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44 Cards in this Set

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What is vocation?

The calling of God to every human being to serve him and to serve others; it is a calling to perform a special task.

How can Christians respond to a vocation?

They can respond to Gods call as a member of the laity, through the sacrament of the holy orders or as a member of a religious order

What is the parable of the talent about?

Using what you are given. If you don't you will be punished

Who are the laity? What can they bring?

People who have been baptised into the church but don't take up holy orders. They bring a variety of gifts and services to contribute to the working church life

What are ways a member of the laity can contribute to the church?

-Youth Group

-Children's Liturgy

-Parent & Toddler Group

-CAFOD Group

-Reading at Mass

-Altar Serving


-Society of St Vincent de Paul

-Eucharistic Ministry

-Choir and Music for Mass

What are lay people expected to do?




How do lay people witness?

They are called to witness to Christ and share in his priestly office by creating a happy and loving family and by supporting worship at Mass.

How do lay people teach?

They are expected to teach and share in Christ's prophetic office by evangelising to others and by helping people on their faith journey, for example helping others prepare for Confirmation and Rite of Christian initiation for adults

How do lay people lead?

They are expected to lead and share in Christ's kingly office by participating in parish councils, assisting with pastoral care in the parish and working for justice in all aspects of human life.

How were the apostles chosen, what was their role?

During his earthly ministry Jesus chose 12 male apostles to follow him, cast out unclean spirits, teach and heal the sick. They were given special authority to do this in Gods name. This was how priesthood developed

What do priests now do?

Serve the Christian community through understanding and teaching the word of God and celebrating the sacraments.

What are the different roles in Holy Orders?




What do Bishops originate from and what do they do?

The Bishop is the successor of the apostles and shares the ruling office with other bishops and the Pope.

A Bishop is the visible head of the church in the diocese and has responsibility for the priests and deacons.

What do Priests originate from and what do they do?

By becoming a priest a man can act in the name of Christ and he is given the spiritual authority to perform the sacraments

He works with the bishop to look after the people of the parish, as he is a shepherd and cares for his sheep.

What do Deacons originate from and what do they do?

A deacon is ordained for the service of the church

He supports the work of a parish and is able to carry out some of his duties

What may a deacon be?

A deacon may be single or marries and he may be in full-time employment outside the shurch.

He may be a permanent deacon or in training to become a priest

What are the 3 main parts of being a deacon?

-Liturgy:he may participate at weddings, baptisms, funerals and prayer meetings

-The Word: he may read the Gospel and preach to others

-Charity: he serves the needs of the people, particularly the poor

Hoe does someone become a priest?

If a man feels that he has a vocation to the priesthood and is accepted for training he will attend a seminary and begin his preparation which will last for aprox. 6 years.

What is a priest expected to do?

Perform many important duties for his parishoners such as listening to peoples problems and counselling, performing the sacraments, sacramental preparation classes, visiting schools and hospitals, visiting the sick at home, praying and preaching, charity work and looking after the running of the parish.

What is the rite of Holy Orders?

-Presentation of the candidate

-The examination







What does the presentation of the candidate involve?

The candidate is called forward to be presented to the bishopp

What does the examination involve?

The bishop questions the candidate about his willingness and understanding of his responsibilities to obey the bishop and celebrate the sacraments. They promise to fulfil them

What does prostration involve?

The candidate lies face down in the floor as a sign of submission to God

What does consecration involve?

The bishop performs the laying on of hands which is an ancient sign of the conferring of authority upon someone. A prayer is also said in which the Holy Spirit is called down upon the candidate

What does prayer involve?

The bishop makes a prayer of thanks to God since priesthood is a gift

What does investment involve?

The stole and chasuble are presented to the new priest. These are eucharistic garments of office anf show that the wearer is a priest

What does anointing involve?

The bishop anoints the priests hands with oil to bless the sanctity of the priest

What does mass involve?

The bishop presents the new priest with a paten and chalice which symbolise the priests duty as the minister of the Eucharist. The new priest then assists the bishop in celebrating mass.

Why should women be allowed to become priests?

-Female Christians might prefer to talk to a female priest about their problems

-It might solve the problem of getting people to become priests

-Women are equal to men and could do the job just as well

-Jesus was followed by many women and it was women who were the first to see risen Jesus

Why shouldn't women be allowed to become priests?

-Priests have been traditionally male, so if we allow women priests some people will not like it and will leave the church

-Jesus was a man and priests are supposed to represent him so they need to be male

-All the 12 disciples were male

-If women want to be involved they chould become nuns or eucharistic ministers

Why should priests be allowed to marry?

-Priests have the same desires and feelings as anyone else and should be allowed to express that in marriage

-A married priest is in a much better position to council a married couple if they know what it is like

-Some of the disciples were married

-It would help to solve the problem of a lack of priests.

Why shouldn't priests be allowed to marry?

-Priests can't be fully dedicated to both their wives and the jobs. They can't give constant attention to both.

-Jesus wasn't married and priests should be trying to follow his example

-It would be too hard on the family to constantly have to move home if the bishop decides they need to

What do religious orders fall into?

-Contemplative orders

-Apostolic orders

What are contemplative orders?

Enclosed within a monastery or convent, spend their time in prayer and contemplation

What are apostolic orders?

Live with others from the religious order but go out to work and play an active role in the community

What do people who enter religious have to do?

Make 3 promises/vows

What are the 3 vows also known as?

Evangelical counsels

What are the evangelical counsels?




What does poverty involve?

The candidate accepts that their life may never be one of personal wealth

What does chastity involve?

Faithfulness to the commitment made by God, not having sexual relations.

What does obedience involve?

The candidate must agree to be obedient to the head of the order, whether that be an abbot or mother superior.

Religous orders=

Nuns, Monks etc.

Holy Orders=


How do the religous vows of monks and nuns help them to serve God?

These help the member of the religous order to focus totally on serving God by having a sense of direction in life. The three vows enable the religous to place God at the centre of their life of service. They enable the member of the congregation to show that they understand their priorities in life and that they aren't worried about wealth relationships power or status. The religous vows show their total dependence and trust in God by not relying on earthly possessions. They are focused on serving God can respond to His call without any distraction. They have formed a deep and personal relationship with God, who is at the centre of their lives. They see these vows as gifts, which strengthen their commitment.