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51 Cards in this Set

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An evolutionary grouping of organisms showing a similar adaptive pattern. (Not to be confused with CLADE, organisms that share a common ancestor).
Nuchal Torus
A projection of bone in the back of the cranium where neck muscles attach. These muscles hold up the head. Projecting nuchal torus indicative of H.e's increasing brain size.
Stone tool industry from Early to Mid Pleistocene. Large amount of bi-facial tools- flaked on both sides.
Epoch of the Cenozoic from 1.8mya to 10000 ya. Frequently referred to Ice Age: assoc w continental glaciations in Northern latitudes.
Explain Situational Leadership Style:

"Supporting" implies an increase in Supportive Behavior and a decrease in Directive Behavior. The leader/manager/supervisor using this style acts toward subordinates with more two-way communication involving subordinates in problems solving, process improvement and decision-making. In addition, using this style involves discussing with the subordinate what needs to be done and allowing the individual to decide how, when, where, etc. to accomplish the job.
Late Pleistocene
Portion of epoch 125,000 to 10,000 ya
Intervals when continental ice sheets cover much of northern continents. Assoc w cold temp in the north and arid conditions in the south, notably in Africa.
Intervals when cont. ice sheets are retreating, reducing much in size. North- warmer temps, South- wetter climates
Upper Paleolithic
Cultural pd assoc w modern humans, and also w some Neandertals. Marked w technological innovation in various stone tool industries. Best known in W Euro, but also in E Euro and Africa.
Upper Paleolithic industry in France and Spain, contains blade tools assoc w Neandertals.
Stone tool indust. assoc w Neandertals and some mod H.sapiens; also called "Mid Paleolithic." Characterized by larger proportion of flake tools than in Achuelian.
Complete replacement model
Theory of the origin of mod humans in Africa, migration, and later replacement of populations in Euro and Asia.
Regional Continuity Model
Local populations in Africa, Asia and Europe evolved to mod H.Sap together due to the high levels of gene flow (migration) btwn populations that was highly likely during the time.
Upper paleolithic tool indust in Euro beginning at 40,000 ya. Assoc w Cro-Magon
Final phase of upper paleolithic stone tool indust in Euro. Had the atlatl- spear thrower. Also evidence for bow and arrow.
Small, chisel like tool with a pointed end; thought to been used to engrave bone, antler, ivory, or wood.
Biological Determinism
Concept that phenomena, (behavior, intelligence) are governed by biological (genetic) factors; inaccurate assoc of various behavioral attributes w certain bio traits, ie skin color.
Philosophy of "race improvement" through forced sterilization of some groups and increased reprod. among others. Overly simplified, racist approach used by Nazis.
Species composed of populations that differ in the expression of one or more traits.
Mental capacity: ability to learn, reason, comprehend, and interpret.
Loci with more than one allele. Can be expressed in phenotype or exist solely at DNA level in the non-coding regions.
Gradual change in the frequency of genotypes and phenotypes from one geographical region to another.
Slash and Burn Agriculture
A tradtl land clearing practice involving the cutting and burning of trees/vegetation.
Lactase Persistence
Continued production of lactase in adults, allowing for digestion of fresh milk.
Population genetics
Study of the frequency of alleles, genotypes, and phenotypes in populations from a micro-evolutionary perspective.
Gene pool
Total complement of genes shared by the reproductive members of a population.
Breeding Isolates
Populations clearly isolated geographically and or socially from other breeding groups.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Math relationship expressing - under conditions in which no evolution is occurring- predicted dist. of alleles in a pop; central theory of population genetics.
Body's response to any factor that threatens to disrupt homeostasis.
Condt. of balance/stability in any biological system- internal or external.
Physiological rsp to change in the evr that occurs during an indv's lifetime.
Neural tube
In early embryo devlp- structure that forms the brain and spinal cord.
Expansion of the blood vessels, means of cooling in rsp to warm temps- radiation of warmth.
Narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow/heat loss to skin. Rsp to cold evr.
Lack of oxygen. Seen at higher altitudes.
Agents that transmit disease from one carrier to another. Mosquitoes are vectors for malaria.
Continuously present in a population.
Pertaining to a zoonosis- a disease transmitted to humans through contact with animals.
Infectious disease epidemic that spread rapidly through a region, potentially worldwide. W-W pandemic is much more likely if disease is "new" to humans spreading quickly owing to rapid means of int.continental transportation.
Measure of severity of infect. disease. More virulent=greater number of deaths of infected.
Branch of phys anth. that studies injury and disease in earlier populations.
Increase in mass or number of cells.
Differentiation of cells into diff types of tissue and their maturation.
Adolescent growth spurt
Pd during adol. when well nourished teens typically increase in stature at greater rates than other times in the life cycle.
Essential Amino Acids
9 a.a's that must be obtained from the food we eat because they are not synthesized in the body in sufficient amts.
Monozygotic/Dizygotic twins
mono= 1 egg, identical
di= 2 eggs, fraternal
Endocrine glands
Glands responsible for the secretion of hormones into the bloodstream.
The first menstruation in a girl, usually in early to middle teens.
End of menst. in human women. Usually around age 50.
Process of physiological decline in body function that occurs with aging.
Pleiotropic genes
Genes that have more than one effect. Can have diff effects at diff times in the life cycle (ie pos during reprod but then neg during aging)