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79 Cards in this Set

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ESP Chapter 12. Every gripe that is ignored and allowed to become a formal grievance is ____.
A. costly
B. to be expected
C. the price of doing business
D. standard practice
Answer: costly
ESP Chapter 12. ____ is complaining people do to let off steam.
Answer: Griping
ESP Chapter 12. A ____, the next level of dissatisfaction, requires that change be made.
Answer: Complaint
ESP Chapter 12. Complaints are usually ____ things that can be changed on the spot.
A. insignificant
B. minor
C. major
D. extreme
Answer: minor
ESP Chapter 12. Gripes and complaints can grow to become ____ if not handles satisfactorily.
A. formal grievances
B. informal grievances
C. formal complaints
D. informal complaints
Answer: formal grievances
ESP Chapter 12. A , an ____ is a written expression of an employee's dissatisfaction with some part of his job that he or she cannot control.
A. formal grievance
B. informal grievance
C. formal complaint
D. informal complaint
Answer: formal grievance
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Grievances are allowed on management issues.
A. True
B. False
Answer: False
ESP Chapter 12. ____ grow out of an employee thinking they have been treated unfairly or harshly by the organization.
A. complaints
B. grievances
C. charges
D. allegations
Answer: grievances
ESP Chapter 12. Some grievances are imagined and stem from ____.
A. facts
B. experiences
C. observations
D. misinformation or rumors
Answer: misinformation or rumors
ESP Chapter 12. ESP Chapter 13. Effective supervisors also know that grievances are not _________________.
A. Personal criticisms
B. a waste of time
C. official
D. necessary
Answer: A. Personal criticisms
ESP Chapter 12. The supervisor must first decide if the employee is griping, complaining or grieving, and then if the grievance is ____.
A. necessary
B. allowed
C. adversely affecting the department
D. real or imagined
Answer: real or imagined
ESP Chapter 12. All of the following are causes of grievances, except ____.
A. Work assignments
B. Working conditions
C. Problems with co-workers
D. Relations with the supervisor
E. Salary or income
F. Personal Problems
Answer: Salary or income
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if they have more ____ than is required.
A. time
B. pay
C. skill
D. responsibility
Answer: skill
ESP Chapter 12. ____ workload is another cause of frustration.
A. Uneven
B. Steady
C. Negative
D. Diminished
Answer: Uneven
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Environment, equipment and poor logistics cause employees to be frustrated and make grievances.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. The ____ of the job itself is another factor.
A. income
B. schedule
C. nature
D. location
Answer: nature
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Discriminatory conduct and sexual harassment are rarely causes of grievances.
A. True
B. False
Answer: False
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. You should explain the organization’s policy regarding harassment, the procedures for handling sexual harassment and the disciplinary actions that may be taken in response to the harassment.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. You should know you organizations ____ on this type behavior.
A. track record
B. history
C. policy
D. reputation
Answer: policy
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. You should set a tone of respect and regard for everyone in your unit.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of not setting clear ____.
A. schedules
B. pay
C. time off
D. goals
Answer: goals
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of poor planning.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of ____ supervision.
A. too much
B. too little
C. too much or too little
D. an absence of
Answer: too much or too little
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of ____ standards.
A. too high
B. too low
C. too high or too low
D. prejudiced
Answer: too high or too low
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of not listening to workers.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of not ____ work authority.
A. limiting
B. assigning
C. transferring
D. delegating
Answer: delegating
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of ____ informing.
A. increased
B. poor
C. over-
D. personally
Answer: poor
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of unchecked ____.
A. facts
B. experiences
C. observations
D. rumors
Answer: rumors
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of criticizing ____.
A. in front of others
B. in private
C. performance
D. talents
Answer: in front of others
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of sarcasm and ridicule.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. Workers are often dissatisfied if supervisors have been guilty of treating unfairly based on all of the following factors, except ____.
A. race
B. sex
C. gender
D. rank
D. ethnicity
Answer: rank
ESP Chapter 12. You should try to distinguish if the grievance stems from the worker's ____.
A. past
B. former relationships
C. private life
D. public life
Answer: private life
ESP Chapter 12. Workers with grievances will make the matter ____.
A. go away
B. private
C. obvious
D. personal
Answer: obvious
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. It is more difficult to recognize a complaint or gripe that could develop into a grievance.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. All of the following include danger signs to watch for, except ____.
A. changes in career aspirations
B. changes in work habits
C. changes in attitudes
D. flare-ups
Answer: changes in career aspirations
ESP Chapter 12. Most grievances can be prevented by talking frequently with employees and being ____.
A. approachable
B. formal
C. unavailable
D. critical
Answer: approachable
ESP Chapter 12. Most grievances can be prevented by providing an outlet for complaints, creating a good atmosphere for ____.
A. complaining
B. expression
C. redress
D. reporting
Answer: expression
ESP Chapter 12. When observing employees and working conditions be sensitive to changes and danger signals in the employee's ____.
A. production levels
B. co-workers
C. goals
D. moods and work habits
Answer: moods and work habits
ESP Chapter 12. You should show appreciation. ____ goes a long way.
A. Criticism
B. A good word
C. Evaluations
D. Micro-management
Answer: A good word
ESP Chapter 12. You should help employees move toward acquiring new ____.
A. skills or responsibilities
B. rank
C. pay levels
D. respect
Answer: skills and responsibilities
ESP Chapter 12. The procedure for handling grievances can be ____.
A. formal only
B. formal or informal
C. informal only
D. complicated
Answer: formal or informal
ESP Chapter 12. No matter which type of grievance procedure is in place, the objective is the same: to make sure the grievance is heard, and make sure the employees can seek relief without ____.
A. spreading negativity about the department
B. going to the media
C. seeking legal representation
D. fear of reprisal
Answer: fear of reprisal
ESP Chapter 12. All managers must believe in the system or it will ____.
A. suffer setbacks
B. fail
C. thrive
D. need to be reworked
Answer: fail
ESP Chapter 12. Grievances should always be put in writing and handled by ____first, so it can be dealt with and possibly settled at this point.
A. the employee union
B. internal affairs
C. employee relations
D. the supervisor
Answer: the supervisor
ESP Chapter 12. Once an employee presents you with a grievance you have to decide if you are ____ to hear it and what to do about it.
A. equipped
B. the right person
C. ready
D. unbiased
Answer: the right person
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to ____ responsibility.
A. limit
B. deny
C. shift
D. accept
Answer: accept
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. One technique for handling grievances is to listen attentively.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to ____ the employee.
A. question
B. confront
C. take control of
D. limit access to
Answer: question
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to get additional facts and ____ the statements.
A. believe
B. verify
C. accept
D. deny
Answer: verify
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to keep adequate ____.
A. records
B. notes
C. meetings
D. teleconferences
Answer: records
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to analyze your ____.
A. goals
B. perspectives
C. employee
D. alternatives
Answer: alternatives
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to decide who has the authority to ____.
A. reassign the complaint
B. act
C. make suggestions
D. seek guidance
Answer: act
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to make your decision ____.
A. slowly
B. over time
C. gradually
D. promptly
Answer: promptly
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to ____ your decision.
A. enforce
B. explain
C. change
D. defend
Answer: explain
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to ____ your decision.
A. re-assign
B. delay
C. follow up
D. delegate
Answer: follow up
ESP Chapter 12. One special consideration in unionized local governments is that the grievance procedure is an important part of any ____.
A. organization
B. standard operating procedure
C. manual of regulations
D. contract
Answer: contract
ESP Chapter 12. True or False. One technique for handling grievances is to be familiar with the procedure.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to remember that grievance procedures set ____.
A. lawsuits in motion
B. precedents
C. employee attitudes
D. the quality of the production
Answer: precedents
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to resolve them ____.
A. hastily
B. promptly
C. promptly but not hastily
D. hastily but not promptly
Answer: promptly but not hastily
ESP Chapter 12. One technique for handling grievances is to act ____ in grievance proceedings.
A. defensively
B. appropriately
C. on behalf of the employee
D. on behalf of the department
Answer: appropriately
ESP Chapter 12. Resolving a contract grievance is not about who is right or wrong, but what works best for ____.
A. the department
B. the employee
C. the supervisor
D. both sides
Answer: both sides
ESP Chapter 12. Union management is often____, however, this is changing to a ____ relationship.
A. adversarial , participatory
B. participatory , adversarial
C. weak , strong
D. strong , weak
Answer: adversarial , participatory
ESP Chapter 12. ____ is replacing the collective bargaining system.
A. “Employee-gains bargaining”
B. “Departmental-gains bargaining”
C. “Union-gains bargaining”
D. "Mutual-gains bargaining"
Answer: “Mutual-gains bargaining”
ESP Chapter 12. Mutual-gains is a consensus building idea to settle disputes and wage and benefit settlements.
A. “Employee-gains bargaining”
B. “Departmental-gains bargaining”
C. “Union-gains bargaining”
D. "Mutual-gains bargaining"
Answer: “Mutual-gains bargaining”
ESP Chapter 12. Effective supervisors catch problems when they are ____?
A. small and easier to deal with
B. large and complex
C. small and complex
D. all of the above
Answer: small and easier to deal with
ESP Chapter 12. Wherever people work, you can expect to hear complaints. Handling employees complaints requires ____?
A. patience, tact, knowledge, training
B. knowledge, understanding, patience, skill
C. patience, tact, love, reasoning
D. patience, tact, understanding, good judgment
Answer: patience, tact, understanding, good judgment
ESP Chapter 12. Local Governments use many different systems in helping employees air and settle grievances. Whether procedures are formal or informal the objective is still the same, ____.
A. to establish an open forum with employees so they can be heard as valued members of the team
B. listen with respect and confidence as they are valued members of the organization
C. establish a defined set of goals
D. ensure employees grievances are heard and employees can seek relief without fear of penalty
Answer: ensure employees’ grievances are heard and employees can seek relief without fear of penalty
ESP Chapter 12. Effective supervisors are careful to avoid practices that generate dissatisfaction and lead to complaints and grievances. They make the point to do the following?
A. enforcing rules fairly and consistently
B. correcting employees in public
C. letting employees set standards
D. enforcing rules on a case by case basis
Answer: enforcing rules fairly and consistently
ESP Chapter 12. A grievance is usually a ____ expression with an employee’s dissatisfaction with some aspect of the job that is not under the employee’s immediate control?
A. verbal
B. written
C. visual
D. structured
Answer: written
ESP Chapter 12. Griping is the kind of complaining people do just to ____? People who gripe usually don't expect change.
A. hear themselves.
B. set an example
C. complain
D. let off steam
Answer: let off steam
ESP Chapter 12. A grievance grows out of an employee’s feeling that he , she has been treated ____ by the organization.
A. terrible and unfair
B. wrongly and unjust
C. harshly or unfairly
D. terrible or unfair
Answer: harshly or unfairly
ESP Chapter 12. (Which Statement is falsE. How you listen may have a lot to do with how easy it is to settle a grievance.
A. A grievance should always be presented in a public place
B. Demonstrate your interest by listening calmly and carefully to an employee’s story
C. Listen with an open mind
D. Make an employee feel welcome, and you are interested in what they have to say
Answer: A grievance should always be presented in a public place
ESP Chapter 12. Even when there is no griping or complaining, a supervisor who wants to keep trouble from developing should watch for?
A. mean conversation
B. disturbed employees
C. danger signals
D. poor social skills
Answer: danger signals
ESP Chapter 12. Both gripes and complaints can become grievances if not handled satisfactorily. If a gripe or complaint becomes a formal grievance it must be resolved through a ____?
A. learning process
B. group effort
C. formal step by step process
D. local government’s grievance procedure
Answer: formal step by step process
ESP Chapter 12. Complaints often involve?
A. serious problems that need to be examined by management
B. more than one person
C. a series of steps managers must take to settle the grievance
D. relatively minor matters that can be settled on the spot
Answer: relatively minor matters that can be settled on the spot
ESP Chapter 12. (Which Statement is FalsE. Systems of handling grievances should____.
A. protect an employee’s basic rights as a citizen
B. be simple and easy for employees to understand
C. provide a delayed, satisfactory response
D. be in written form and brought to the attention of all employees
Answer: provide a delayed, satisfactory response
ESP Chapter 12. Formal grievances are not allowed on ____?
A. work cycles
B. management rights
C. employee rights
D. management issues
Answer: management issues
ESP Chapter 12. (Which statement is falsE. Effective supervisors know their employees as people they ____?
A. call them by name
B. make a point of learning about their families and personal interests
C. show that they realize that employees have lives outside of work
D. all are correct
Answer: all are correct
ESP Chapter 12. Generally Sexual Harassment refers to behavior that?
A. tolerated if not offensive
B. welcomed behavior to some employees
C. accepted if kidding
D. unwelcome and personally offensive
Answer: unwelcome and personally offensive