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25 Cards in this Set

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Prejudice or bias towards interests of one's own species and against those of members of other species



Poor and blacks are given the death penalty more frequently than others guilty of the same crime.


Reducto ad absurdum

Use the same line of reasoning to show it results in an absurd conclusion to demonstrate a flaw in the original reasoning.

Reduction to an absurdity


Torture is a routine subject (like going to a regular job or picking up the kids from school)

Moral standing

Morals are owed to all natural things.

Necessary condition

Feature that something must have in order to be that type of thing

Sufficient condition

Feature that is enough for something to be that type of thing

Bare minimum

Precautionary Principle

If an action has a suspected risk of harm, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action.

Marginal Utility

Point at which giving more would cause yourself and your dependents as much suffering as one would prevent.

Give so much to others that they are now your equals.

Harm Principle

The only purpose for which power can be exercised over someone against their will is to prevent harm to others.

Best way to prevent harm

Distributive Justice

Fairest way to distribute benefits and burdens.

Key word is JUSTICE

Veil of ignorance

No one knows their place in society, race, gender, psychological tendencies, or abilities so that no bias is formed.

No bias

Negative (Liberty) Rights

You can't be interfered with when exercising these rights.

No one can top you from freedom of speech or religion

Positive (Claim) Rights

Entitlements that others are required to provide you with in which you have a right to.

Entitled to education and a fair trial

Covert Racism

Allocating benefits and burdens based on race without explicitly saying it.


Equal consideration

The interest of every sentinent being affected by my actions are given equal weight and taken into account.

If can feel pain and pleasure, my actions may affect these factors.

Why does the death penalty affirm the humanity of someone being executed?

Affirms their rationality and responsibility for their actions

Dehumanized when did crime, either humanize them self or stay dehumanized in jail


Land Ethic

Extending moral consideration to all natural things (animals, soil, water)

Aldo Leopold "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong if it tends otherwise."

All things equal consideration: domestic sheep grazing and plants at risk, who do you save/ stop? Is it morally right to stop the sheep....leaving human and sheep without resources

Moral consideration

Just laws

Uplifting laws that are equal with the moral law (law of God) .

Majority passes it and then follow through with them.


Unjust Laws

Degrading laws that are not equal with the moral law (law of God).

The majority pass it, but are not willing to follow them.


Name a reason a parent should be required to have a license.

Parenting is an activity potentially harmful to children.


Why shouldn't we silence false opinions?

The true opinion will be held like a prejudice.

People will accept it because that's the only opinion they have.

False opinion can give more assurance/stronger reason the true opinion is correct.

Why does Reiman believe the death penalty shouldn't exist?

We as a society should reduce unnecessary horrible things done to others to deter horrible acts to advance as a civilization.

Execution says a lot about the executioner (hard- hearted)

More people are sentenced to jail than death penalty because stricter requirements

Some crimes deserve more than life in jail-sometimes the less feared, jail, is not bad enough

Reduce horribleness

Lawrence vs Gunther

Bad ideas can spread just as fast as good ones coming from free speech

Some enduring hate speech for the benefit of society wrong~Some shouldn't reap benefits, while others take burden

College campuses should be places for equal education opportunities.

No one should be afraid to walk around or feel oppressed by racist speech.

Fighting words-intended to injure the victim

Even off campuses there are limits to free speech.

Most brilliant minds should be able to work freely, not be corrupted by racist and/ or sexist speech.

The best work and forms of communication will come from open and free speech in an accepting environment.



Mill and Taylor

The principle which regulates the existing social relations between two sexes- the legal subordination of one sex over the other- is wrong in itself.

Justice demands equal rights for women

Experience does not show women are inferior

Education is used to reinforce inequality

No one knows the nature of either sex because it would require no interference of social influences