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32 Cards in this Set

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Distinguish a fad and a trend.
Fad is for a brief period, a trend is a general change in situation (long term).
Why is it important to have a personal and professional philosophy?
Addresses the beliefs, concepts, and attributes regarding a profession or lifestyle.
What is the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output?
Heart rate - Heart beats per minute

Stroke volume - Volume of blood pumped per beat

Cardiac output - Volume of blood pumped per minute
What factors affect balance?
Physiological (Physical fitness, posture, stance), Psychological (Self-confidence, courage, peer-pressure), External (Shoes, weather, friction, speed)
What are some ways to help improve balance?
Single leg balance(visual), loaded squats(motor control;deceleration), single leg balance with stability/medicine ball(Re activity)
What is core stability?
Possessing core strength, coordination, and endurance.
How can someone improve their core?
Exercises: plank, bridge, abdominal crunch, and stability ball drills.
What is the National Weight Control Registry?
A website created to investigate and identify the characteristics of citizens who have succeeded in long-term weight loss.
Define Plastic Elongation.
The PERMANENT lengthening of soft tissue.
Define Elastic Elongation.
The TEMPORARY lengthening of soft tissue.
Define Passive Stretching.
Force applied during a stretch by an outside source.
Define Active Stretching.
Muscle stretched by the contraction of opposing muscles (agonist stretches antagonist).
Define Agonist.
A muscle that is very effective in causing a certain joint movement (AKA prime mover). *The muscle that is working*
Define Antagonist.
A muscle that causes movement at a joint in a direction opposite to that of the joint's agonist.
Define Atrophy.
A reduction in muscle fiber size.
Define Eccentric.
A type of muscle action that occurs when the muscle lengthens.
Define Concentric.
A type of muscle action that occurs when the muscle shortens.
Define Hypertrophy.
An enlargement in muscle fiber size.
Define Reciprocal Inhibition.
When a muscle contracts (agonist) the opposing muscle (antagonist) will reflexively relax.
Define Autogenic Inhibition.
A maximal isometric contraction that stimulates the Golgi Tendon Organ to effect a reflex relaxation.
Name the two stretch receptors and their importance.
Muscle spindle - sensitive to change in muscle length.

Golgi tendon organ - causes relaxation of muscle.
What psychological factors play a role in issues with weight management?
Behavior management, flexible plan, and avoiding situations to cause clients to overeat.
Name factors that contribute to weight problems.
Dining out, late nights, pizza, drinking, stress, and snacks.
What are the general guidelines for creating an exercise prescription?
Identify needs/interests, select proper exercises, and evaluate fitness level.
What are the 7 training principles?
Overload, specificity, individuality, reversibility, consistency, recovery, and safety.
What are benefits for cardiovascular endurance?
Improved metabolism, immune system, control of body fat.
What are the benefits of flexibility?
Decrease low back pain, mobility with aging, better posture and body movements.
What are the benefits of muscular strength/endurance?
Less injury risk, reduced HR and BP, better balance/speed/power/agility.
What are the benefits of flexibility?
Decrease LBP, mobility with aging, good posture and body movements.
What are the benefits of cardiorespiratory endurance?
Improved metabolism and immune system, psychological and emotional well-being.
What are the benefits of muscular strength/endurance?
Less injury risk, reduced BP and HR, improved speed/power/balance/agility.
Define Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).
Number of calories needed to sustain the body under normal resting conditions.