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43 Cards in this Set

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Ahura Madza

In Zoroastrianism, the good god who rules the world

Angra Mainyu

in Zoroastrianism, the evil god, engaged in a cosmic struggle with Ahura Mazda


a Greek polymath philosopher (384-322 BCE) student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great


the human soul, which in classic Hindu belief seeks union with Brahman

Ban Zhao

a major female Confucian author of Han dynasty China (45-116CE) whose works give insight into the implication of Confucian thinking of women.

Bhagavad Gita

a great Hindu epic text, part of the much larger Mahabharata, which affirms the performance of caste duties as a path to religious liberation.

Bhakti movement

an immensely popular development in Hinduism, advocating intense devotion toward a particular diety.


the "World Soul" or final reality in upanishadic Hindu belief


the priestly caste of India


the cultural/religious tradition first enunciated by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)


the Chinese philosophy first enunciated by Confucius, advocating the moral example of superiors as the key element of social order

Confucius (Kong Fuzi)

The founder of confucianism (551-479 BCE); an aristocrat of northern China who proved to be the greatest influence on Chinese culture in history


roman emperor whose conversion to Christianity paved the way for the triumph of Christianity in Europe


the central text of Daoism; translated as The Way and Its Power


a Chinese philosophy/popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature, founded by the legendary figure Laozi

filial piety

the honoring of one's ancestors and parents, a key element of Confucianism

Greek rationalism

a secularizing system of scientific and philosophic thought that developed in classical Greece in the period 600-300BCE; it emphasizes the power of education and human reason to understand the world in nonreligious terms


a word derived form outsiders to describe the vast diversity of indigenous Indian religious traditions


a very influential Greek medical theorist (ca. 640-ca. 370 BCE); regarded as the father of medicine


One of the most important prophets of Judaism, whose teachings show the transformation of the religion in favor of compassion and social justice (8th century BCE)

Jesus of Nazareth

the prophet/god of Christianity (ca. 4BCE-ca. 30CE)


the monotheistic religion developed by the Hebrews, emphasizing a sole personal god (Yahweh) with concerns for social justice


in Hinduism, the determining factor of the level at which the individual is reincarnated, based on purity of action and fulfillment of duty in the prior existence


a legendary Chinese philosopher of the sixth century BCE; regarded as the founder of Daoism


a Chinese philosophy distinguished by an adherence to clear laws with vigorous punishments


"great vehicle" the popular development of Buddhism in the early centuries of the Common era, which gives a much greater role to supernatural beings and proved to be more popular than original (Theravada) Buddhism.


in Hindu belief, liberation from separate existence and union with Brahman


the end goal of Buddhism, in which individual identity is "extinguished" into a state of serenity and great compassion


a disciple of Socrates whose Dialogues convey the teachings of his master while going beyond them to express Plato's own philosophy; lived from 429-348 BCE


a major greek philosopher (ca. 560-ca. 480 BCE) who believed that an unchanging mathematical order underlies the apparent chaos of the world

Saint Paul

the first great popularizer of Christianity (10-65CE)

Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)

the Indian prince turned ascetic (ca. 566-ca.486BCE) who founded Buddhism


the first great Greek philosopher to turn rationalism toward questions of human existence (469-399 BCE)

Thales of Miletus

a Greek natural philosopher (ca.625-ca. 547BCE) noted for his application of reason to astronomy and for his questioning of fundamental nature of the universe


Roman emperor 379-395BCE who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman state, banning all polytheistic rituals


"The Teaching of the Elders" the early form of Buddhism according to which the Buddha was a wise teacher but not divine and which emphasizes the practices rather than beliefs


Indian mystical and philosophical works, written between 800 and 400 BCE


the earliest religious texts of India, a collection of ancient poems, hymns, and rituals that were transmitted orally before being written down in 600BCE

Warring States period

Period in China from 403-221 BCE that was typified by disorder and political chaos

yin and yang

expression of the Chinese belief in the unity of opposites


a Persian prophet, traditionally dated to the sixth or seventh century BCE, who founded Zoroastrianism. (could be much older)


a Chinese philosopher (369-286 BCE) who spelled out the teachings of Daoism


Persian monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zarathustra