of disability)
Ratio (1 RM, distance walked in 6 min)

Qualitative -> toward more quantitative
if it isn't nominal, it's quantitative
Nominal level of measurement
Nominal basically refers to categorically discrete data such as name of your school, type of car you drive or name of a book. This one is easy to remember because nominal sounds like name (they have the same Latin root).
ordinal - level of measurement
Ordinal refers to quantities that have a natural ordering. The ranking of favorite sports, the order of people's place in a line, the order of runners finishing a race or more often the choice on a rating scale from 1 to 5. With ordinal data you cannot state with certainty whether the intervals between each value are equal. For example, we often using rating scales (Likert questions). On a 10 point scale, the difference between a 9 and a 10 is not necessarily the same difference as the difference between a 6 and a 7. This is also an easy one to remember, ordinal sounds like order.
Interval level of measurement
Interval data is like ordinal except we can say the intervals between each value are equally split. The most common example is temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The difference between 29 and 30 degrees is the same magnitude as the difference between 78 and 79 (although I know I prefer the latter). With attitudinal scales and the Likert questions you usually see on a survey, these are rarely interval, although many points on the scale likely are of equal intervals.
Ratio level of measurement
Ratio data is interval data with a natural zero point. For example, time is ratio since 0 time is meaningful. Degrees Kelvin has a 0 point (absolute 0) and the steps in both these scales have the same degree of magnitude.
“ In order to be an effective measurement tool in clinical practice, a scale should possess the following fundamental properties:
(a) validity: that is, it actually measures what it purports to measure;
(b) reliability: that the measure is repeatable and reproducible when measured by single and different observers;
(c) sensitivity;
(d) specificity;
(e) ease of use; and
(f) non-specialist dependence.”
Common statistics used to measure reliability
ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient
SEM: Standard Error of Measurement
ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient
Repeated measures ANOVA used to determine if there is a statistical difference between cases in a cluster
Uses mean squares of subjects and error
Ratio of between-groups variance to total variance

Correlation between 0 and 1.0 which measures agreement
0 to 0.50 = Poor Reliability
0.50 to 0.75 = Moderate Reliability
0.75 to 1.0 = Good Reliability
SEM: Standard Error of Measurement
Represents the typical deviation between repeated measures in terms of the original measurement unit

Example: Goniometric measures between 2 PTs for knee flexion ROM
SEM = 8°  worse reliability
SEM = 3°  better reliability
Experimental design


Experimental design
Random assignment
Controlled manipulation of an independent variable (e.g. getting a treatment such as a back manipulation), study effect on outcome (dependent variable- e.g. back pain, functional ability etc.)

No random assignment
Controlled manipulation is preserved

External Validity
External validity;

Sample Size,
Does sample represent population outside of it?

External validity is the validity of generalized (causal) inferences in scientific studies, usually based on experiments as experimental validity.[1] In other words, it is the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other situations and to other people.[2] For example, inferences based on comparative psychotherapy studies often employ specific samples (e.g. volunteers, highly depressed, no comorbidity). If psychotherapy is found effective for these sample patients, will it also be effective for non-volunteers or the mildly depressed or patients with concurrent other disorders?
Internal validity
Internal validity is a property of scientific studies which reflects the extent to which a causal conclusion based on a study is warranted. Such warrant is constituted by the extent to which a study minimizes systematic error (or 'bias').
Threats to validity:
1. Concepts 1a: Assignment/allocation, randomization, matching
Concept 1b: Selection
2. Attrition, missing data (large drop-out rate for a reason)
3. Resentful demoralization
4. Compensatory rivalry
5. Diffusion
6. Regression to the mean - outliers likely to change
7. Testing - get better at doing the test
8. Maturation - kids get more coordinated as they grow
9. Concept: Instrumentation (using bad instruments, the wrong instruments, using it inappropriately etc.)
10. Confounding - history, you can't control everything
Test’s ability to obtain a positive test when the target condition (disease) is really present
Proportion of individuals who test positive for a condition out of all of those who actually have it
True positive rate

8 people with tear test positive with trendelenburg test, 3 people with it test negative, sensitivity is 8/11 = 73%

sNOut - with high sensitivity, if someone tests negative, rule them out
Test’s ability to obtain a negative test result when the condition is really absent
Proportion of individuals who test negative for a condition out of all of those who do not have it
True negative rate

sPin - with high specificity, if someone tests positive, rule them in
Positive likelyhood ratio
How many more times likely a positive test will be seen in those with the disease than in those without the disease
reflects the odds that a person who obtains a score in the “disordered/positive/affected” (positive) range on the test really DOES have the condition

= Sensitivity/1- specificity = true positive rate/false positive rate

1 is unimportant, get's more important as it increases
Negative likelihood ratio
How many more times likely a negative test will be seen in those with the disease than in those without the disease
Would like this to be low
reflects the odds that a person who obtains a score in the “normal” range on the diagnostic indicator really DOES NOT have the disorder

Closer to 0 = important, 1 is unimportant
Graphical tool
Estimates overall probability of disease based on diagnostic testing results
Pretest probability = 20%
+LR = 4
Posttest probability ???

Pretest probability - probability that an individual has the target condition before the test is carried out
Prevalence of the condition in the clinic
Gut instinct about the probability the patient has the condition
What kinds of data can mean, median and mode be used for?
Mean - interval or ratio, sensitive to extreme values
median - ratio, interval, ordinal, less sensitive to extreme values
Mode - numeric and ordinal data, most commonly ordinal, but only measure for nominal data
What percentage of values fall within 2 standard deviations from the mean?
at least 75%, regardless of distribution
34% on each side up to 1st deviation, 13.6% more in 2nd
Parametric vs. non-parametric tests
-assumptions about the distribution (randomly selected population from normal distribution, numeric data)
- robust to some violations to the assumptions
-distribution-free tests
-fewer assumptions
- less efficient
Independent t-test
difference in means between two independent groups
(experimental and control)
Paired t-test
same group is measured twice
mean at baseline and after treatment
One-way ANOVA
one independent variable
e.g. shoulder elevation change in ROM in patients after surgery at clinic one, two, and three
Two-way ANOVA
multiple independent variables
e.g. shoulder elevation change in ROM in patients after surgery at clinic one, two, and three, plus comparing men vs. women
So, looking for effect of clinic, sex, and interaction effect
Repeated measures ANOVA
multiple measurements taken on groups over time

physical function in obese older adults
4 groups: control group, diet, physical activity, diet and physical activity
Regression (linear)
Relationship between independent variable(s) and dependent variable
Can also predict a dependent variable
Can include explanatory variables (covariates)
Fit a straight line
Can do everything ANOVA can do (and more….)
Multiple assumptions to consider
Robust procedure
Coefficient of Determination: R2
Amount of variability in the outcome (dependent variable) that can be explained by the independent variables
Bone density decreases as people age
Age R2 = 30%
Age R2 = 85%

(R "squared")
Effect size
“Statistical expression of the magnitude of the differences between two treatments or the magnitude of a relationship between two variables”
Standardized measure of change from baseline to follow-up measurement

0.20 minimal effect
0.50 moderate effect
0.80 large effect
>1 BIG effect
Used often in meta-analyses
Use is expanding into other types of studies
Chi-square (X2)
Comparison of the observed with the expected frequency
Assessing an association of one nominal variable with another
Uses the chi-square distribution
LOTS of uses for the chi-square test
Logistic Regression
Used with a binary dependent variable
finds the equation that best predicts the value of the Y variable for each value of the X variable
probability of obtaining a particular value of a nominal variable
Uses odds rather than probability

Can determine odds ratios to explain association between dependent and independent variable(s)
And confidence intervals or p-values for statistical significance
Odds ratio
We have a horse name Epi
60% probability of winning the race (P)
40% probability of losing race (1-P)
So what are the odds of winning?
Odds = P/1-P
The ratio of the number of ways the event can occur to the number of ways the event cannot occur
Prob of Epi winning to prob of Epi losing
Odds of winning = 60%/40% - 1.5:1 = 1.5
Odds are different from probability of winning = 60%
Interpreting Odds ratios
If the exposure were not related to the disease, what would you expect the odds ratio to be?
If the exposure were not related to the disease, what would you expect the odds ratio to be?
Well the odds of cases having been exposed would be the same as the odds of controls being exposed, so…….
The ratio of the 2 odds would be 1, so OR = 1
This is the null hypothesis for statistical significance testing
Ho: OR = 1
If the exposure was positively related or associated with the disease, then the OR will be…..
Conversely, if the exposure was negatively related or associated with the disease, then the OR will be…..
5 steps for EBP
Ask a focused clinical question

Search for the best research evidence

Appraise the quality of the research evidence

Integrate the research evidence with information about the patient and clinical expertise

Reflect on the process to improve in the future
PICO stands for

Focuses the question
Directly applies to the patient from which is arose
Makes the question easier to search
Evidence pyramid
(levels of evidence)
Cochrane systematic reviews
other systematic reviews and meta analyses
Evidence guidelines
Evidence summaries
randomized controlled trials, case cohorts, control studies
Clinical research critiques
other reviews of literature
case reports, case series, practice guidelines
clinical reference texts
Types of quantitative study designs
Systematic review
Specific research question
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Elaborate and thorough search strategies
Standardized data collection from appropriate literature
Preestablished quality criteria

Statistical analysis of pooled data
Assess validity: diagnostic test
Was the diagnostic test evaluated in a representative spectrum of patients?
Was the gold standard applied regardless of the index test result?
Were the individuals performing and interpreting each test’s results unaware of the other test’s results?
Are the test characteristics presented?
Were the methods for performing the test described in sufficient detail to permit replication?
Components of an EBP Technology Profile
Pull information technology

Push information technology

Reference management system
Quantitative vs. qualitative
Generalizability, Prediction, Causal explanations

The aim is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed.
Underlying premises
Social facts have an objective reality 
Variables can be identified and relationships measured 
Outsider's point of view

3. Researchers’ role
Detachment and impartiality 
Objective portrayal
4. Approach
Quantitative data is able to test hypotheses, but may miss contextual detail.
Manipulation and control 
Uses formal instruments 
Reduces data to numerical indices 
Clear language in write-up


Contextualization, interpretation 
Understanding actors' perspectives

The aim is a complete, detailed description
Underlying premises
Reality is socially constructed   
Variables are complex, interwoven, difficult to measure 
Insider's point of view

3. Researchers’ role
Researcher as instrument 
Personal involvement  
Empathic understanding
4. Approach
Qualitative data is 'rich', comprehensive- ends with hypotheses and theory 
Observation and recording
Researcher as instrument 
Searches for patterns, complexity 
Makes minor use of numerical indices, use words, pictures, objects
Descriptive write-up
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: primary traits of the target and accessible population
Clinical findings, demographic and geographic factors
Temporal factors
Exclusion criteria: factors that would preclude someone from being a potential participant
Factors that may introduce bias in the study (confounders)
Type I error
there was no difference, but you found a difference
false positive
Type II error
there was a significant difference, but you failed to find it

Influenced by four study components
Sample size
Chosen type I error
Size of the difference between the groups
Confidence Intervals
Range of values within which the true score of the variable is estimated to lie
Characterizes statistical significance
Also precision and accuracy
Often 95% confidence intervals are used
Corresponds to p-value of 0.05
Probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is indeed false
Greater power reduces chance of type II error
Greatly influences sample size
Often set at 0.80