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172 Cards in this Set

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In class example about social media covered what

the university isn't sure if it should intervene when students say things about killing other students, plagarism, other illegal activities, etc. 

technology characteristics examples

huge cell phones  that can now fit in your pocket. Voice command. 

3 main charcteristics of technology

change is the dominant feature

effects are widespread



almost addicted, want things quicker, we want instantaneous results


doing things electronically: faxing, speaking, online


buying and selling of goods online

mentality of eCommerce 

we should be able to get whatever we want whenever we want, right to our doorstep

example of ecommerce 

guy survived 365 days without leaving his home, just ordered everything in


Phases in the Development of Technology

Stages 5 and 6 specifically

biotechnology (stage 7)

more medical, manipulation of organisms, still debated if we are there yet


information stage (stage 5)

1975-2000, Just used technology to gather/ transfer information and data


all that information is stored and shared online, available to one-another and we are able to communicate 

cool example of cyberspace


semantics process example

Google, Siri

semantics process

allows us to easily access and find droves of information that has been gathered 

good resources for searching

library online index 

biotechnology examples

animal cloning (pets and now food)

factors that are fueling technological growth (MONEY)

the government, private investors, business investments (institutional investors)

Obama Adminstration has spent 200 million on

new technologies to bring us more up to date through new energies 

private investors

individulas who are investing in great technological advancements


medical, educational, eCommerce 

business investments (institutional investments) 

investing in the emergence of new technologies 

Figure 12.2 in the book


China has more __________ users than any other country. 

internet users

When did the internet start?


e-Business examples

eletronic invoices, taxes, communication, emails to phones

what was the cool thing before the internet for communication


large warehouses use an app for 

walkie-talkie to intercom to people instead of setting up a whole system


via mobile devices

social networking 

almost daily communication for most people 

people are emailing less and 

Facebooking, texting, and messaging more

biggest issue for social networking

privacy issues

Bogs/Vlogs (video) /Mlogs (mobile)

newsletter that is public, 

trends about blogging

organizations pay people to write good things about it (form of advertising) 

bad trend with reviews

false reviews online 

class example about bad reviews

her clock she bought for her husband 


unsolicited emails or communications, text is becoming more common 


hackers attempting to get into personal data 

discussion about phising was over

hacking into cameras and watching people and kids

class discussion over regulation

government regulation of the internet 

interesting twist in regulation

retailers and marketeres oppose FTC guidelines on deleting electronic communication no longer relevant to the customer relationship 

issues of the internet

social networking, technology and education, medical information, digital divide

discussion on social network and the work place

should it be monitored and be a determinent of getting or keeping a job 

social media firings are common over

faking that you are sick and posting about it 

technology and education examples

online learning, testing online, turn it in, clickers, works cited, cheating 

technology innovation for education example

lego online

example of cheating

she went to a restaurant where people were blatantly cheating in public 

huge issues in the medical industry

digital files are susceptible to theft and hacking 

digital divide

gap between those that have technology and those that don't.

digital divide is influenced by three things

race, education, and income 

employee rights

safety, fair and equal treatment, right to be heard and respected, equal opportunity whistleblower protection, organize and bargain collectively (unionize)

employers rights 

policies, termination and hiring, drug free environment, discipline, health and safety, set own ethical and cultural standard

FIGURE 16.1 

KNOW 16.1 , know what falls under employee rights and employer rights 

organize and bargain collectively 

union environment, the theory is if an organization isn't treating employees fairly and paying them fairly then they have a right to join a union to represent the organization

what do unions do

collective group of employees, negotiate contracts, etc

health and safety in the workplace 

3 million people will get sick or hurt while on the job in the private sector per year

homicide is the 3rd leading cause of 

death at the workplace 

Occupational Safe and Health Administration (OSHA)

oversees workplace safety to make sure basic things are covered, no fire hazards, no chemical hazards


the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.

examples of health and safety 

walk on treadmill while you work, headsets, stand while you work, ball sitting while you work

right to a secure job

doesn't mean your job is guaranteed, they can't just unjustly firely (unless your in an at-will state)

at-will state

can hire or fire just because

social contract

implied conversations that lead someone to false hope. 

example of social contract

verbal confirmation of a secure job because your boss says " I look forward to working with you for the next 10 years"

electronic monitoring

define this 

example of electronic monitoring

track phone calls and monitor emails. Recording for quality insurance. Website monitoring (blocked websites) 

romance at the workplace (huge issue)

major ethical issues with this because organizations fear sexual assault claims if the relationship goes sour (then the company could be liable) 

consentual agreement contract

you can date eachother, you must sign here saying it is consentual. Sometimes you have to be seperated by divisions or buildings. Sometimes you can't date subordinates. 

employees drug use and testing

done to minimize liability, mostly done randomly and fairly, or after certain causes (accidents) 

example of drug use and testing

legal drug use in certain states and changing of public policy from the employer

biggest workplace issue

alcohol; creates large liabilites, especially when drinking on the job or lunch breaks 

Employee Assitance Programs (EAPs)

provide counseling, medical and lawyer resources who may or may not have a problem with drug and alcohol abuse, as well as personal issues 

Employee theft and honesty

44% of all inventory that is lost is stolen by the employee (16 billion a year) 

A significant business disruption that stimulates extensive news media and social networking coverage a 

corporate crisis 

What describes the practice of businesses using their public relations' outreach in ways to influence the public's opinion or legislative issue of concern to the company?

issue advertising


shared resource, such as land, air or water that a group of people uses collectively

the unmistakeable economic and social force of technology is is evident where?

every part of the world, every industry, and every aspect of our lives

Companies that reduce pollution and hazardous waste, reuse or recycle materials, and operate with greater energy effeciency achieve a competitive advantage due to

cost savings 

bad behavior 

the employer is responsible for knowing about the behavior

free speech 

you have it, but in the workplace the employer can tell you what you can and cannot say (it relates a lot to public image)

class example about working conditions around the world

Apple's issue with supplier Foxconn


manufactures the iPad

what is the problem with Foxconn factory?

$2 an hour, 60 hours a week

poor living conditions

fed twice a day, short breaks

suicides are more common 

what was particulary alarming about the factory?

they had to put up suicide nets 

Before you could use personal information from cell phones to prosecute you

now you need a warrant beforehand

public relations

consistent message (information) from a company to the public 

public relations now opens 

a dialogue with the public

public relations purpose

promote a positive image of the company 

Main issue with Public Relations

it needs to be ongoing and proactive (not reactive)

great example of Public Relations

BP with oil spill were very reactive (but have turned it around)

Second major issue of Public Relations

authenticity of the message they put out (are they lying, false or misleading)

media is a stakeholder in many businesses

they may skew a story to help out a parent company or partner 

global perspective of public relations

biggest thing is organizations don't offend other cultures

Foxconn example, is that a good PR move on there part?

no, for Apple that is a PR nightmare. There are tons of examples of this. 

corporate image

public relations creates it 

image advertising

molding of public relations to maintain a good image in the public eye, through leaving out information, or covering things up

public service announcements

some organizations support them to help there public image (image advertising)

corporate crisis

business disruption that stimulates extensive media coverage 

corporate crisis slogan

its not how organizations handle the good media coverage, its how they handle that bad press

example of corporate crisis

GM recalls, they didn't do near as much damage as the media coverage did

media training

organizations set out and find who communicates the best with the media 

media training example

most people are not allowed to speak to the media on behalf of an organization. Usually a dedicated person with media training who knows how to present a corporate crisis

what does media training involve for that person?

body language, how to tackle difficult questions, how to stay calm and not appear shaken 

crisis management

process in which we handle the crisis, usually a short term deal with 5 key things to it

5 key things to crisis management

1. internal communications (employees should know before the media)

2. being able to communicate quickly and accurately 

3. being able to use the internet and social media

4. At the end of the day, do the most ethical/right thing 

5. they follow up (revisit the issue later and reasses how to handle it next time)


crisis management example with BP

helped this business owner who went under due to the spill get back on his feet

employee involvement

they must be educated about what is going on, internal communication is key. 


responsibiliites of public relations managers

deceptive advertising, free speech, and marketing to children


major responsibilites of PR managers

don't deceptively advertise to the public OR your employees 

free speech during crisis

limited, if representing the organization. They will tell you what you can and cannot say. 

marketing to children example

camel cigarettes with the cartoon, alcohol to underage looking people, energy drinks to teens

Video about marketing to children example

junk foods to children, specifically Kelloggs

advocacy groups have successfuly banned

unhealthy food marketing to kids, no more spongebob and monsters inc stuff on the boxes 

example of energy drinks

teens go into cardiac arrest for drinking them and performing athletic competitions

Whirpool example

Gold series fridge, motor kept running and lights were on. Spoiled all the food, frozen and fresh. Video showed the CEO and chairman, consumer affairs website, and all contact info.

Hobby Lobby contraceptive issue

closely held companies insurance plan cannot be required to provide certain resources to their employees

public image lists

ties into image perspective and what people are thinking about the company from an ethical/moral image 


study of how living things interact with one another 

ecology includes

plants, animals, humans, anything living

global commons

shared gloabal resources: land, air, natural resources, and water. We as a society share together.

sustainable development

balance between economic and environmental consideration. Requires that the human society uses natural resources at a ratethat will continue indefintely in order to sustain indefintely. 

issues with sustainability

not all natural resources are unlimited

threats to the Earth's Ecosystem

preserving water, fossil fuel, land. Avoiding pollution, water restrictions, etc.

why is ecology and sustainabilty such a hot topic all of a sudden?

population explosion

income inequality

95% of the population growth is in 

less-developed country 

each additional person adds to the usage of 

limited resources

income equality

less-developed countries misuse natural resources. They pollute water, they don't recycle, they don't have strict pollution standards


limits to growth (industrialization)

maximum population that the ecosystem can support

biggest example of limits to growth

China (certain genders, and limits to amount of kids)

carbon footprint

what are you personally doing to help/hurt the environment?

fortune article about population growth

double the resources needed to sustain that population. We will need another earth and a third to sustain it. 

number one coca cola product

water bottles

our football stadium is the only

platinum lead energy (level of environmental standard) 

ozone depletion

ultra violet heating that leads to global warming

decline of biodiversity

extinction issues, wildlife endagerment

threats to marine ecosystems

certain fish types no longer existing because of drilling and coastal development 

World Business Council for Sustainable Development

made up of 200 companies (35 countries, 20 industries), that come together to look at how they can maintain and sustain a better environment. 

what does the WBC for SD do?

Life cycle analysis: They try to look at the lifelong impact of products. 

industrial ecology

how to become self sustainable, what resources they use

design for disassembly

reusing everything. Having a product that is created from front to back without waste. 

Wal-Mart article in the WSJ

world's largest retailer curb excess packaging and offer environemental products

higher income areas pay more for 

environmentally sustainable products

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Federal Government Agency that is responsible for most environmental regulations and enforcement

major areas of regulation

air, water, and land pollution

air pollution

industrial and manufacturing plants, car pollution

land pollution

recycable products, safety and disposing of hardous waste

environmental standards 

allowable level of pollution for certain industries

environmental standards example 

vehicle emissions and dry cleaning chemicals

market-bases mechanisms

consumers decide to buy environmentally safe products, all organic and all natural products

information disclosure

regulation by embarrassment, publishing the amount of pollution that organizations admit into the environment

civil and criminal enforcement

paying fines and possibly jail time depending on the severity

cost vs benefits to environmental regulation (11.3)

fig 11.3

Greening of Management

process by which upper-level executives are becoming more proactive on environmental issues 

stages to green management

-pollution prevention (90% of businesses are here, because it is the easiest)

-product stewardship

-clean technology 

pollution prevention

eliminating or reducing pollution

product stewardship

looking up all environemental impacts of the product for the entire life of the product

clean technology

the best, but hardest, because it develops innovation in technology in the way we manufacture and produce that supports sustainability 

ecologically sustainable organization

the ideal organization, where a business operates in a sustainable way 100% of the time. They can continue there activity indefinetely without affecting the carrying capacity of the worlds ecosystem. 

environmental partnerships

partnership between two companies to use waste for something useful (cardboard example)

environmental management in practice

top management involvement, codes of environmental ethical conduct.

environmental audit

how are we ranked? how much are we polluting?

sustainability reports

putting environmental issues into everyday practice, how are they doing?

competitive advantages to environmental management 

cost savings, create a public image, product differentiation, technological innovation, strategic planning (proactive)

example of product differentiaion

green is good products

strategic planning

attempting to become an industry leader

the BLB 

They try to look at the lifelong impact of products. 

UNT has done what? 

-1st to sign the President's climate commitment to counter climage change by being more climate neutral

Coca Cola example

environmental section of the website. Help save the Polar bears, alternative energies and emissions control. 

Recycle Bank

nonprofit organization that has incentives such as gift cards for x amount of pounds of recyclables 

Information Phase
Thinking and designing
Intellectual and electronic
Information Phase
Thinking and designing
Intellectual and electronic
Semantic Phase
Relevance and Context
Intellectual and Networking
Top Internet users after China
United States then India