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80 Cards in this Set

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Formula for Compliance
Volume/(Pplat - PEEP)
Formula for Resistance
(PIP - Pplat) / Flow
Formula for Time Constant
R x C
Formula for PAO2
(Pbaro - 47) FiO2 - (PaCO2 x 1.25)
Formula for Minute Ventilation
M.V. = RR x Vt
Formula for dead space
2.2 mL/Kg
Formula for Alveolar Minute ventilation
VA = (Vt - Vd) x RR
P(A-a) Gradient
PAO2 - PaO2
PF Ratio and normals.
PaO2/FiO2 , 350 -450
Formula For Oxygen Extraction Ratio
Formula For Dead Space
PaCO2 - PeCO2 / PaCO2
Formula For arterial oxygen content
CaO2 = (Hb x 1.34) SaO2 + (PaO2 x 0.003)
Formula For venous oxygen content
CvO2 = (Hb x 1.34) SvO2 + (PvO2 x 0.003)
End Capillary Content
CcO2 = (Hb x 1.34) 1.0 + (PAO2 x 0.003)
Formula For Oxygen uptake
VO2 = C.O. x C(a-v)O2 x 10
Formula For delivered oxygen
DO2 = C.O. x CaO2 x 10
Formula For Oxygen Extraction Ratio
C(a-v)O2 / CaO2 or
VO2 / DO2
Normal value PaO2
80 - 100 mmHg
Normal Values & Critical Numbers for PaCO2
N 35 - 40 mmHg
Critical: > 55 mmHg
Normal Values & critical Number for pH
N 7.35 - 7.45
C < 7.35
Normal & critical numbers for Tidal Volume
N: 5-8 mL/Kg
C: < 5 mL/Kg
Normal and criticals for Vital Capacity
N: 65 - 75 mL/Kg
C: < 10 mL/Kg
Normal & critical numbers for RR
N: 12- 20
C: > 35
Normal & critical numbers for MIP
N: 80-100 cmH2O
C: &lt; 20 cmH2O
Normal and critical values for MEP
N: > 100 cmH2O
C: &lt; 40 cmH2O
Normal and critical numbers for Max Voluntary Ventilation
N: 120 - 180 LPM
C: &lt; 2x M.V.
Normal & critical numbers for Vd/Vt
N: 0.25 - 0.40
C: > 60%
Normal and critical values for P(A-a)O2
N: on r/a = 2 - 30 mmHg
on 100% O2 = 25-65 mmHg
Critical:> 350
Normal and critical values for PF Ratio
N: 350 - 450
C: < 200
Normal Minute Ventilation
5-6 Lpm
Normal Hemoglobin Values
12-16 g%
Normal and Critical values for PaO2/PAO2
N: 0.75 - 0.95
C: &lt; 0.15
Formula for content difference
C(a-v)O2 = CaO2 - CvO2
Formula for volume lost to circuit * with insp pause*
Ccircuit - (Pplat - PEEP)
Formula for volume lost to circuit * No insp pause)
Ccircuit - (PIP-PEEP)
Formula for compliance of the circuit
Ccircuit = Vt / (Pplat - PEEP)
Formula for I:E Ratio
Inspiratory time/ Exp time
Formula for PIP:
PEEP + Pr + Pc
Formula for Ti dynamic
Tidyn = Vol / Flow
Formula for effective volume
Veff = Vdelivered / Vlost
Formula for cardiac Output
S.V. x HR
What is normal stroke volume?
60 - 130 ml/beat
Formula for stoke volume:
Normal EDV value:
120-180 ml/beat
Normal ESV
50-60 ml/beat
Formula for Blood Pressure
SVR x C.O.
Equation for Ejection fraction
S.V. EDV x 100
Normal ejection fraction?
> 50-60%
Fick's Method for measuring cardiac ouput
C.O. = VO2 / C(a-v)O2 x 10
* This is a re arrangement of the VO2 equation
Normal range for VO2 ?
Formula for cardiac index?
C.O. / BSA
Normal for cardiac index?
2.5 - 4.0 L/min/m2
Formula for Stroke Index?
S.V. / BSA or CI / HR
Normal value for stroke index?
30-50 ml/m2
Formula for systemic vascular resistance:
SVR = (MAP - CVP /C.O.) x 80 dynes/sec/cm5
Normal for SVR
950 - 1300 dynes/sec/cm5
Formula for PVR?
( MPAP - PCWP)/ C.O. x 80
Normal values for PVR?
155 - 255 dynes/sec/cm5
Formula for Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index? (PVRI)
(MPAP - PCWP)/ C.I. x 80
Normal value for PVRI ?
200 - 400 dynes/sec/cm5/m2
Formula for Systemic vascular resistance index? (SVRI)
(MAP - CVP)/ C.I. x 80 dynes/sec/cm5/m2
Normal values for SVRI ?
1600 - 2400 dynes/sec/cm5/m2
Formula for coronary perfusion pressure?
CPP = Diastolic Bp - PCWP
Normal values for CPP ?
60 - 80 mmHg
Normal values for CVP?
2-6 mmHg
What is considered normal JVD?
< 3 cm above sternal angle
Normal PA systolic?
15 - 25 mmHg
Normal PA diastolic?
8-15 mmHg
Normal pulmonary artery pressure?
15-25 / 8-15 mmHg
Normal PCWP?
5- 12 mmHg
Normal RAP?
2-6 mmHg
Normal Right Ventricular Pressure (RVP)?
20-30/0-5 mmHg
Normal MPAP?
10 - 20 mmHg
Normal MAP:
85 - 115 mmHg
Normal PVR ?
155 - 255 dynes/sec/cm5
Normal SVR ?
900-1300 dynes/sec/cm5
Normal Ejection Fraction? (EF)
50 - 60 %
Normal end diastolic volume?
120 - 180 mls
Normal creatinine Levels?
50 - 110 micro moles/L
Normal urea levels?
2.8 - 7.7 mmol/L