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65 Cards in this Set

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Cultural Relativism

The view that conflicting moral standards are equally correct for different societies.

Standard of Etiquette

Good and bad determined by etiquette.


Who said: "People behave justly because they can be seen"

Ethical Absolutists

Group that argues that there are no universal truths

Ethical Egoism

The belief that "it is morally right to seek one's own self interest" is an example of which view


Which topic is not related to ethics: religion, science, law, or etiquette


According to Hobbes, our state of nature is a state of...


According to Socrates, people only act poorly because they lack:

Ayn Rand

Person who said "Selfishness is a virtue and altruism a vice"


The idea that one culture is superior to another culture is referred to as:

Individual Egoism

States "I ought to be self-interested"

Ethical Relativist

They believe that we shouldn't interfere with other cultures

Security and Freedom

Hobbes believes there is a direct relationship between.

They felt as though they could do what they want without consequences, because they are invisible.

What effect did the ring have on the wearer?

Psychological Egoism

We act in our own self interest no matter what.


Ought/Ought not



Individual Egoism

They state " I ought to act in my own self interest"

Universal Egoism

They state "Everyone should act in their own self interest".

A prescription

What makes every ethical theory an ethical theory?


Who stole the ring in the story written by Plato?

Dependency thesis

The idea that morality is dependent on the culture where it is practiced.

Ethical Relativism

The idea that Hitler could be compared to Mother Teresa as being equally moral


Who disagreed with Glaucon about justice?

Moral Discourse

This is the same as moral language


Doing things in the interest of others without concern of your own self-interest

Ethical Relativism

The philosophical theory that there are no universal truths

Social Contract

The PATRIOT ACT relates to this theory


The most extreme form of Ethical Relativism

Ethical Egoism

The prisoners dilemma is a counter-argument to what theory

Psychological Egoism

The idea that we are always self-interested, no matter what.


Pluto's Brother

Having a good will which acts according to duty

According to Kent, moral worth is based on

John Stuart Mill

Argued "All human choices are motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain"

Following a set of rational rules regardless of consequences

Aristotle's view of morality is based on

Hypothetical Imperative

"If you want to do well on a test, then study" is an example of

Categorical Imperative

"Always act so that your action could become universal law" is an example of

Utilitarianism makes the moral worth of an action dependent on its consequences

Why did Kant criticize utilitarianism?


The claim that our knowledge of moral principles is a type of metaphysical knowledge, implanted in us by God, and discovered by reason is an example of...


Locke argued that people have the same basic nature and therefore should be treated equally. What type of right was he referring to?

Active Euthanasia

Dr. assists in suicide

Passive Euthanasia

Something is prescribed and given to a patient so that they can commit suicide


Maximize pleasure and minimize suffering

Act Utilitarianism

States that " an act is right if it results in as much good as any alternative act"


According to Aristotle, we use this to find morality

Vice Defect, Virtue, Vice Excess

Example: "Coward, Brave, Rash"


Based on reason


Based on experience and human nature


Believed in intellectual virtues


Believed in habitual virtues

Rules of Categorical Law

Actions will become universal law, principle of ends


Deontology focuses on...

Act Utilitarianism

An act is right if it produces as much good as another

Rule Utilitarianism

The amount of good obtained from following a set of rules

Aristotle's End Goal Belief

Long life, personal success

Jeremy Bentham

He developed the Hedon

Jean Jaques Rousseau

Who made Kant miss his 3 P.M. walk

Higher Pleasure

Creativity and knowledge according to J.S. Mill

Hypothetical Imperative

If (insert want), then (insert way to achieve want).

Principle of Ends

Philosophical idea that is focused on results

Universal Maxim

Act is such a way that action could become a universal law


Religion concerning matters of the heart


Measurement of Happiness

Principle of Autonomy

We can all choose to practice the categorical Imperative because of this

Good Will

The only good in and of itself according to Kant