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209 Cards in this Set

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Seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country.
Native peoples of Australia, longest living group of people to this date.
David Livingstone
Scottish missionary, traveled with group of Africans deep into central Africa.
Henry Stanley
Found Livingstone, explored, hired by King Leopold II of Belgium.
Social Darwinism
A social theory in which one race was more superior than another.
Cecil Rhodes
Sucessful British businessman and encouraged people to westernize.
Berlin Conference
Meeting of 14 European Nations in 1884-85 to lay down rules for the division of Africa. Agreed that any European country could claim land in Africa by notifying other nations of its claims and showing it could control the area.
Boer War
Fight btwn. Boers and British bc Boers didnt want British to gain political rights. Winner: Britain
Policy in which Europeans governed people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them rights.
Policy in which the French hoped that the people would adopt French culture and become like the French people.
3 most powerful groups in Nigeria
Hausa-Fulani (Muslim, strong central gov't), Yoruba, and Igbo both who followed traditional religions and relied on local chiefs for control.
Edward Morel
British journalist
Samori Toure
Lead resistance movement in W. Africa against the French.
Maji-Maji (rebellion)
Magic water...
Menelik II
Emperor of Ethiopia, successfully played Italians, French and British against each other.
Interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products.
Selim III
Ottoman ruler who attempted to modernize army.
Greece gained independence in what year?
Crimean War
War involving Russians vs. Ottomans. Russia was trying to gain a warm weather port on the Black Sea. The combined forces of the Otto empire, Britain and France shut down Russia.
Florence Nightingale
Army nurses (Crimean War)
Muhammad Ali
Leader of Egypt. Fought series of battles in 1831, gained control of Syria and Arabia. Directed shift of agriculture to a plntation cash crop, cotton. Brought Egypt into intl marketplace.
Suez Canal
Built by Ali's grandson, Isma'il. Humanmade waterwater that cut through the Isthus of Suez. Connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
Leader who supported modernization of Persia, set up Tobacco boycott.
Indian soldiers
Jewel in the crown
Term referring to Britain's most valuable colony, India.
Sepoy Mutiny
Indian soldiers rising up against British.
Refers to British rule in India
King Mongukut
King of Siam, made progress to improve life in Siam along with son Chulalongkorn.
Opium War
War btwn. China and Britain over the trade of the drug Opium. Took place mainly at sea.
Extraterritorial rights
Rights gained by U.S. and other foreign citizens in China. Under these rights, foreigners were not subject to Chinese law at Guangzhou and four other Chinese ports.
Taiping Rebellion
Movement for great peace in China staeted by Xiuquan. Organized peasant army, and took control of large areas of SE China.
Sphere of Influence
Area in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment/
Open Door Policy
Proposed that China's "doors" be open to merchants of all nations. Declared by the US in 1899.
Boxer Rebellion
Campaign against the Dowager Empress's rule and foreigner privilege. Against westernization in China.
Young emperor of China in 1898, wanted to modernize China.
Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists
Empress Cixi
Commited to traditional values, backed self-strengthening movement, which updated the educational system, military and diplomatic service.
Treaty of Kanagawa
Japan opened two ports at which U.S. ships could take on supplies. Extended extraterritorial rights to foreign nations.
Took control of gov't; chose name of reign Meiji
Mutsuhito's reign is known as...
The Meiji Era, lasting 45 years
Who sent foreign officials over to other nations to observe Western ways?
Meiji emperor
Russo-Japanese War
Fought btwn. Russia and Japan for the land of Korea.

Japan drove Russia out of Korea.
Japan imposed this on Korea to bring it under their control...
Europe's Great Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Britain, Russia, Italy, and France.
The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Kaiser Wilheim II
Ruler of Germany that forced Bismarck to resign. Did not wanna share his power with anyone. Began a shipbuilding program in an effort to make the German navy equal to Britain's.
Countries in the Triple Entente
Britain, France, and Russia
Powder keg of Europe
Heir of Austro-Hungarian throne
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Black Hand
Secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule
Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungary
Great Britain, France, and Russia
Addition to the Allies
Addition to the Central Powers
Sir Edward Grey
Britain foreign minister who saw foresaw horror of war.
Deadlocked region in Northern France
Western Front
Schlieffen Plan
Germany's battle strategy, called for attacking and defeating France in the west and then Russia in the east.
Trench warfare
Soldiers fought each other from trenches.
Eastern front
Stretch of battlefield along the German and Russian border.
Gallipoli Campaign
The effort to take the Dardanelles strait. British, Australian, New Zealand and French troops made repeated assaults on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Submarines that sunk, without warning, any ship in the waters around Britain.
Unrestricted submarine warfare
British passenger ship sunk by German U-Boat submarine
Zimmerman note
Telegram written by Arthur Zimmerman, stating that Germany would help Mexico "reconquer" the land it had lost to the US if Mexico would become a German ally.
Date of WWI
The term in which a country devotes all their resources to the war effort.
Total war
People could buy only small amounts of those items that were needed for the war effort.
One-sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war.
Shirley Millard
American nurse during WWI
Czar Nicholas steps down in...
March 1917
Lenin seized power in the month/year...
November 1917
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Ended war between Germany and Russia in 1918.
An agreement to stop fighting
Paris Peace Conference
Meant to establish terms began at the Palace of Versailles
Big Four
Woodrow Wilsom (US), Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (Britain), Vittorio Orlando (Italy).
Writer of the Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson
Fourteen Points
Outlined plan for achieving a just and lasting peace.
First four points
Included an end to secret treaties, freedom of the seas, and reduced nat'l armies/navies
Fifth point
Adjustment of colonial claims with fairness towards colonial peoples.
Sixth through thirteenth points
Specific suggestions for changing borders and creating new nations
Fourteenth point
Proposed a "general association of nations" that would protect "great and small states alike"
Allowing people to decide for themselves under which government they wished to live. Guiding idea behind Wilson's Fourteen points.
Treaty of Versailles
Peace compromise signed btwn. Germany and Alied powers in June, 1919.
League of Nations
An international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations
League of Nations
An international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations
Major provisions in the Treaty of Versailles
War guilt, Military restrictions, Territorial losses, League of Nations
Germany was forced to...
...pay the Allies $33 billion in reparations over 30 yrs
Alexandar III
Forced harsh measures to wipe out revolutionaries, oppressed other groups within Russia
Worlds first longest continuous rail line
Trans-Siberian railway
Working class
Major leader of the Bolsheviks
Radicals who supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change.
Moderates who wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution.
Bloody Sunday 1905
200,000 Workers and their families approached the czar's winter palace. They carried a petition asking for better working conditions and personal freedom. Nicholas II's generals ordered soldiers to fire on the crowd. More than 1,000 were wounded and several hundred were killed.
Russian's first parliament
What Russian leader dragged Russia into WWI?
Nicholas II
Self-described holy man who said to have had magical healing powers. Influenced Czarina Alexandra, wife of Nicholas II.
Provisional Government
Temporary government
Local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers.
Lenin's slogan
Peace, land, bread
Red guards were part of what group?
Who was the White Army composed of?
Groups who supported the return of the czar, others who wanted democratic gov't, and even socialists who opposed Lenin's style of socialism.
New Economic Policym allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government. Gov't kept control of banks, major industries, and means of commincation.
Who implimented the NEP?
Communist party
Renaming of the Bolshevik party, came from the writings of Marx
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922
Two notable leaders of Communist party
Stalin and Trotsky
Stalin forced ____ into exile in 1929.
Describes a government that takes total centralized state control over every aspect of public/private life.
Methods of control in Totalitarian society
Police terror, indoctrination, propaganda/censorship, religious or ethnic persecution
Great Purge
Campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who disagreed with/threatened Stalin's power.
Communist newspaper
A system in which the government makes all economic decisions
Command economy
Stalin's Five-Year plan
Set impossibly high quotas to increase the output of steel, coal, oil, and electricity.
Collective farms
Large, government owned farms
Albert Einstein
German-born physicist
Theory of relativity
Ideas regarding light and time.
The search for meaning in an uncertain world.
Franz Kafka
Czech-born author, wrote The Trial & The Castle
Irish poet who wrote The Second Coming
William Butler Yeats
American poet who wrote about the postwar world as a 'wasteland' drained of hope and faith
T.S. Eliot
James Joyce
Irish author who wrote Ulysses, focuses on a single day in the lives of three people in Ireland.
Art movement seeking to link the world of dreams with reality
Expressionist painters who used bold colors, etc.
Klee and Kandinsky
Friederich Nietzche
Existentialist who wrote that Western ideas had affected people's creativity.
French philosopher, leader of Existentialism movement
Charles Lindbergh
American pilot who flew a 33-hr solo flight from NY to Paris
Worlds first commercial radio station
KDKA in Pittsburgh
Charlie Chaplin
British comedian
Risked arrest in favor of birth control
Labor-Saving devices in the US
Washing machine, fridge, vacuum cleaner, coffee pot.
Coalition government
Formed when no single party wins a majority, and a temporary alliance of several parties was needed to form a parliamentary majority.
Weinmar Republic
Germany's new democratic government, failed quickly
Dawes Plan
Helped slow inflation, provided $200 mil loan to Germany to stablizie currency.
Stresemann and Briand
Signed treaty (Germany-France) saying they'd never fight again.
u.s. secretary of State who arraigned agreement with Briand to end fighting.
Year of the stock market crash
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lead U.S. out of depression
New Deal
Provided public work projects to help provide jobs to stimulate economy.
Militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader.
Newspaper editor/politician who promised to rescue Italy by reviving its economy and rebuilding its armed forces.
Benito Mussolini
German brand of Facism
Novel writen by Hitler while he was in prison
Mein Kampf
Living space
Black-Uniformed unit protection squad loyal to Hitler
SS, Schutzstaffel
Leader of China's army in 1930s
Jiang Jieshi
Ethiopian emperor asking for help to protect Ethiopia from Italy
Giving into an aggressor to keep peace
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy and Japan
Francisco Franco
General who lead army eaders in favor of a Facist-style gov't in Spain
Belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided.
Third Reich
Hitlers plan to absorb Austria/Czechslovakia and create Third Reich, his German empire.
Munich Conference
Held in Sept 1938 with Germany, France, Britain and Italy.
Nonaggression pact
Stalin signed this with hitler for 10 years
Lightning war, new military strategy used by Germany
Phony War
no attacks, just staring of troops
Charles de Gaulle
French general who set up a government-in-exile in London. Wanted to get France back from Germans.
Royal Air Force, British
Germany's air force
Battle of Britain
Fights in Britain vs. Germany
Operation Barbaross
Hitlers plan to invate the USSR
"Desert fox" German general fighting for Hitler
USSR general that counterattacked GERMANS.
Atlantic Charter
Roosevelt + Churchill met secretly and issued a joint declaration. It upheld free trade among nations and the right of people to choose their own gov't.
Commander of the Allied land forces in the pacific
Night of Broken glass when Hitler attacked Jewish homes, businesses, etc.
Final solution
Program for genocide
Segregated Jewish areas
Largest of the extermination camps
American general who led the Allies
Dwight Eisenhower
Battle of Stalingrad fought btwn...
USSR and Germany
Process of creating a government elected by the people
Disbanding the Japanese armed forces
Nuremberg Trials
Trials in which Nazis were tried for crimes against humanity.
Meeting btwn. Churchill, FDR, Stalin
Yalta Conference
Iron Curtain
Churchill's term for Europes division into mostly democratic W. Europe and Communist E. Europe
Foreign policy adopted by Truman, directed at blocking Soviet influence and stopping expansion of communism.
Marshall Plan
Plan for US to help needy European countries financially
Support for countries that rejected communism
Truman's doctrine
Cold War
Struggle over political differences carried on by means short of military action/war
Warsaw Pact
Included USSR, E. Germany, cZECHOSLOVAKIA, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania
W. Europe and US, Canada
Willingness to go to the edge of war
Satellite launched into space by USSR
Mao Zedong
Communist leader in NW China
Mao Zedong vs. Jieshi
Communists vs. Nationalists, civil war. Victory by Zedong.
Large , collective farms
Red Guards
Milita units formed by HS/College students
Uprising led by Red Guard, and its goal was to establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal
Cultural Revolutuon
38th parallel
N. Korea sweeps across 38th parallel in surprise attack on S. Korea. S. Korea asked UN to intervene.
Young Vietnamese nationalist who ruled N. Vietnam by crushing opposition
Ho Chi Minh
Ngo Dinh Diem
US/FRANCE set up an anti-communist gov't under his leadership
Domino theory
Fall of communism would lead onto neighbors
Communist rebels who set up a brutal Communist gov't
Khmer Rouge
Communist guerrillas
Third world
developing nations, newly independent, not aligned with either superpower
Sandinista leader
Dan Ortega
Nicaraguan dictatorship
Anastatio Somoza
to trip
Dominant soviet leader in 1950s after stalin.
Replacement to Khrushchev after he was removed from power.
Policy for lessening cold war tensions
Strategic arms limitation talks
Ruling committee of the communist party
Openess policy anounced by Gorbachev
economic restructuring plan proposed by Gorbachev 1985
Who defeated Gorbachev?
Abrupt shift to free-mark economies
Shock therapy
Merging of the two germanys