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53 Cards in this Set

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Capable of being measured by a common standard
Hobbes Ethical View
Through social contracts, social institutions can channel individual egoism to the social good
Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Argument
The collective good is maximized when each individual is allowed to pursue his/her own self-interest within the law
John Rawl's Veil of Ignorance
The suggestion that one should promote a society in which he/she would want to live regardless of his/her status at birth
The view that a society should promote the equal treatment of every citizen
Karl Marx's dictum
From each according to ability, to each according to need
The view that government, not the market is responsible for job creation and how society's resources are to be allocated
The view that for socialism to work, government must also direct individual career choices
Primary Goods
The basic needs for life as it should be
The view that individuals should as much as possible be free of government and social initiatives
John Locke's Theory of Rights
Rights are grounded in those things one would posses were there is no government
Robert Nozicks entitlement theory
The distribution of goods should be made not by a principle but by a validity based upon antecedents events
Pareto Optimality
That point in free markets where the exchange of goods is so efficient that one more exchange would make someone feel worse off
Cost benefit analysis
A decision method for choosing from among possible outcomes when investment parameters are fixed
Shadow pricing
The comparing of free market purchasing practices in order to assign dollar values to quality of life goods or even to life itself
Teleological ethics
The view that one owns it to oneself and others to achieve his/her full potential
The study of purpose in existence
Plato’s ethical view
Ethics should not lead one to altruism but to enlightened self interest and the role of ethics is to show an individual his/her own self interest
Generosity without reward
Ronald Duska’s interpretation of loyalty
A willingness to sacrifice to maintain a relationship of mutual enrichment
The formal perspective that duty and a fidelity to accepted rules, not outcome should determine whether or not an action is acceptable
Kant’s categorical imperative
A maxim which states that one should only do which one would wish to become a universal law
Without exception
Kant’s Ethical perspective
Mortality is to be found in the way the mind makes sense of things
Moral Intellectualism
Morality is inherently rational and objective
Morality is conditional and subjective
A socially accepted personal characteristic which h either causes one to excel in a particular activity or be admired by others
Virtue and ethics
The ethical study which seeks a full account of the personal traits an individual should have
To do more than required
Stakeholder Theory
The view that producers should act so as to balance the competing claims of all the affected by its activities
A working contract which stipulates that a job may be discontinued by the free will of either the employer or the employee
Strict product liability
The idea that a product manufacturer should be held accountably for any harm done by a product thought its life even if not at fault
Dependence effect
A term from John Kenneth Galbriath’s 1958 work, the affluent society, suggesting some manufacturers create the market demand they serve
The capacity to meet the needs of the present with out compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Anthropocentric Environmentalism
The view that nature should be modeled to conform to the needs of man
Egocentric environmentalism
The view that nature should be preserved in accordance with its own history
Disparate Impact
This is created by the common business practices that negatively impacts minorities
Compensation Theory
The view that women and minorities should be hired not on the basis of qualification but to correct past wrongs
Merit Argument
The view that only qualifications for a job should be considered in hiring
The reasonable persons standard
A guideline used by courts in determining fairness
Comparable worth
The principle that a salary should be based on a point system for job content rather that supply and demand skills involved
Ebling vs Masco Corp
Established the principle that a company’s policy manual constitutes a contract with the employee
A relationship between two parties solely defined by implicit agreements
Milton Friedman’s View
Corporate officials who do not try to make as much money for their stockholders as possible with in the law undermine the foundations of our free society
Market Failure
The inability of a sales transaction to include the full cost of a good or service
Neo-Classical model of corporate social responsibility
The pursuit of profit is constrained by an obligation to do no harm to others
Social Institution Theory
The view that producers are best understood as social creations organized to serve social goals
Contractual Theory
The view that businesses are best understood as markets where investors, managers, workers, buyers suppliers, government, and others came together
Shark Repellant
A general term for any device used by a firm to prevent a hostile take over
Golden parachute
A clause in an executives contract which assumes a substantial severance bonus in the event of a hostile take over
Green mail
A form of extortion where a corporate raider offers to back off in return for a profitable buyback of his/her shares already acquired