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110 Cards in this Set

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parrots (hookbills)
fowl (chicken, turkey)
waterfowl (geese, ducks)
altricial chicks
reared until they fledge
precocial chicks
leave in days
ex. chickens
Avians respond to positive or negative (punishment) reinforcement?
Do toys help boredom?

What do horse neighs & whinnies mean?
long distance communication
What do horse nickers mean?
come closer
What do horse squeals mean?
What do horse short snorts mean?
alarm, play
What do horse groans & sighs mean?
discomfort, tired, bored
What do horse roars & screams mean?
extreme arousal
What does a horse foot stomp mean?
low level threat or discomfort
What does horse pawing mean?
With horses, is positive or negative (punishment) reinforcement work?
Do toys work for boredom?
negative - ask, tell, make training

Type of horse stereotypies
weaving, fence/stall walking, pawing, head shaking

oral problems - cribbing, tongue playing, lip smacking, hay dipping, wood chewing, biting
Do birds have strong bonds to their young?
altricial - must rear young until they fledge

precocial - leave within days
Do horses have strong bonds to their young?
Policy on horses initiating contact
DONT let them! YOU must be the alpha personality
How many bites of forage do cattle eat per day?
30,000 bites/day
How long do cows on forage chew their cud?
6-10 hrs/day
How long do cattle on concentrates chew their cud?
0-6 hrs/day
What are the steps of cudding?
regurgitate (fibrous layer)
What percentage of resting cows should be chewing their cud?
What is a total mixed ration made of?
60% concentrate
40% forage
What is the milk given-to-concentrate eaten ratio?
1 lb concentrate eaten for every 3 lb of milk given
What factors go into making a proper free stall for cattle?
lunge space
good environment (ventilation, temp)
How do cattle stand up?

roll to put legs underneath
straighten rear legs --> lunge forward 18in
take 1 step forward for balance --> stride
How is cattle social structure set up?
hierarchy pyramid, not linear

boss cow or bull
What is the "boar syndrome"?
When 1 cow in a herd is a different color than the rest & is outcast
Are cows typically attached to their calves?
they'll protect their calves for 1st few hours--days
-hides calf from the herd for 1-2 days

lick calf
How long is a cow's reproductive cycle?
21 days
How long is a cow in heat?
12-18 hours
How do you tell that a cow is in heat?
increased activity, vocalization, social interaction
How long does it take a calf to stand?
10-60 min
How large is a typical bovine flight zone?
range cattle - up to 90 feet

dairy cattle - 5ft to non-existent
Are camelid mothers typically attached to their young?

interested, but don't lick or physically contact them much

prefer to be touched on their back or distal neck--NOT the head
Rules about camelids initiating contact
THEY want to do it
What does a camelid's hum/cluck mean?
bonding with cria
What types of alarm sounds to camelids make?
alarm squeal

ear-piercing scream
What sound do male camelids make? When?
orgling during mating
What different types of spit do camelids produce?
grain - food

saliva - warning

"serious" - green stomach contents
Which large animal is an induced ovulator?

How long are their follicular waves?

What is unique about camelid breeding? How long does it take?
they breed lying down (kush position) and can breed year round

takes 20-50 min or more
Do male or female camelids initiate reproduction?
Male rides female until she lies down or spits him off
Do male or female bovines initiate reproduction?
Bulls are turned loose and will ride a female; if receptive, she'll "stand"
Do male or female horses initiate reproduction?
males smell female pheromones with the flehmen response & will attempt to mount
What is parturition called with camelids?
unpacking or criation
What is parturition called with equines?
Do camelids give birth during the day or at night?
90% in the morning
How long is an equine's gestation period?
11 months
How long is a camelid's gestation period?
11 months
How long does it take a cria to stand after birth?
1 hr
How long does it take a cria to begin nursing?
within 2 hrs after standing
How long (post partum) before a camelid can rebreed?
10d but better if 20-30d
What are typical eliminatory behaviors for camelids?
"dung piling" of odorless "rabbit pellets"
Does positive or negative reinforcement work better for camelids?
positive via clicker training
How large is a typical group of wild swine?
5-10 with 1 lead boar
What is typically allelomimetic behavior of swine?
when one eats, they all eat

when one nurses, they all nurse (every 55 min)
How do submissive pigs end a fight?
stop eye contact by hiding head
Do pigs have upper and lower teeth?
Do cattle have upper and lower teeth?

lower incisors & an upper "dental pad"
Are sows protective of their pigs? How do they recognize them?
yes, very. especially if they squeal

by association to the nest
At what age are pigs commercially weaned?
3-5 weeks
At what age will a sow wean her own pigs?
3-4 months
Is it easy to foster pigs?
yes, within the 1st 2 days
Do toys help curb swine boredom?
What is parturition called for swine?
pigging or farrowing
At what age do gilts reach puberty?
6-8 months
Sows are polyestrous. How often is their cycle?
every 19-21 days
How long are sows in heat?
24-72 hours
How long are sows receptive?
12-32 hours
When do sows ovulate?
2nd day of heat
How long does actual coitus last for swine?
3-12 min
How long is sow gestation?
3mo, 3wk, 3days = 114 days
How long post weaning do sows come into heat?
4-7 days
Do the male or female swine initiate courtship? How long can this courtship last?

24 hr courtship
How long before farrowing do sows nest?
7-14 hours
How long before farrowing are sows put into farrowing crates?
5-7 days
What is the average time interval between pigs?
15 min
Do sows give birth during the day or at night?
60% at NIGHT!!
What is the average # of pigs per litter?
10.3 pigs/litter
How long does it take a pig to locate a teat?
3 min
How long does it take for a pig to begin nursing?
25-35 min
How long does it take for a sow's milk to become cyclic, not continuous? How often is the cycle?
10 hours

cycle every 55 min
How often does a pig nurse? What percentage of those times do they actually get milk?
20-30 times/day

25-30% of nursing do NOT produce milk
What are the space requirements for housing pigs?
weight class (in lb) space (sq.ft)
15-30 1.7-2.5
30-60 3-4
60-100 5
100-150 6
150-market 8
What are male and female goats called?
male - buck
female - doe
What are male and female sheep called?
male - ram
female - ewe
Do small ruminants respond better to positive or negative reinforcement?
positive - food + repetition
Do sheep or goats tend to be more individualistic?
How extensive (in degrees) is the visual range of small ruminants?
270 degrees
Do male or female small ruminants initiate mating?
FEMALES seek the males
Are does or ewes more vocal when in heat?
Are small ruminants slow breeders?
no. rapid
What tools can be used to determine whether a small ruminant has been bred or not?
use a marking harness
What is odd about the sexuality of male small ruminants?
homosexuality is common

riding of a subordinate male spreads disease

homosexuals dont make good breeders (duh)
Do female small ruminants remove themselves from the herd before giving birth?
50% do. 50% give birth at the periphery
Are small ruminant mothers attentive to their young?
yes--sheep more than goats

they will lick & paw their young to stimulate--> may kill them
Is it easy to foster small ruminants?
not as easy as with pigs. grafting must be done SOON after birth
How long does it take before a small ruminant baby will nurse? How often will a healthy baby nurse?
30 min

nurse 30x/day
Are sheep or goats more likely to be browsers?
What problems can this cause?

they'll eat poisonous plants and can destroy trees.
What food-linked problems are noticed in small ruminants?
both graze close to manure --> parasite problems

co-grazed with cattle --> Cu toxicity
Approximately how much space should be allotted per small ruminant?
at least 8 square feet per animal
Are sheep or goats more tolerant to bad weather?
How high should small ruminant fences be?
How wide should the chutes be?
fences - at least 38 inches

chutes - no wider than 20 inches