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120 Cards in this Set

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I fancy a cup of tea

Se me antoja una taza de té

Se me antoja que...

I get the feeling that...

It really was a good deal

La verdad es que fue una ganga

Fue una ganga

It was a good deal (cheap)

It doesn't do anything but make noise

No hace nada menos hacer ruido

She doesn't do anything but sleep

No hace nada menos dormir

It didn't seem to do much except make noise

No parecía hacer mucho menos hacer ruido

I haven't heard of it

No lo he escuchado

She said she hasn't heard of it

Ella dijo que no lo ha escuchado

A cada rato

Frequently, constantly, all the time

She does it all the time

Lo hace a cada rato

I used to watch it all the time

Lo solía mirar a cada rato


Algo así como...

Something along the lines of...

She said something along the lines of...

Dijo algo así como...

There aren't any good movies out right now

Ahorita no dan muy buenas películas

She's starting to show (pregnancy)

Se le está notando

Did he ever show up?

¿Al fin se apareció?

Did she show up?

¿Se apareció?

The art exhibition

La exposición

The show

El espectáculo, el show

A raw deal

Un trato injusto

They got a raw deal

Les tocó un trato injusto

She's smaller than her by a great deal

Es más pequeña que ella por mucho

Big deal!

¿Y qué? ¡Gran cosa!

Yo me dejo llevar

I just go with it/the flow

Duly noted

Recibido y entendido

To file something

Archivar algo

A report

Un informe, una declaración

To file a report

Archivar un informe/una declaración

To put it into persepctive (for you)...

Para ponér(te)lo en perspectiva...


No lácteo

Do you have any dairy-free drinks?

¿Tiene alguna bebida no láctea?

Things aren't as cut-and-dried

Las cosas no son tan netas

Translating that word is not so cut-and-dried (simple)

Traducir esa palabra no es tan neta

He's a bit handsy

Es un poco tocón

I locked myself out

Me quedé afuera sin llaves

She locked herself out of the car

Se quedó afuera de su carro sin llaves

The keys were left ("stayed") inside

Las llaves se quedaron dentro

The purse was left inside

La bolsa se quedó dentro

His homework was left inside

Su tarea se quedó dentro

I left my keys inside

Dejé las llaves dentro

She left the key inside

Dejó la llave dentro

I left my umbrella at home

Dejé mi paraguas en casa

I left my lunch at home

Dejé mi lonche/almuerzo en casa

I'm going to have breakfast

Voy a desayunar

Did you have breakfast?

¿Ya desayunaste?

I already had breakfast

Ya desayuné

I'm going to have lunch

Voy a salir a comer

Did you have lunch?

¿Ya almorzaste?

I already had lunch

Ya almorcé

It's easy to get there by bus

Es fácil de llegar en autobús

Yeah, I'm struggling

Sí, estoy batallando

I'm going to go eat dinner

Voy a cenar

Have you had dinner?

¿Ya cenaste?

I already had dinner

Ya cené

What did you have for breakfast?

¿Qué desayunaste?

What did you have for breakfast?

¿Qué desayunaste?

I had oatmeal for breakfast

Desayuné avena

We had berries for breakfast

Desayunamos bayas

What did you have for lunch?

¿Qué almorzaste?

I had hummus for lunch

Almorcé hummus

We had rice and beans for lunch

Almorzamos arroz con frijoles

What did you have for dinner?

¿Qué cenaste?

I had soup for dinner

Cené sopa

We had spaghetti for supper

Cenamos espagueti

I don't think it'll make any difference

No creo que haga ninguna diferencia

It's worth the risk

Vale la pena el riesgo

My thermos

Mi termo

A snake

Una serpiente/culebra

I like snakes

Me gustan las serpientes/culebras

He doesn't like snakes

No le gustan las serpientes


El labial


El labial


La tutoría

It won me over

Me convencí por él/lla

That movie won me over

Me convenc la película

It doesn't seem to hinder him very much

No parece impedirle mucho

He doesn't let that stop him

No permite que lo impida


I mostly did it in order to...

Lo hice sobretodo para...

I took it mostly to settle my stomach

Lo tomé sobretodo para calmar el estómago

I took (the class) mostly because of the professor

La tomé sobretodo por la profesora

I mostly went because...

Fui sobretodo porque....

It's first come, first serve

Trata de servicio en la orden llegada


We took a detour

Tomamos un desvío/desviación

It irritates my skin

Se me irrita la piel

Se me

Caterpillars irritate my skin

Las orugas se me irritan la piel

The wisdom teeth

Las muelas del juicio

They took out her...

Le sacaron sus...

They took out her wisdom teeth

Le sacaron las muelas del juicio


La culpa

That is true!

¡Así es cierto!

Make sure you have...

Asegúrate de tener...

Make sure you have all the information

Asegúrate de tener toda la información

Make sure to bring your coat

No olvides/asegúrate de traer tu chamarra

I made sure I...

Me asuguré de....

I made sure I had everything

Me aseguré de tener todo

I don't blame him

No lo culpo (a él)

Don't blame me!

¡(A mí) no me culpes!

Don't blame her!

¡(A ella) no la culpes!

It wasn't my fault!

¡Que no fue culpa mía!


God knows (why)

Sabe Dios

God knows why they decided to...

Sabe Dios por qué decidieron...

Oh for God's sake...

Ay, por Dios...

I'll get/let me get out of your hair

Te quito de encima

God help me

Que Dios me ayude

God help us

Que Dios nos ayude

It gives it a real ____ flavor

Aporta un sabor bien...

The seeds bring to mind...

Las semillas recuerdan a...

The seeds bring to mind little hearts

Las semillas recuerdan a los corazoncitos

To save up for

Ahorrar para comprar

I'm saving up for a car

Estoy ahorrando para comorar un carro

I'm saving up for a new backpack

Estoy ahorrando para comprar una nueva mochila

To save money



To keep something away (pest)

Deshacerse de...

To keep mosquitoes away

Deshacerse de los mosquitos

That always trips me up

Eso siempre me cuesta (algo)

30% are...

El treinta por ciento es...

30% of the population is...

El treinta por ciento de la población es...

30% of the population is illiterate

El treinta por ciento de la población es analfabeta

I'll be right back

Ahorita vengo