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49 Cards in this Set

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anomaly (n)
deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
A (no) + Normality = "A Not Normality"
assuage (v)
to pacify, to quench (thirst), to relieve
Ass-Usage provides much ___ on the toilet
enigma (n)
mystery: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
equivocal (adj)
ambiguous: open to two or more interpretations; or (often) intended to mislead
If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.
erudite (adj)
having or showing profound knowledge
Those who are erudite are often RUDE+ite(s) to those apparently "beneath them".
fervid (adj)
ardent: characterized by intense emotion; or very hot
1) fer ~ fur
2) vid ~ video
= video with girls in furs = extremely hot
lucid (adj)
transparently clear; or easily understandable;
lucid has root 'luc', means 'light' Under the clear light, we easily understand everything
opaque (adj)
can't be seen through; impenetrable to sight; or not clearly understood or expressed
The OPening wAs QUEstionable because no light was coming through. Therefore, it was OPAQUE.
placate (v)
pacify: cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;
PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone
precipitate (v)
to throw violently; or to being about abruptly
precipitate also means to rain, rain HAPPENS SUDDENLY
precipitate (adj)
hasty & rash: lacking deliberation
Precipitate -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something
prodigal (adj)
recklessly wasteful
To be PRO with GALs, you must waste a lot of money.
zeal (n)
passion, excitement; excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end
Zeal sounds like meal meaning food. Therefore to earn a meal for your family you need to work with great zeal. You need zeal to earn a meal.
abstain (v)
to choose not to partake
ab (= 'away') + stain = stay away from substance that comes in (stains)
adulterate (v)
to corrupt w/ a foreign substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones
ADULTERY reduces purity in marriage
apathy (n)
trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally
a (= 'negative') + pathy (= feelings ) = NO + FEELINGS
audacious (adj)
disposed to venture or take risks; bold, daring
Trait needed to be AUDIBLE in front of a crowd
capricious (adj)
determined by chance/whim/impulse, not necessity or reason
CAR PRICES these days are not logically determined, it seems.
corroborate (v)
to establish or strengthen as w/ new evidence or facts
CO-ROB & ORATE (speak publicly) to affirm your robber statuses
desiccate (v)
to lose water or moisture
What a DESERT would do to a CAKE
engender (v)
to make children; to cause, produce, or give rise to anything
When ENDANGERED, there's a need for ENGENDERING a new child
ephemeral (n); (adj)
(n) anything short-lived
(adj) lasting a very short time
- phermi ~= fermi = a very small scientific unit
-> very short RL
gullible (adj)
naively tricked for being too trusting
GULLIBLE GILLIGAN & that mean old Skipper
homogeneous (adj)
all of the same nature
HOM (= 'same') + GEN (= 'kind')
laconic (adj)
brief and to the point; effectively cut short
total LACK of a speech
laudable (adj)
worthy of high praise
"O Lord! Let me laud You for all your help!"
loquacious (adj)
full of trivial conversation
LOQ (speech, talk) + voracious
mitigate (v)
to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
mitigate:anything :: Colgate:plaque
pedant (n)
a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
Pedant rhymes with PATENT. Usually those students get PATENT who do research. Since they do research they must be an erudite scholar.
pragmatic (adj)
guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory
PRA + gma + TIC = PRA + c + TIC + al
propriety (n)
correct or appropriate behavior
Propr (~= proper) +iety = proper in conduct&actions
vacillate (v)
to move or sway in a vertical/horizontal wavelike pattern; be undecided about something
~= OScillate = something which moves from one position to another position
volatile (adj)
liable to lead to sudden change or violence; evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures
Think 'Volatile memory' (= computer memory which gets erased when power is turned off, i.e., changed suddenly like RAM)
Thus, VOLATILE means...
advocate (v)
to speak, plead, or argue in favor of
VOCal opposite of hATE is a vocal praise
antipathy (n)
a feeling of intense dislike or aversion
bolster (v)
to support and strengthen
Bolts bolster a wooden structure.
cacophony (n)
loud confusing disagreeable sounds; a loud harsh noise
A symPHONY of "caco"-tiels
deride (v)
to treat or speak of with contempt
dissonance (n)
disagreeable sounds, noise; a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
DIS + ReSONANCE = not resonance
enervate (v)
to weaken mentally or morally; to disturb the composure of
If someone ATE your ENERGY (ENER+vATE), you would be WEAKENED or tired.
eulogy (n)
a formal expression of praise (usually done for one who has died recently)
'eu' (= good) + 'log' (= speech, talk) => Good speech
garrulous (adj)
full of trivial conversation
garrulous ~ "garls" ~= girls. And, girls certainly chat a lot more than guys do.
ingenuous (adj)
characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious, innocent
In+genuine- In genuine relationship people are ingenuous and trusting to each other.
lethargic (adj)
deficient in alertness or activity
how you feel when you're ALLERGIC to something near you
malleable (adj)
capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; easily influenced
Many women believe they can mold their MALE (malle) partners into ABLE-bodied husbands.
misanthrope (n)
someone who dislikes people in general
"misien" (=" to hate") + "anthropos" (= "mankind")
obdurate (adj)
showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
DURAble 'O Boya' to the feelings of Negima's female classmates
ostentation (n)
visual lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity
Austin (~osten) Powers and love for his mojo
a statement that contradicts itself
The concept behind the phrase "I always lie.".