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90 Cards in this Set

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What is the failure rate for IVF?
75% failure rate
How much does IVF cost?
What are the statistics on marriage that come from romantic affairs?
80% Failure rate
Number of deaths from pot, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Pot = 0
Alcohol = 75,000
Cigarettes = 443,000
Who is Nadya Suleman?
-She brings up the issues of:
1) Should there be a limit of implants?
2) Can she financially support children?
3) Should unmarried status be a factor?
Matthew 19:9
present active indicative
-Someone who re-marries is in the continuous act of adultery
-Unless they are re-married because of adultery of their partner
Matthew 19:24
It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
-without Jesus, it is impossible for the rich to see God
-argument for poverty
Jesus and Paul's idea about government
-Government is necessary to restrain evil
-Judges: if people do what is right in their own eyes, then we're in big trouble
Stephen Hawkins
-"tipping point"
-the earth is being damaged in such a way that soon it will be irreversible (past the tipping point)
Atomic bomb
-Truman protected us and the war ended (short term)
-Nuclear technology worldwide (long term)
-many civilians killed
-Self-defense (Augustine)
Divorce rate 1960 vs. now?
-1960: 6%
-Today: 38%
What is the failure rate for condoms?
if used correctly, 2%
if used incorrectly, 15%
What does Jude 7 say?
Sodom and Gomorrah were convicted because of their sexual immorality (not because of lack of hospitality)
What happened in 1974?
The APA changed homosexuality from being a MD in the DSM
What are the flaws in Marxism?
1) Why should I care?
2) If there was utopia before, why are we greedy now?
3) What will stop us from getting there?
What percent of the world is college-educated?
What is the divorce rate amongst Christian couples?
Galations 2:10
Paul asked the Gentile church to remember the poor
-women are shown to have 15x more testosterone than the average woman
-43% of lesbians have not had sex in a year
-greater than biology
What is the average for sex in homosexuals v. heterosexuals?
homo-12.7 years
hetero-15.7 years
Biological component v. Determinism
-Biology-part of the equation (i.e., Native Americans and alcoholism, Ernie Crowfeather)
-Determinism-forced by genetics; no choice
-Scripture? 1 Cor 9:27 (Fight own nature)
What are the CDC stats on gays in the U.S.?
2% exclusively gay
4% total
How does the suicide rate compare between homo and heterosexuals?
homo are 4x more likely to commit suicide
How many IVF babies are born per year?
3 million babies
-"one who sets table"
-Take care of widows in food distribution
-apostles can pray and read
Break-thru contraception
Moral issue: when do you believe life begins
-mucous stops implantation
-eliminates 2% error rate with birth control
sexism and genetic screening
-increased genetic screening
-increased number of males
-increased testosterone
-increased violence, murder, drug, abuse, and rape
% of criminals who are men, % of addicts who are men and the biological fatalism argument
90% of criminals are men
89% of addicts are men
Does adoption to gay parents increase homosexuality? Stats?
Yes, it does, but not significantly.
-11% of children adopted to gay parents are homosexual.
-Nationally, this number is 4% total.
-Therefore, it is higher then the national average but still small
But there is a possible correlation between environment and orientation
What are types of barrier contraceptives?
Condom, diaphragm, Lea's shield, cervical cap, SPERMICIDE, SPONGE
What number of people live on less than $1.00 a day?
1.3 billion
What percentage of what country controls most of the world's wealth?
6% of Americans in the U.S. control 59% of the world's wealth
Who is Richard Spitzer and why is he famous?
He is famous because
1) he removed homosexuality from MSD, not a disease
2) Choice research barred
What is the failure rate for co-habitation? What is the argument for it?
Pragmatic-see if it works
Eph. 4:28
Why do we work?
We work to share with those in need
What is civil disobedience? Examples
Civil disobeience is disobeying the government based on moral princple; Biblical examples include, Daniel, Rehab, Paul, and Moses' mother
How many kids die each day on account of malnutrition?
What does a chromosome test for?
What are the arguments for and against deterrence (death penalty)?
For: pragmatic argument
-Good for common crime
-Gangs use younger children for crimes
-Doesn't apply to sociopaths, drug abusers, or crimes of passion
1) Pragmatic does not equal moral
2) You can't measure deterrence
3) Does not deter "dead set" on murder
What are alms?
Alms are money or goods given to the poor.
What percentage of people with AIDS disclose their disease with sexual partners before intercourse?
Cost and the Death penalty
The death penalty is more expensive than death row
However this may be because
1) people don't serve their full life sentence
2) In NC, they found that prisoners who served life sentence were $250,000 more expensive
Older women and poverty
40% of women over the age of 65 are in poverty. Why?
1) Widows
2) They come a generation where women weren't educated and didn't work
What is the only crime that the federal government can execute for?
Treason, Rosenbergs-communist, executed on account of treason
Dispensable income between men and women
Statistics show that men are up 11% in disposable income; and women are down
Problems with legalization of pot in CA?
1) People are making it a "legal" drug business
2) taking fake prescriptions
3) everyone's doing it
Arguments for and against legalization of vice
-less people in jail
-medical usage
-$$ (tax it)
-more jobs (new industry)
-Degradation of society
-Everybody will do it
-Body is a temple
What is obfuscation?
Rendering something useless by making it too complex
-sometimes used purposely to make something less understandable
What is the compliance rate for child support?
What are the success rates for implantation?
What are the types of arguments used for legalization of vice?
Is drug abuse a disease (PENCE)?
No, Pence says that people "sober" up before going to court, so they have control over their addiction.
The argument "might makes right" or justice is determined by the stronger party is attributed to who?
The U.S. lone contribution to ethical theory is:
Pragmatism-Charles Pierce
Pence states that a person should be called dead when:
Their biography is over
What does Richard Lamm believe?
Richard Lamm believes that the elderly have an obligation to die
Which person is best known as "aspiring to make ethics rational"?
Situation ethics:
1) Greatest absolute?
2) Proponent?
3) Most obvious flaw?
1) Love is the greatest absolute
2) Joseph Fletcher
3) Who defines love?
Practical Imperative
1) definition
2) proponent
3) most obvious flaw
1) Humans cannot be a means to an end
2) Kant
3) Nietzche-Humans must have value, but where do they get value from?
Harmony Ethics
1) main presupposition
2) proponent
3) most obvious flaw
1) The world is at peace with itself
2) Hippies, Taoism, Buddhists
3) The world is not in harmony
What is the analogia entis and what is the flaw to this idea?
1) the analogy of being
2) Flaw: if this is true, morality is by degree
Morality that begins with me must logically and necessarily
end with me.
Categorical imperative v. Jesus' teachings
1) definition of cat.
2) Kant's deficiency
3) Jesus' accuracy
1) Categorical imperative is universal truth (i.e., Golden rule)
2) goodness is self-defined
3) Goodness lies with God
1) definition
2) death of ethics
The denial of universals (no universal forms or essences; only particular things exist)
2) Death of ethics because the part is greater than the whole
Michael Gazzaniga
1) Thesis?
2) Main flaw?
1) Neuroethics-morality comes from higher thinking and self-preservation.
2) Ethics come through the brain, not from it
Definition of good
1) definition
2) explanation
1) Good is that which comes from God.
2) Goodness must be dependent on God because God is good.
Natural vs. Un-natural
1) natural: just because it's natural does not mean its good
2) unnatural: just because something is unnatural doesn't mean its evil
Who defines unnatural?
is/ought fallacy
1) definition
2) how it is used in ethics?
1) Just because is, doesn't mean it ought to be
2) People use this to refute normative ethics
Moderation in all things
1) advocate
2) flaw to this ethics
1) Buddha
2) moderate in good, also moderate in evil; moderate in love, moderate in moderation
1) belief
2) flaw
1) morality is a survival technique passed down by genetics
2) makes it ok to rape because it increases the population for survival
1) greatest good
2) flaw
1) morality that aims to bring the greatest pleasure
2) what is pleasurable to one person may be harmful to another
Is culture a good source of ethics?
No, culture is changing
Flaws with Incestuous father arguments for abortion
1) evidence (the father already wants the abortion)
2) Mode of conception does not determine biology
Personal ethics
1) system of thought
2) death of ethics
1) Hedonism
2) because morality that ends with me must logically and necessarily end with me; it must come from an unchanging source
Morality that comes from a changing source must...
1) definition
2) flaw
1) Intend to do good
2) Good intentions does not always equal good action
NAMBLA and liberalism
1) definition
2) flaw
1) advocates sex before eight; liberalism-respects the rights of privacy for the individual
2) personal choice affect others
stem cell research
1) method
2) possibilities
1) take stem cells back to pleuripotency
2) genetic engineering
Christian ethics are___
Lakeland women's center adertises what?
partial birth or late term abortions
denotes a value judgment
Margaret Sanger
-proponent of eugenics
-did NOT believe the poor needed to be protected from the possibility of eugenics
Two current definitions of death
1) whole brain death
2) cessation of lung and heart
Kant and lying
NEVER right
Teri Schivao's autopsy
did not show any sign of abuse or head trauma
Viability is a bad argument.
1) pro choice
2) pro life
3) physicians
1) viability date is too early
2) viability is too late
3) hurry up and decide, so i don't get sued!
Four layers of the law
1) Ritual-outrage to sin, points to God
2) Restriction-commands us to keep from sin
3) Revelation-+, reveals God's expectation for godliness
4) Redemption-reveals that we are unable to achieve godliness without grace
Four pre-suppositions to morality
1) A choice must be involved
2) Human life must have value
3) It must come from an unchanging source
4) commonality must exceed individuality
Why should I not kill you?
God is good, without this presupposition there is no argument because human life no longer has value