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71 Cards in this Set

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What occurs with DM on a histological level of the spinal cord?


axonal degeneration (loss of neurons)


of the white matter (what transmits the movement/sensory info from limbs to brain)

Etiology of Degenerative Myelopathy


possible inheritance

Gender prediliction for DM?

males MC

How long are dogs with DM until they are nonambulatory

several months to 1 year after diagnosis of DM

What neurological functions are still intact with DM

cutaneous and deep pain perception

TX for DM?

No effective TX has been reported

vitamin supplementation

epsilon-aminocaproic acid

N acetylcysteine


What dose DISH stand for

diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

signalment for DISH lesions

young dogs - large and giant breeds

What criteria must be met to be diagnosed with DISH lesions

Must meet 4 of the 5:

1 ventral ossification along 3 continual vetebral bodies

2 preservation of disk space

3 periarticular osteophytes surrounding vetebral joints

4 formation of pseudoarthrosis between spinous processes

5 enthesophytes



Etiology of discospondylititis

bacteria or fungi from

migrating plant awns

hematongenous spread

extension of paravetebral infection

penetrating wound

previous disk SX

Where vetebral bodies do plant awns affect with discospondylitis


What is the most common cause of discospondylitis

hematogenous spread

Causes of discospondylitis

Brucella canis


Signalment for discospondylitis

large and giant breed dogs

MC location for discospondylitis

Occur anywhere

T3-L3 MC

L2-L4 - grass awn

Radiographic findings of discospondyltitis

destruction of the bony endplates

collapse of IVD space

+/- new bone formation

What diagnostics should be performed for discospondylitis?

aerobic/aneaerobic and fungal cultures

B. canis evaluation

TX of discospondylitis

long term ab:

cephalosporins or B lactamase resistant penicillins

TX for 6 weeks - 6 months

monitor rads q 2-3 weeks

Should respond w/in 2 weeks

What are dural ossification

formation of bony plaques on the inner surface of the dura matter

C/S with dural ossification

rarely causes spinal pain

This is a chronic, slowly progressive (several months) encephalomyelitis of unknown etiology in immature and mature cats


feline polioencephalomyelitis

Borna virus

This is an inhertied lysosomal storage disease that results from a deficiency of galactocerbrosidase activity

globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe-type Leukodystrophy)

What breed of dog get Globoid cell leukodystrohy


What occurs histologically with globoid cell lekodystrophy

demylenation of the white matter everywhere

What age is globoid cell leukodystrophy seen

2-6 months of age and are progressive

DX of globoid cell leukodystrophy

DNA test

Inhertited progressive, generalized ataxia has been reported in these breeds

fox terriers

jack russels

Age of onset for heredity ataxia

2-6 months of age

Feeding what causes hypervitaminosis A of cats


Most common areas affected with hypervitaminosis A


What occurs with Type 1 disk disease

degenertion and rupture of the dorsal anulus fibrosus and extruxion of the nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal.

chondroid degeneration - increase collagen content of the disk, aleration of glycosaminoglycan concentration of the nucleus pulposus and decreased water concentration of the disk

What occurs with Type 2 disk disease

Bulging of the intervetebral disk without complete rupture of the anulus fibrosus

fibroid disk degenration - fibrous metaplasia of the nucleus pulposus

Where are the MC disk extrusion sites


What type of disk disease do cats have?

Type II

What is FCE

fibrocartilaginous embolism causing ischemic myelopathy

What happens anatomically with FCE

iscemic necosis of the spinal cord gray and white matter associated with fibrocartilaginous emboli that occlude arteries/veins of the leptomaninges and spinal cord.

The fibrocartilaginous substance possibly originate from the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disk.

How dose FCE present

acute onset of neurological deficits and is generally nonprogressive after several hours

Signalment for FCE

large/giant breed dogs

C/S not progressive over 12 hours

Not painful




tend to be asymmetrical

R/O other diseases

TX for FCE

good nursing care

can take weeks to Months for return to function

LMN can persist

Prognosis for FCE

if retain pain and tail perception regain function (can take a long time)

loss of pain for 24 hours have a poor prognosis

WHt happens with leukoencephalomyelopathy of Rottweilers

demylinating disorder of the brain and spinal cord

What occurs clinically with leukoencephalomyelopathy of Rots



progressive tetraparesis and hypermetria of the thoracic limbs

18-42 months


What nerve roots make up cauda equina

(Name of nerves)



caudal and pelvic nerves

What is the instability or ventral displacement of the sacrum with respect to L7 called


TX for LS disease

confinement for 4-6 weeks

SX for those with severe effects and urinary/fecal incontience

This is a group of diseases that results from a defect in the metabolism of gulcosaminoglycans


What are the 2 subclasses of mucopolysaccharidosis?



What breed is MPS associated with


What are the clinical findings of MPS VI

small head

flat boad face

widely spaced eyes

corneal clouding

small ears

depressed bridge of nose

large forepaws



This describes a number of malformations of the spinal cord believed to result from incomplete closure or development of the neural tube


Myelodysplasia is considered an inherited condition in the ____


C/S of myelodysplasia

- lesion localization

- gait abnormality


symmetrical bunny hopping

This disease causes accumulation of axonal spheroids throughout the neruoaxis

neuroaxonal dystrophy of rottweilers

C/S of neuroaxonal dystrophy of Rottweilers

progressive ataxia and severe hypermetria esp. of the front limbs

What is osteochondromatosis

What are pilonodal sinus? anatomically

invagination of the skin dorsal to the spine that extends below the skin to variable depths and in some cases to the dura mater when it may communicate with the subarachnoid space

Why do pilonodal sinuses form

failure of complete separation of the neural groove from the epidermal during embryonic development.

Other names for pilonidal sinus

epidermoid cyst

dermoid cyst

What causes myelomalacia?

acute severe spinal cord injury that results in progressive ascending and descending infarction and hemorrhagic necrosis of the spinal cord parenchyma.

Following explosive IVDD

C/S of myelomalacia

generaly lesion localization


severe neurological deficits

peracture onset (several hours)

extreeme pain, anxious and have increased temperature

How is a clinical DX of myelomalacia made?

progressive clinical signs

acute onset of paraplegia T3-L3 that shows LMN in pelvic and thoracic limbs should be syspected of having more than one lesion or PHM.

Prognosis of progressive hemorrhagic myelomalacia

fatal in 24-48 hours



Clinical signs of this disease consist of dogs under a year of age, progressive paralysis, and rigid extension of both pelivic limbs.

T. Gondi


What type of organism is T. Gondii

Definitive host





What is spina bifida

Failure of fusion of the vetebral arches with or without protrusion of the spinal cord meninges

Signalment for spina bifida


English bulldogs

Mc in lumbar spine

C/s when start walking

No tx

Signalment for spina bifida


English bulldogs

Mc in lumbar spine

C/s when start walking

No tx