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17 Cards in this Set

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ethical theory that the consequences of our actions are more important than our intentions.


metaethical theory that actions producing the most pleasure are good and those that promote pain are bad

greatest happiness principle

actions are right in proportion to how much they tend to promote happiness and wrong when they tend to produce unhappiness, also known as principle of utility.

sentient beings

beings with capacity to experience pain and pleasure

key claims

~desire for happiness is self evident and universal

~pleasure brings happiness, pain brings unhappiness

~rightness or wrongness determined solely by consequence

~action is morally right to the extent that it promotes happiness of all affected by it.

~action is wrong to the extent that it causes unhappiness of all affected by it

~moral community consists of all sentient beings.

Utilitarian calculus

process of weighing costs and benefits to determine which action is morally preferable.


prejudice or bias against certain beings simply because of their membership to a particular group.


painlessly bringing about death of a person who is suffering from a terminal or incurable disease.


advocated utilitarianism primarily as a tool of social reform.

argued all pleasures are equal.

came up with utilitarian calculus

7 factors of utilitarian calculus

intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent.

John Stewart Mill

~disagreed with Bentham

~all pleasures are not equal

~pleasures of being human are greater because pleasure of intellect is superior to pleasures of the body.

~protecting autonomy or liberty rights is best way of maximizing happiness.

No Harm Principle

principle of non maleficence prohibits individuals and governments from interfering with someones actions except to prevent harm.

Mo Tzu

chinese philosopher promoted utilitarianism as alternative to confucianism. Taught that hate is the primary cause of harm in the world and universal love is the source of happiness.

Rule Utilitarianism

we should follow the rule that brings about the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

Act Utilitarianism

The morality of each action should be judged by it's utility.

All Sentient beings in Moral Community

Not granting the same consideration to non-humans is speciesism.

Human Life has no intrinsic worth

When suffering outweighs pleasure, death may be morally permissible.