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53 Cards in this Set

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Old Regime
-political and social system
-before the French Revolution
*3 large social classes-->estates
First Estate
-Roman Catholic Church
-scorned Enlightenment ideas
-less than 1%-->owned 10% of land
-high offices
-exempt from taxes
-provided education and relief services to poor
-contributed 2% of income to government
Second Estate
-rich nobles
-highest offices of government
-disagreed about Enlightenment ideas
-->threatened their status and power as privileged persons
-2% of population-->20% of land
-paid almost no taxes
Third Estate
Bourgeoisie-->middle class merchants and artisans
-->well educated, Enlightenment ideal liberty and equality

Urban lower class-->workers, cooks, servants
-->low wages, frequently out of work, hungry

Peasant farmers-->more than 80% of population
-->paid half income to nobles, tithes, taxes

-no power to influence government
-embraced Enlightenment ideas
-resented clergy and nobles
-middle class
-merchants and artisans
-first group of Third Estate
-strongly believed in Enlightenment ideals of equality and liberty
Louis XVI
King of France- 1786
-exacerbated debt by borrowing heavily in order to help American revolutionaries against British
-put off duties as leader-->bankruptcy
Marie Antoinette
-wife of Louis XVI
-member of royal family in Austria, enemy of France-->unpopular
-spent a lot of money on gowns, jewels, gifts
--> "Marie Deficit"
-assembly of representatives
-all three estates
-bankruptcy-->Louis forced to call meeting of Estates General to get approval for tax reform
-medieval rules: each estate had one vote
-->first two estates have power to outvote third
National Assembly
-French congress
-representatives of Third Estate
-enact laws and reforms in name of French people
-each delegate counted as vote
-->advantage to Third Estate
Tennis Court Oath
-National Assembly
-continue meeting until drawn up new constitution
-Result: Louis orders nobles and clergy to join Third Estate in National Assembly
Great Fear
-senseless panic
-French countryside
-result of storming of Bastille in 1789
-caused by rumors of foreign massacre and terrorizing of peasants
-force king and queen out of Versailles
-anger, violence, rioting, killing, force, chaos, disorder

--->change of power and radical reforms
causes of the French Revolution
-unequal opportunities
-unequal taxation
-Third Estate-->98% population, least rights, taxes
-First and Second Estate-->2% population, most land, no taxes
--->resentment of lower classes
-Enlightenment ideals: equality, liberty, nature, democracy
causes of the French Revolution
-Louis XVI spends money on American Revolution
-->doubles debt
-bad weather-->crop failures-->grain shortage-->starvation
-high price of bread
-hunting rights to nobles only
causes of the French Revolution
-king could arrest without trial
-Old Regime- Estate General rules
-->all estates one vote
-->only clergy and nobles hold government office
-weak leadership of Louis XVI
-->borrowed heavily
-->allowed matters to drift
-->put off dealing with emergency
causes of the French Revolution
-Enlightenment ideas
-Enlightenment philosophers
-success of American Revolution
Events leading to the French Revolution
Meeting of Estates-General
-medieval rules-->1st and 2nd privilege
-larger 3rd estate change gov
-dramatic speech
--->National Assembly

Establishment of National Assembly
-end of absolute monarchy
-->representative monarchy

Tennis Court Oath
-3rd Estate locked out
-->stay out until new constitution
--->Louis orders nobles and clergy to join 3rd Estate in National Assembly

Storming of Bastille
-rumors of foreign massacre
-->overwhelm king's soldiers, Bastille falls to control of citizens
--->Great Fear
goals of the Revolution/National Assembly
-government positions
-limited monarchy
-even power distribution
-freedom of religion
goals of the Revolution/National Assembly
-lower/fairer taxes
-lower bread price
-all classes pay taxes
-relieve food shortages
goals of the Revolution/National Assembly
-natural rights
-separate church and state
-social equality
-->no privileges for aristocracy
-better treatment of poor
-freedoms of religion and speech
Declaration of the Rights of Man
-revolutionary ideals
-adapted by National Assembly

-3rd Estate more power
-resist oppression
-commoners in gov
-freedom of speech and relgion

-abolish feudal privileges
-freedom of speech and religion

-reform tax code
-everyone paying

-->women no rights
-->No Protestant or Jew rights
Legislative Assembly
-constitution of 1791
-French congress
-power to create laws and approve declarations of war

-left side of hall
-opposed king and monarchy
-sweeping gov changes
-->common people full power in republic

-center of hall
-some gov changes

-right side of hall
-upheld idea of limited monarchy
-few gov changes
-people who leave native country for political reasons
-peasant uprisings-->nobles flee
*extremely conservatives
-hoping to undo Revolution and restore Old Regime
"those without knee breeches"
*extreme left/radical
-Parisian wage-earners and small shopkeepers
-->greater voice in government
-->lower prices
-->end of food shortages
-no role in Assembly-->influence Jacobin Club
-most radical political club
-violent speeches
-wanted to remove king and establish republic
-tried Louis for treason-->guilty
-->death sentence
-beheading people
-thousands died, including Louis XVI
-Reign of Terror
-efficient, humane, democratic-->feel no pain
Maximilien Robespierre
-"republic of virtue"
-wipe out monarchy and nobility
-leader of Committee of Public Safety
-->governor of France
-nearly dictator during Reign of Terror
-terror enables citizens to remain true to ideals of Revolution

-->killing w/o trial
-->no freedom of speech
-->no religion
Committee of Public Safety
-identify enemies of the republic
-led by Maximilien Robespierre
-often had people tried in morning and guillotined in same afternoon
-deal with inflation, insurrection, inflation
-dictatorial powers
Reign of Terror
-mid 1793-mid 1794
-Maximilien Robespierre ruled France nearly as dictator
-thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens executed
National Assembly's constitution of 1791
(positives and negatives)
-natural rights
-balance of powers
-anyone can hold gov position
-->elected by people
-freedom of press, speech, religion
-king no stronger than law
-active vs. passive citizen

-still high taxes
-women don't have rights
-protects private property
-money requirement for voting
-->prevents poor from voting
-keep mob silent
Jacques Hebert
(Reign of Terror)
-leader of most radical wing of Jacobins
-terror tactics to "dechristianize" France
-blamed France's troubles on Catholic Church
-wanted to declare war on Catholic Church
-France almost entirely Catholic for over 1,000 years
Georges Danton
(Reign of Terror)
-most moderate of the radical Jacobin leaders
-spring of 1794-->wanted to stop killing/terror
-agreed with Robespierre that Hebert and Hebertists had to go
-Robespierre suspected he had something to hide
-arrested-->convicted of corruption

"Be sure to show my head to the people. It is well worth the trouble."
"I would rather be guillotined than guillotine further."
Law of the Maximum
(Reign of Terror)
-attempt to stop inflation
-tells storekeepers and merchants maximum they could charge for items
-caught overcharging-->harsh punishment
-make examples of those caught
-->frighten others into obeying

--->Did not stop inflation, but slowed it down
"Levee en Masse"/universal conscription
(Reign of Terror)
-deal with foreign armies on French soil
-everyone in France ordered to do duty to save revolution
-young men go to front
-married men forge arms and carry food
-women make tents, clothing and work in hospitals
-children turn old linen into bandages
-old men rouse courage and teach hated of kings and Republican unity
Law of 22 Prairial
(Reign of Terror)
-drawn up by Robespierre personally
-special new court
-try people accused of being "enemies of the people"
-acquittal or death
-permanent jury of seven
-accused not allowed lawyers or witnesses
-thousands killed
Napoleon Bonaparte
-military leader
-coup d'etat
-several reforms
-concordat with pope
-Napoleonic Code
-crowns self emperor
-continental system
-craves power
-always wanted to fight
coup d'etat
"blow of the state"
-sudden seizure of political power
-Napoleon's seizure of power
-direct vote
-country's people approve or reject proposal
-one held to approve constitution which gave all real power to Napoleon as first consul
-Napoleon set them up to provide government with trained officials
-students included children of rich and poor
-formal agreement
-usually between pope and government
-deal with Church affairs
-Napoleon signs one with Pope Pius in which gov recognizes influence of church, but rejects church control in national affairs
-->separates church and state in France
Napoleonic Code
-comprehensive and uniform system of laws
-limited many injustices
-promoted order and authority
-limited liberty
-took away women's right to sell property
-restricted freedoms of speech and press
-restored slavery
Battle of Trafalgar
-1805 naval battle
-Napoleon's forces defeated by British fleet
-British commander Horatio Nelson
-assured supremacy of British navy
-forced Napoleon to give up plans of invading Britain
-France vs. Third Coalition (British, Russia, Austria, Sweden)
How did Napoleon grasp power?
-great military leader
-defeated royalist rebels
-defeated Austrian troops
-in charge of military
-Legislative votes to dissolve Directory
-->3 consuls
-dictatorial power as first consul of French republic
-->coup d'etat
Napoleon's Reforms of Economy
Goals of Revolution:
-equal taxation
-lower inflation

Napoleon's Actions:
-fairer tax code
-national bank
-stabilized currency
-state loans to businesses

-equal taxation
-stable economy
Napoleon's Reforms of Government and Society
Goals of Revolution:
-less government corruption
-equal opportunity in government

Napoleon's Actions:
-appointed officials by merit
-fired corrupt officials
-code of laws

-honest officials
-equal government opportunity
-public education
Napoleon's Reforms of Religion
Goals of Revolution:
-less powerful Catholic Church
-religious tolerance

Napoleon's Actions:
-recognized Catholicism as "faith of Frenchmen"
-concordat with pope
-retained seized church lands

-religious tolerance
-government control of church lands
-government recognition of church influence
Did Napoleon achieve Revolution's goals?
-reduced government corruption
-equal opportunity in government
-fairer tax code
-separate church and state

*Napoleonic Code*
-limited liberty
-took away women's right to sell property
-restricted freedoms of speech and press
-restored slavery
-use of troops or ships
-prevent commercial traffic from entering or leaving region
-Napoleon ordered blockade to prevent trade and communication between Great Britain and other European nations
Continental System
-Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe
-intended to destroy Great Britain's economy
-meant to make continental Europe self-sufficient
-ended up hurting Napoleon and weakening France's economy
-smugglers brought cargo from Britain into Europe
-Napoleon's brother, Louis king of Holland, defied policy
-Britain responds with own blockade
-loosely organized
-fighting force
-surprise attacks on enemy troops occupying country
-Sp. guerillas struck at Fr. armies when they went through Sp. to invade Portugal
-fled into hiding-->Napoleon could not defeat them in open battle
Peninsular War
-Sp. rebels with aid of Br. forces fought to drive Fr. troops out of Sp.
-Spanish guerillas
-Napoleon loses 300,000 men--> weakens Fr. empire
-causes nationalism in Sp. and elsewhere
scorched-earth policy
-burning crops and killing livestock during wartime
-enemy cannot live off land
-Russia used this against France when Napoleon invaded--> SUCCESSFUL
-soldiers deserted French army to search for food
-many died of hunger
-village in Belgium
-Napoleon attacked British army
-Prussian army fought with British against French
-defeat against France ended Napoleon's last bid for power
Hundred Days
-brief period during 1815
-Napoleon made last bid for power
-deposes French king and again becomes French emperor