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135 Cards in this Set

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Openness of government and policy to public.

Read a book.


Independent organisation that does something to honour those who have been victims/survivors.

Visited several with grandfather.


Purge or purification of those from a Communist standpoint.

USSR history erase.


Those who maintain high-ranking power as they did in the past (example: former KGB member now politician).

Power is maintained.


A forced/purposeful famine created in Ukraine by USSR who wanted to be competitive within the agricultural and industrial components of the world.

Nyet. You can't eat.


Internal security force of the German Democratic Republic.

Fashion police: blank and Clinton


Overall, helps the people of the country. Creates change in the country of origin and destination.

We learn and grow.


The act of sending money back to family of to the country of origin.

Not a bill but a check. Sort of.

Brain drain

The movement of professional resources from poorer countries to more developed/stable countries.

I learned all I can; now I shall leave.

Brain waste

Unable to use their intellect and resources in the new country due to a lack of employment.

Ah, you're very qualified but we currently have no openings.

Brain gain

Emigration of individuals who have higher intelligence levels and qualified training into the new country.

We got Potter! We got Potter!

Divided loyalties

Citizens of two nations; working within one country but loyal to another.

You're the point of an angle.


The action or process of uniting or helping an immigrant to feel they are a part of their new society and home.

We're all in this together.

3 types of migration

European - one country to the next. International - from one continent to the next. Asylum - escaping from a country to another for freedom and protection from the former.

_, _, _, O, U, and sometimes Y.

Jus Sanguini vs Ju Soli

Jus sanguini - A person (or their parents/grandparents) are of the same ethnicity/nationality. Ju soli - A person is born within the borders of a country - regardless of the parents ethnicity.

Blood and Dirt

Treaty of Rome/Common Market

First rough document of the EU that served as the Constitution until a final and official one was later introduced. 1957.

Rome = Home = #1 Grocery

Maastricht Treaty

Strengthened the power of Parliament through the Three Pillars.

Three vowels treaty

Treaty of Lisbon

Continued to strengthen Parliament - served as a more official Constitution.

le bison have #2 horns.

Qualified majority

Size and population of country determined the power; now it is population and historical significance.

Size isn't everything; it's what you can do to back-up your argument.

3 Pillars

1) The sovereignty of the three existing communities and the creation of EURATOM

2) Common Foreign & Security policy takes care of the military and foreign policy

3) Cooperation of Justice - mostly about borders and immigration.

Thumb, Pointer, and Pinky


Migrant group of Algerians who fought for France during the Algerian War - and later persecuted.

Hark! War - Fight - Cheated.


Group identity of shard experiences from 1962 - one of the groups to keep the memory of colonialism alive.

Le patriates more like __-patriates


Commemorative day for soldiers killed in Algeria - it is the date of ceasefire.

Stop. Cease.Stop - Almost end.

General Aussaresses

A fairly unknown man who openly admits to the torture that went on and shows a lack of remorse.

5 S's none to give away.


Former colony of France in Sub-Saharan-Africa and and Asia.

newspaper + herb

Article 4

Claims of research of French army overseas in was having a positive influence.

France is a good influence...

Evian agreement

Agreement signed in Evian that Algerian has won/became free from colonisation and called a ceasefire.

Algeria-aviator flies away.

Immigration choisie

Selective immigration - putting more standards to be met in order to qualify.

Pikachu, I choose you!


West African Reggae artist who created a satirical song about Sarkozy.

Ze Best!

Nikolas Sarkozy

He was the conservative party representative running for President (of France in 2008) - he won. Had controversial remarks.

My father was an immigrant...

Ethnic filtering (re. Spain)

Selecting those who would integrate (cough assimilate) into society better.

You're like me! Let's be neighbours.

Polish Plumber

Stereotype of professions based on what country you are from.

You must be a...

Le Corbusier

(Swiss) Planner behind the Million Program; believing that people are similar to plants in needing air, land, and nourishment.

I am a tree!

Million Program

Apartments/Housing that was built in the 1960's due to a shortage for the (growing) population.

Who wants to be a...

Ghetto(according to Caldwell)

When 2/3 of an area consist of one ethnicity.



French-born people; parents/grandparents from North Africa originally.

Hey NABeur


A suburb

Picket fences, cookie cutter houses.

Functional&Ideational Migration

Free labour mobility plays a central role in the establishment of a common European market, Migration that facilitates the creation of a common European identity.

Hug a pile of money or me

Temporary Migration

Populations migrated based on industrial opportunities for work - typically done when a higher profit can be made in a different country.

Follow the $$$$

Refugees/Person of Asylum

Someone who has been granted the right to live in a country because authorities suspect s/he will suffer persecutions at home (e.g., on account of race, ethnicity, political issues, etc.)

Behind the line of safety.

1971 UN Convention

All states of Europe - signed agreement or not - are obligated to take in refugees (not for political gain). Those who have signed are allowed to evaluate the asylum applications/claims and decide if the criteria has been met.

Relating to the treatment/access of Refugees

A8 Countries

Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Czech Republic.

S.P.E.L.L. Check.S. Huu

Schengen Agreement/Acqui

Original pilot project for today's borderless Europe. In 1985 - Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Germany signed an agreement on a riverboat. the Amsterdam Treaty (1999) integrated into the EU framework.

Fr Bel LuNG

SIS, Schengen Convention

Schengen Information System - supporting network SIRENE which instituted a system for sharing relevant political and legal information among signatory states.

Gossiping about club members


Immigrants from beyond the EEA+

Third Country National

Other vs Self

Acknowledgement of undesirable characteristics and on the lower half of the social hierarchy. The knowledge of belonging with a group of people based on cultural and social characteristics.

Bottom of the pyramid and on the bleachers with the band geeks.

Ideal types of citizenship (4)

1) imperial: belonging to the nation in terms of being a subject of the same power or ruler. 2) Folk/Ethnic:belonging to the nation in terms of shared(majority) ethnicity. 3)Republican belonging to the nation that has a political community, is based on a constitution, laws, and citizenship -others may join as long as they follow along. 4) Multicultural: same but ethnicities/cultures may break up into and form communities.

Imperial, Folk/Ethnic, Republican, and Multicultural.

Acquis communautaire

It serves as EU law; keeps track and enforces treaties, policies, etc.

EU as Sheriff


The monetary unit-transfer that is used throughout the EU countries (UK opted out).

European Economic and Monetary Union


Soviet operated forced labour camps. 1930-50's.



Lack of religious involvement in government and vice-versa.

Shouldn't combine religion with...

Decade of Roma Inclusion

2005-2015. Efforts of EU to integrate the most discriminated against minority in Europe (Romani).

Come together

National narrative

The history that a nation presents/writes about itself.

Opt out or keep in?

Copenhagen criteria

To join EU must meet criteria; 1) political stability 2) economic stability 3) acceptance of the acquis communitaire.

If you want to join our club you have to do...


German; coming to terms with the past.

If we do not know our history, it is doomed to repeat itself.


Power or influence that trascends national boundaries and governments.

Superheroes have less limits.


Gaining position of power.

The President was inaugurated.

Hadia Tajik

Norwegian of rising political power - labour party. Minister of Culture.

Norway: Hijab jibe.


Part of Spain that wishes to become independent from it due to the difference in language and economic balances.

I'm going to run away!

Critical Juncture

The practice/expression of artists (of various forms) about Communism within their country (Poland).

Communism Jumbledtogether


Romani people of Central Europe

Senter EU-R


Memorial of stones and art for victims of the Holocaust.

Stepping stone


The German plan to ethnic cleanse.

WW2 plan

Identity politics

A wide range of Diversity is covered within the political agenda and relevant issues.

Group A has Problem F


Massacre of 8000 Bosniaks (primarily males) in July 1985. Due to the conflicts within BiH

BiH cleansing

Orange Revolution

Ukraine protests the political happenings (electoral vote of new President - fixed/underhanded

Ukraine says no!

David Cameron

Conservative party - wants tougher, more restricted immigration laws within the EU - primarily due to the Romani coming into Britain.

Immigration - Sheffeld

Angela Merkel

Extremely powerful woman within the EU and supportive of all peoples - especially the marginalized (Islam).

Female Power Player


The opposite of assimilation.


Ottoman Empire

Turkish Empire under Sunni Islam - great power before its ultimate defeat.



Fear or hate of another group of people.

Idiotic people...

Dublin Regulation

The right to examine the Asylum applications and determine whether they are granted or not. 2003.



The supreme power and authority of a nation - followed.


Self-perpetuating stereotype

The individuals who are stereotyped become self-conscious about who they are.

Words can hurt people.

Flanders and Wallonia

Partition within Belgium due to language; dutch vs french

A split tongue

Dayton Accords

Peace agreement between Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia to end the war within BiH


Anders Breivik

Perpetrator of Norway bombings

He's not an islam terrorist, still a terrorist.

Baia mare

Mining centre of Romania


Slobodan Milosevic

Former president of yugoslavia and serbia - charged for crimes against humanity.

Man too power crazy.


union between belgium, netherlands, and luxembourg.



Liberal Market Economy

-Common, short-term, public

Coordinated Market Economy

-Specialised, long-term, close-knit

The Prince and the Pauper



European Stabilisation Mechanism - assists those Euro area member states financially during crisis - can loan up 500 Billion.

Single European Market - barriers of trade have been removed: production and movement of labour

Helping out family in debt

Knocking down walls


European Central Bank - Euro use; maintain purchasing power and stability of those 19 EU who use the currency (since 1999)

Phillip Banks is #1


Investments of the people are partially put towards bailing before bankruptcy can occur.

It's your money, I need it now!

Populist Radical Movements


France: Front National

Italy: 5-Star

Germany: Pegida

Greece: Syriza

Spain: Podamos

Common: anti-austerity, weak economy, xenophobia

PSP 5 National Star


Russian political youth movement - created by Russian government officials

Compared to Hitler youth

Preliminary ruling

Initial court ruling of a case is sent to court.

First to deliver


European Court of Justice

-28 anonymous members

Justice served in secret


European C of Human Rights

Court: Enforcer of human rights

Convention: Establishment of what human rights are

Twin C's but one is assertive and the other is creative

Darko Saric

One of the most notorious drug-traffickers in the Balkan Regions. Uses the Schengen and landlocked nation-states to more easily traffick. Plus: Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, etc. Saric trafficked in.

Deals "Stuff"


Not in Employment, Education, or Training. David Cameron (PM-Ireland) plan have people do 30 hours a week of volunteer work in order to continue receiving unemployment/welfare.

Do something to get something

Digital Politics

Estonia has transferred voting and other major components to be used completely online.

From the convenience of your couch.


Human, Organ, Labour, Etc.


Muhammad Political Cartoons

Inappropriate - against religion; sparked controversy. Denmark artist.

Bomb on Head.


Leader of Syriza (left-wing party) - looking for a bail-out rather than the current bail-in and wants a bail haircut (the debt owed). Popular candidate.

Leader of group that starts with the last letter of his surname and and ends with the first letter of his given name.


Greek left-wing party - 149/300 seats in Parliament



Between Moldova and Ukraine their is a strip of land (of the former) that wishes to secede. It is recognised only by non-EU members.

U...M... M I'm leaving, for U.


A form of going green. Plants are on the roof in order to help stop the spread of gases and to use another form of energy to use.

Nathan "Nat" hair...


Water that has been used for washing of dishes, bath/shower, etc. can be re-used by toilets, landscaped irrigation, etc.

Reduce. _______. Recycle.

passive house

A building/house built to use energy at its highest efficiency in a way that is extremely low-level in harming the environment.



Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe: originally a conference called SCSE in the 1970's and transitioned to its current name in 1994. First began as conferences to better connect nation-states and maintaining commitments they made. Transitioned to responding to how change due to cold war and later further advancements.

Forced to get along.


Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West. Far-right anti-islam organisation in Dresden that is against the supposed take-over of Islam in the Western World. Had weekly demonstrations. Criticised for being xenophobic and islamophobic

Like PETA but for Islam... T_T;


"We Can!" a left-wing political party (2014) in Spain. Became popular after only 4 months. Goal of combatting inequalities, unemployment, and economic disparities. Wants renegotiation of austerity measures.

Can we make make a change? Yes--


Journalists that were Latvian descent were fired and then they started their own website called Meduza.

Medusa strikes back

Uprising of the Decent

People marching in protest against Pegida marches

March battle

8 Tallet

8 house - a passive house that is designed as the old blocks were but then transformed to be more modern. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Figure 8 of architechture


Restructuring: of the Soviet political and economic system. Occurred during the glasnost (openness of politics).

Remodeling of Russia.

VanGend/direct effect

Direct effect -bring a right to the European Court even if it goes against their national law. Brought to effect due to van Gend case.

Van Gend Criteria

be clear,

be a negative, rather than positive obligation unconditional, containing no reservation on the part of the member state,

not dependent on any national implementing measure

Going to a higher authority.

Criteria: 4.


Danish Independent paper that posted the contest for the Muhammad cartoons.

Created Cartoon Controversy

Magistralefor Europe

Project expected to be completed by 2020 - a high-speed railway from Paris to Budapest.

Magic Train Rail...

cultof personality

When a person creates an image through use of media and propaganda.

Putin Worship Song.

cap and trade

cap - legal limit on quantity allowed to be used of a chemical.

Trade: if they have extra or need more they can trade

Gas Exchange


European working towards making sure the standards of education will allow a degree or courses be able to transfer from place-to-place.

Traveling smarts.


Swedish model

Legalisation of prostitution on both sides

Legalisation of selling prostitution.

All for it.

Ehhh... halfway.

Article5 Washington Treaty

if one nation in the alliance is attacked the rest come to the aid of it.

All for one, one for all.


Round Table International - Russian news source that presents at all times of the day.

Russian Tells

Costav. ENEL/ supremacy

Established that European law is greater than nation-states laws.

Italian man protested by not paying his electric bill.

I am the master.

Mare Nostrum

Waters by Italy that immigrants use in order to get on EU soil and be under their protection

O'er troubled waters

MarineLe Pen

Leader of Front National - platform; popular; xenophobic.

Uses popularity to create hate.

Charterof Stockholm, 2003

Create diversity within cities, towns, etc. - remove social exclusion and alienation.

Can't we all get along.

OsloDeclaration, 2009

Due to the climate change; making plans to use more eco-friendly means of energy.

Go green!!!!!!!!!


Ukrainian artist who sings song about how being led by Putin is the best leader basically.

My Putin, My dear Putin


largest italian island that immigrants go to in order to be on EU soil

Permanent (kind-of) vacation


a building that is used as sustainable energy source of plants.

Looks like Jenga...


Political opponent of Putin; murdered on bridge (near capital) and people honoured him though the government attempts to keep the memorium away.

He's the enemy, he's been killed.


Steel and Coal industry - region in Ukraine - formerly called Stalino

Once upon a time, in Stalino...


Largest city in Belarus


Swedish Artist behind Muhammad cartoons - has had islamist extremists attempt to murder him at least twice.



Belarus president since 1994 and has some policies that still reflect the USSR. Self-described authoritarian rule - people describe the country as under a dictatorship.

21 years in office


Declared independence from Serbia in 2008 - semi-recognised. Though Serbia continues to stake claim over it.

A child that thinks its independent - may be on the way.


A french satirical magazine that defined itself as anti-racist, far-left-wing, atheist and secular. It had cartoons, reports, jokes, politics, etc.

French Literature.


24th April 1915. Centennial anniversary. Estimated max of 1.5 Armenians killed. Turkey won't acknowledge it and says the people died due to starvation.

Deny. Deny. Deny.

Hrant Dink

The creator, editor, and a writer of Agos - an Armenian-Turkey based paper. He was murdered for being anti-Turkey due to some of his articles.

What he wrote, killed him.

RecepTayyip Erdogan

Popular member of AKP. Served as PM for 3 terms and currently prime minister.

Turkey popular man.


Justice and Development Party in Turkey -- very popular receives half or more of the votes typically. Been in office for the last 14 years and continues to remain. Double economy, got rid of military power, but has issues of human rights and freedom of speech.

Just D Party of the year...