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33 Cards in this Set

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Four common causes of hypercalcemia
Primary hyperparathyroid
What are 3 more uncommon causes of hypercalcemia
apocrine gland carcinoma
multiple myeloma
vitamin D toxicosis
What cells produce PTH?
Chief cells
The cuase of excessive PTH is usually a (type of tumor)
solitary parathyroid adenoma
How dose parathyroid hormone related protein cause hypercalcemia?
secretion of parathyroid hormone related protein activates osteoclasts and PTH is suppressed
How do animals get PU secondary to hypercalcemia?
Hypercalceia interfers with the renal mechanisms for reabsroption of sodium and cannot respond to ADH
What is seen on Chemistries for classical primary hyperparthyroidism
List the caners that commonly cause hypercalcemia (4):
apocrine gland carcinoma of anal glands
mammary gland adenocarcinoma
vaginal sarcoma
multiple myeloma
What type of calcium is the biologically active component? What serves as the storage pool for the active component?
ionized (free calcium)
protein bound
The formula for corrected calcium
= total calcium - albumin +3.5
Dosent' work in cats
Inital TX for hypercalcemia (while hospitilized)
TX underlying cause
IV fluids - 0.9% NaCL
sodium bicarb
glucocorticoids - only when neoplasia R/O
Pathophysiology of phospherous during hyperparathyroidsim
PTH induced inhibition of phospherous from kidneys resulting in excessive loss.
If see hypophysphatemia - what are two DDX
primary hyperparathyroidism
hypercalcemia of malignancy
How dose saline help with high calcium
competes with Ca in kidneys and cuases it to be excreted
How dose furosemide help with hypercalcemia?
inhibits calcium absoption from the loop of Henle
How do glucocorticoids help with hypercalcemia (3)?
Reducing bone resorption of caldium
decreasing intestinal absorption
increasing renal clerance
What is the mechanism on how CRF causes hypercalcemia?
high phosperous -> low iCa -> decrease calcitriol from kidneys-> lower Ca -> stimulate PTH production
What is calcitriol?
hormone produced by kidneys
calcium to be absorbed by: intestines & kidneys
For SX correction, what mg/dL would be high risk for post-op hypocalcemia?
15 mg/dL
What levels should post op calcium be around?
8-9.5 m/gL
How soon after hyperparathyroidism SX can hypocalcemia occur?
12 hours
If Calcium is above 15 mg/dL prior to SX correction of hyperparathyroidism, what TX should be started?
Vit D +/- calcium therapy prior to SX
What is the DDx for hypercalcemia in cats?
Neoplastic - LSA, SCC
Is a cat's parathyroid mass palpable? Dogs?
What happens in the body to increase Ca if the parathyroid stops working
mobilization of Ca and P from bone
renal retention of Ca and excretion of P
absorbing Ca from intestine
Nervous system becomes_ with low calcium
increases membrane permability
What calcium levels cause tetany?
6.5 mg/dL
C/S with hypoparathyroidism
"always tense"
rubbing/pawing at face
focal muscle twitching
generalized tremmors
Diagnosis of primary hypoparathyroidism
undetectable PTH
Emergency TX for hypocalcemia
calcium gluconate 10% over 10-30 min
Monitor ECG
Once emergency tetany has been controlled, what maintenance TX can e used?
calcium gluconate SQ
oral vitamin D
Maintenance at home TX for hypocalcemia?
Vit D therapy (dihydrotachysterol)
oral calcium - calcium carbonate
Cause of hypoparathyroidism?
immune medicated
cats -itatrogenic - thyroid SX