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32 Cards in this Set

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what is the most common CS of esophageal dz
ptylaism (hypersalivation)
d/dx for ptyalism
mastication (CN V, VII, XII)
swallowing (CN V, IX, X)

oral cavity pain
poor dentition
what do you have to know about horses and how they breathe
they are obligate nasal breathers
what is the key to figuring out where the hell ptyalism is coming from
oral exam
what do you need to rule out before you consider something wrong with the esophagus?
1. confirm good oral health (R/O fb, rule out teeth issues)
2. confirm guttural pouch health
3. confirm integrety of CN (needs to be done with endoscopy of guttural pouch)
examination of esophagus involves?
plain rads
contrast rads
what is another name for esopheal obstruction
whre are common sites of esophageal obstruction?
cervical esophagus
heart base
thoracic inlet
terminal esophagus

cats have ten tries (chtt)
where is there skeletal and smooth m. in the esophagus
cr. 2/3 is skeletal
ca 1/3 is smooth
what are CS of choke (acute)
frothy nasal discharge
feed from nostrils
how do you perform a diagnostic eval for choke
sedation of horse is key (head should be lower than point of shoulder px aspiration)

endoscopy if available

passage of NG tube
what drugs will you use to sedate the horse and relax the esophagus?
N-butylscopaolammoium bromide (buscopan)
when you have confimed choke what do you need to do next?
pass NG tube until resistance if felt
pump in water while gently applying pressure to the obstruction
keep horses head low (px aspiration)
what do you do if the horse is unresponsive to the NG and water ?
place horse in a stall, NPO, IV fluids, sedatives, relax esophagus and give it time!
it will likely resolve on its own
what do you do after your NG/ water and rest dont resolve the choke
GA and cut them
what are some meds you can give to a horse that has prolonged choke?
broad-spectrum abx
refeeding considerations (what you're going to feed, how often, how much)
complications of choke
what are the complications of choke
aspiration pneumonia
esophageal stricture
esophageal rupture
what are you going to do for a horse that has aspiration pneumonia
broad antibiotics
IV (K+ penicllin, procaine penicillin, gentocin)
oral abx- trimethoprim sulfa
when there is an esophageal rupture from choke, or from a vet shoving a tube into the esophagus what is going to happen to the esophagus?
extensive necrosis of tissues that drain due to drainage of saliva and feed material with significant subq emphysema.
how do you treat an esophageal ruputre
extensive debridement and lavage of tissues, broad-spectrum abx, tetanus prophalyxsis and esophageal rest. can put a esopheatomy tube in the wound, give fluids, let it heal by 2nd intention
what is common after relieving a choke?
what do you do to px choke from reoccuring
food modifications- soft mashed gruel (moistened pelleted feed and bran mashes_ and fresh grass when available
what do you have to do when feed modifications are not enough to px choke from reoccuring?
why woudl a horse get metabolic alkalosis from choke
because of prlonged loss of salivary Na+ and Cl-
what results in megaesophagus
is congenital or acquired megaesophagus more common
what is acquired mega esopagus a result of?
primary or secondary esophageal obstruction
what is primary obstruction
when there is something inside the esophagus
what is secondary obstruction
when something is outside of the esophagus compressing it.
how do you treat megaesophagus in the horse?
target underlying cause, dietary modifications
what is the prognosis of congenital megaesophagus?
does megaesophagus cause mechanical or functional obstruction