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32 Cards in this Set

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The urgency is for everyone, regardless of age, to have a clear, concise explanation of… (finish the sentence)
their need for a savior and to understand the incomparable invitation by God to enter into an intimate relationship with Him
what are the two questions that Dr. Gutierrez would commonly be approached with “after preaching a sermon, at the church altar, hallway conversations in the university, Q&A discussion in a symposium, email communiqués, and phone calls?”
how do I know I am saved
how can I grow in my intimacy with God
H“[T]he possibility of these questions causing confusion…” (Be able to complete the sentence)
ought not to keep people from discussing them because the answers to these questions will ultimately bring peace to the human soul
“Paul’s response to the jailer is one simple statement,…” (Be able to complete the sentence)
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
It is interesting that the Bible _____ provides a full teaching of every concept of a doctrine within one verse or paragraph.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
“[T]he Bible disperses the full teaching of a particular doctrine within a number of _____ _____.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
related verses
), “As a result, one will not receive a full, clear teaching of a biblical concept until....” (Be able to complete the sentence)
all the verses related to a particular scriptural topic are researched
), “_____ _____ is needed in order to cognitively know the facts and volitional requirements of salvation needed to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
Perfect clarity
“To begin with, every Christian needs to stand firmly on the biblical truth that…” (Be able to complete the sentence)
Jesus is the only way to salvation
know what particular verse “teaches that we are spiritually lost and in need of salvation.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Romans 3:23
), “Every person needs to be saved because every person is _____ _____.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
spiritually lost
“[T]he state of spiritual lostness _____ be remedied by human means.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
• According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter One), “Our souls are condemned because of our _____ _____.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
sinful state
“[T]he Bible teaches us“To think that we could merit salvation by our own efforts is _____ and _____ to the God Who is the only One able to provide a sufficient payment for our sin.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
nauseating and offensive
“[T]he Bible teaches us that...
the gauge is God’s holiness, the perfect glory of God, and a standard that is possible for us to humanly reach.”
), know what particular verse “teaches that we deserve to be punished because of having a sinful heart.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
romans 6:23
“[F]irst you must conclude that there is _____ _____ _____ you can personally pay your own sin penalty.” (Be able to fill in the blanks)
no viable way
), know what particular verse “teaches that prior to salvation, even our best deeds or intentions are ineffective to save, and thus any attempt to save our own souls is repulsive to God.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Is 64:6
“[I]t is not the actions that save, but the change of _____ behind the actions that is required.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
), know what particular verse “teaches that there is no possible way to obtain salvation by actions, thoughts, or good deeds that we can do, think, or perform.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Titus 3:5
know what particular verse “teaches that we cannot bring anything of spiritual value in and of ourselves to the table that could positively persuade God to establish peace with Him apart from receiving His forgiveness.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Matthew 5:3
know what the word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 (“Ptokos”) (Pronounced “p-toe-COSS”) literally means.
totally destitue
utterly impoverished
), “Understanding our _____ and our inability to rectify it, we then and only then understand the true value of the mercy God lavishes upon us.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
), know what particular verse “teaches that no person is able to boast about how they are able to save their own soul because salvation is made available in the form of a gift from God to all who desire to receive His salvation.”? (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Ephesians 2:8-9
“The best deed in man’s eyes, and done with even the purest of intentions, will…” (Be able to complete the sentence)
never be able to change his spiritual state of sinfulness
), “It is impossible to change your spiritual state by _____ means.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
), “[T]he payment for one’s sin must come from a source that is …” (Be able to complete the sentence)
holy righteous and absent of any sin whatsoever
), know what particular verse “teaches that God extended an invitation for you to enter into a peaceful relationship with Him.” (Be able to recall the specific verse reference)
Romans 5:8
), “the degree to which we understand the depth of our lostness determines the degree to which we will _____ the gift of salvation that allows us to have peace with God.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
), “[A]side from God’s intervention, we would _____ remain in our sinful state that results in eternal judgment.” (Be able to fill in the blank)
), “People’s souls do not receive punishment because of a lack of an invitation to receive that peace, but because…” (Be able to complete the sentence)
they will not accept Christ's payment for sin
), Be able to identify the ‘four cognitive facts’ that anyone must know in order to be saved.
1. Agree with God regarding our sinful state
2. Believe that Jesus is God
3. Believe that Jesus' sacrifice was the only sufficent sacrifice to atone for your sin
4. Believe that Jesus physically rose from the dead thereby proving that He can conquer both physical and spiritual death.