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48 Cards in this Set

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Why is the UK a good place for trade?
Because it's surrounded by water and has easy trade ports.
What is acid rain?
Rain that contains diluted acid derived from burning fossil fuels.
What are fossil fuels?
Coal, oil, and gas. Burning these fuels cause acid rain.
European's largest industrial and transportation centers developed near...
Mineral deposits, especially coal and iron ore.
What is one of Germany's mineral deposits?
Ruhr Valley
What are natural resources?
Anything in the enironment that can be used by humans.
In which region of Russia are most natural resources?
Southwestern Russia
In which region of Russia are there the least amount of days without snow cover?
Southwestern Russia
Why is the Southwestern region of Russia good for trade?
There is less snow which allows for more trade; and, there are more natural resources.
Why is St. Pittsburg is the denlsliest in russia ?
It is the capital of Russia and has many beautiful canals, gardens, and palaces. It is a major trade station and receives many goods from railroads.
what area of russia has the greatest pop.
st. petersburg
What are the six factors that determine where people prefer to live?
Plenty of water, good land, favorable climate, important resources, religious significance, government, and transportation centers
What is air pollution?
Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odor in harmful
When does air pollution become harmful?
When amounts become harmful to the health or comfort of humans or animals, or can cause damage to plants and materials.
What substance causes air pollution?
What first caused air pollution in the United Kingdom?
The Industrial Revolution.
What was the Great Smog?
A mass of cold air that moved into Europe and stayed put. People burned more coal than they should have; 4,000 people died. (1952)
What is the cause of air pollution in the UK today?
Motor vehicle emissions (CO - Carbon Monoxide).
What is the effect of air pollution in the UK?
Thousands of premature deaths annually; and it contributes to acid rain and smog in several parts of the country.
What was the Chernobyl Disaster?
A nuclear reactor accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union.
Why is Western Germany densely populated?
Is it right next to the Rhine River and gets high volumes of goods.
Why is Eastern Germany sparcely populated?
Because they have a less developed economy and very bad climate
Why is the Western coast and southern Italy densely populated?
Because it is right next to the Mediterranean and Venice has a lot of canals (for trade)
Why is the North Western and Central Italy sparcely populated?
Because of the Alps and the lack of trade
Why is Southern UK densely populated?
Because it is a tourist attraction and good trade routes with Europe
Why is Northern UK sparcely populated?
Because it is farther away from the mainland
Why is Western Russia densely populated?
Because it is close to other countries and it has good imports and exports and good climate
Why is Eastern Russia spacely populated?
Because the climate is worse (cold) , permafrost, brief summers, and hard harder to import and export
What are Germany's economic activities?
They work in factories, service industries, and high tech
What are Italy's economic activities?
Tourism, and small business. Imports and export, and fishing
What is the UK's economic activities?
Service industries, farmers, tourism, and fishing
What is Russia's economic activities?
Crops and industries
what did the soviets react to the chernobyl
they soviets tried to hide what had happened. they hid it for three days
why did it take so long to get it fixed
the workers had to limit the time spent around the reactor
what imp. safty hazerd didnt the nuclear reacor have
it didn't have a concrete wall around it
why did helecopters drop sand, clay, and lead on the fire
to stop the fire and water couldn't stop it because the water would the radioactive partucles bigger
what defects did the incedent do
children were born with defects, peoples skins turned brown, and peoples skin fell off
what is pop. density
the people per square miles
wha is russias climat(s)
humid continental(east) subactic(west)
what is UK.s climate
marine west coast
what is germays climate
same as UK. marine west coast
what is Itlays climate
which two countries have the same climate
UK. and Germany
what is humid continental climate
long ,cold, snowy winters, and short, hot summers
what is subarctic climate
very cold, bitter winters, tempertures raise above freezing during summer
what is marine west coast climate
wind from ocean , cool summers, heavy rainfall, and winters are rainy and mild
what is the mediterranean climate
mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers
what resources were damaged in the chernobyl disaster
water, land , live stock, and food suplies