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29 Cards in this Set

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Define the Antebellum era?

The period or era before the civil war (1820 - 1860)

List the six areas of reform that occurred durign the 1820s and through the 1850s

Abolitionist movement, tempereance movement, public education reform, womens right movements, prison mental hostpital, political reform

Which tempereance group was formed in 1826?

American Temperance Society: and they tried to get people to moderate their drinking and to take a pledge of total absitenence

What two immigrants were largely opposed to the temperance movement

irish groups and german groups

Reformers wished to set up what three state supported things to help these people

state supported prisions, poor houses, and mental hospitals

Who MOST led the drive to build state hospitals for the mentally ill in the us

Dix, Dorathea Lynde

Dix, Dorathea, as well as led the drive to build hospitals for the mentally ill, also dod what?

improved prison conditions

The word penitentiary comes from what term? These prisons tried to make their inmates feel what?

Penitent, penitent or sorry

What pennslyvania religious group led the way in prison reforms? Their ideas became known as what?

The Quakers, the pennyslvania system

Who became the leading advocate for the common school movement in the us? What state?

Mann, Horace


Horace Mann worked for what four things?

improved schools.

compulsory attendance for all children

a longer school year

increased teacher preparatino

Who created a series of elementary textbooks that taught reading and moral instuction.. his education

Mcguffey, a pennsylvania school teacher and clergy man

What were mcguffeys books called?

Ecletic Readers

What values were taught in the mcguffey readers?

hard work, punctuality, and sobriety

Weems, MAson locke wrote the first popular biography about whom?

George Washington

Provide the title of the first popular biography about george washington

The life and memorable actions of george washinton

Did mason locke invent tales about washing in his bio?

most def

Which two sisters objected to male opposition to their antislaver activities

sarah and angelina Grimke

Which two woman began campaigning for womans rights after they had been barred from speaking at an antislavery convention? they also organized the first womans right convention in the us

lucretia mott, and elizabeth cady stanton

Who wrote the letters on the quality of the sexes and the condition of woman?

sarah grimke moore

how many woman and men were in attendaance at the seneca falls convention 1848

68 woman, 32 men

Who wrote civil disobedience

thoreau, Henry david

What did thoreau say peopele should do

people should refuse to obey any law they believe is unjust

what is thoreau's doctrine called?

passive resistance

What did thoreau refuse to do in 1846

refuse to pay poll toaxes

Why did thoreau refuse to pay the poll tax

he do so to express his opposition to slavery as it became an issus in the mexican war

What civils rights leader from the 1950s and 1960s was influenced by thorea's civil disobedience?

leo tolystoy(russia) Gandhi (india) MLK JR.. and other leaders of the american civil rights movement.

Did mlk jr. embrace the doctrine of passive resistance? What was his philosphy called?

soul force

