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227 Cards in this Set

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changeQ/t = -kA (delta T/delta x)

Work/ Energy

W= P (dV) = (F/A) (A) (dx)= F (dx)

PdV= F/A Adx


volume changes

pressure constant


P changes

V constant



P changes

V changes

T constant



gases expanding/contracting so fast that there's NO heat exchange


delta E(int) = -W(by)

open system

can exchange matter and heat

closed system

only heat exchange

isolated system

neither heat or matter can be exchanged (adiabatic)

P gauge

P gauge = pdg

=Fg (fluid) /A


Apparent Weight

Fn = Fg - Fb


(p obj/p fluid) = (v sub/ v obj)

incompressible fluids flow rate is


A1V1 = A2V2

f = Av

A proportional to 1/V

Bernoulli's Equ.

P1 + (1/2)pv1^2 + pgy1 = P2 + (1/2)pv2^2 + pgy2

if v2>v1; y1=y2; P2 < P1

Bernoulli's Equ only applies if

1. fluid is incompressible (density constant)

2. negligible viscosity (thickness)

3. flow is laminar

4. flow rate constant


transfer of heat by direct contact

diff materials conduct heat at diff rates


heat transfer due to motion of fluid


heat transfer due to electromagnetic

Internal Energy

E(int) = Qin - Wby

Hooke's law


force of a spring, x=displacement

negative slope= resulting force and displacement have opposite directions

Boyle's Law



= 1/2 mv^2


Gm1m2/ r^2

Coulomb's Law

F(electrostatic)= kq1q2/ r2


p= mv


P= F/A


P= E/ t or W/t (Fdcos(theta)/ t)

P= Fv if v is constant and parallel

P= VI (voltage x current)

P= I^2 R


f= oscillations/ t

f= 1/T (period)

Radioactivity Activity

= disintegrations/ t

Electric Potential(V)

V= Energy/Charge

V= kQ/r

voltage = dV = volts

associated with position. how much work per unit charge

Elect. Current

I= Charge/t

I= dQ/dt

Elect. Resistance [2]

R= Potential/ Current or Voltage/ Current

R= V/I


C= Charge/ Electric Potential

C = Q/V



Electric Field (E) [2]

E= F/Q (Force/ Charge)

E= kQ/r^2

Magnetic Field

B= F/ Qv (Force/ charge x velocity)

Magnetic Flux

F= BA (magnetic field x Area)

1000 L

= 1m^3


= 1cc

?torr= ?mm Hg= ?atm

760 torr= 760 mm Hg= 1 atm

1 atm=

10^5 Pa

density of water


1000 kg/m^3

charge on electron


-1.6 x 10^-19 C

1.6 x 10^-19 J



tnet = I a (inertia * rotational acceleration)

F circular motion


centripetal acceleration


towards center of circle

when work = 0

F is perpendicular to d

Work when F is constant


Work and KE

W= dKE

PE and ME

PE = mgh = Fgd

when work done by system in same direction as field force

W(+ ) and dPE (-)


ME = PE + KE conservative force

dME= 0 when no non-conservative forces

Mechanical Advantage

F resitance/ F effort


always >1


W output/ E input

centripetal Force

F= mv2/r

Fgrav = Fc

GMm/r^2 = mv^2/r

v= sqrt(GM/r)

any object orbiting at the same distance from the earth as the moon...?

must move at same speed

What is Electric Potential Energy?

Electric potential energy is the energy that is needed to move a charge against an electric field. You need more energy to move a charge further in the electric field, but also more energy to move it through a stronger electric field.

amount of work applied

PEe= qV

EP increases when you get closer to like charge

EP increases when you get farther from opposite charge

Resistance in terms of resistivity

R= pL/A


time (t)

= Sqrt(2d/g)

translational speed (v)

v= sqrt(GM/r)


zero acceleration

both translational and rotational acceleration = 0

static equilibrium

zero acceleration and velocity= 0

translational equlibrium

if forces cancel (Fnet=0) then translational acceleration = 0

rotational equilibrium

torques cancel out (t=0)

rotational acceleration = 0


resistance to acceleration

translational and rotational inertia

rotational= moment of inertia= I= resistance to rotational accerlation

mass closer to rotation axis gives smaller I

mass= translational inertai

torque of rotational inertia

t= Ia (rotational inertia x rotational acceleration)

center of mass

center of gravity

xcm (cg) = (m1x1 + m2x2 + m3x3) / (m1+m2+m3)

Work is positive when…

When the angle is greater than 0 but less than 90°

cosine of Theta is positive

Work is zero when…

Theta equals 90°

Cosine theta is zero

Work is negative when…

Theta is greater than 90° but less than 180°

Cosine theta is negative

If force is not constant and graph is given of force versus position, then the work done by that force is equal to…

The area under the curve

Work done by gravity depends only on…

The initial and final height of the object, not on the path the object follows

Total ME if there is friction/ outside forces

Ei + WbyF = Ef

KEi + PEi + WF = KEf + PEf

Inclined plane Fapp, d, and work

Fapp >_ mgsin(theta)

d= h/ (sin(theta))

Wramp = Fapp * d = mgsin(theta) * (h/ sin theta) = mgh

Mechanical Advantage

Resistance force / effort force

Fr/ Feffort

Resistance force

Force that would be applied if no machine were used

Efficiency %

Woutput / energy input


F * dt = dp


Law of conservation of momentum

dp system = 0

Total p initial = total p final

Elastic collision

Total momentum and total kinetic energy are conserved

Inelastic collision

Total momentum is conserved but total Kinetic energy is not

Perfectly inelastic

An inelastic collision in which the objects stick together afterwards

Angular momentum

L = lmv = Iw

w is angular velocity

Specific gravity

Density of substance/ density of water


Shear strain

Distance of shear/original length

X/ L0

X= FL0 / AG

Density of ideal gas

pgas = m / V = mP / nRT

Fgrav for liquids



pfluid Vsub g

apparent weight

Wapp = w - Fbuoy

Force surface tension

2y L

y is coefficient of surface tension

Efflux speed

v = sqrt(2gD)

Poiseuille's law

dP/L = 8nf/ pi r^4



Compressive strain

Change in length/original length

dL/ L0

dL = FL0 / EA

Principle of superposition

The net electric force on a charge (q) due to a collection of other charges (Q) is equal to the sum individual forces that each of the Qs exert on q


Power x time

Terminal voltage

If battery is supplying current then V = e - Ir

If circuit is supplying current then V = e + Ir

Ed's formula

V = Ed

Electrical PE stored in a capacitor

PE = (1/2) QV = (1/2) CV^2 = Q^2/2C


V / sqrt(2)


Power x time

Terminal voltage

If battery is supplying current then V = e - Ir

If circuit is supplying current then V = e + Ir

Ed's formula

V = Ed

Electrical PE stored in a capacitor

PE = (1/2) QV = (1/2) CV^2 = Q^2/2C


V / sqrt(2)


I / sqrt(2)

Magnetic Force

FB = q (v x B) = q vBsin(theta)

Do magnetic forces do work?

No because they are always perpendicular to velocity of charge

KE is constant

Lorentz force

Total electromagnetic force

Magnetic field line on magnet emanate from?

North Pole curling towards South Pole

Hooke's Law

F = -kx

Elastic Potential Energy

PE = 1/2 kx^2

Restoring force

Provided by spring

Force that maintains oscillations

Work by spring

-dPE elastic

Work by spring

-dPE elastic

Work against spring

dPE elastic


Max displacement of block from equilibrium

Dynamics of oscillations

Magnitude of restoring force is max at -A , A

Magnitude of acceleration is max at -A, A

PE of spring max at -A, A

KE max at x=0

Speed max at x=0

v max of spring

v = A sqrt(k / m)

Frequency of spring

1/(2 pi) sqrt(k / m)

Frequency of spring

1/(2 pi) sqrt(k / m)

Period of spring

T = 2pi sqrt(m / k)

Restoring force of pendulum


Equilibrium at theta = 0

Frequency of pendulum

1/(2pi) sqrt(g / l)

Frequency of pendulum

1/(2pi) sqrt(g / l)

Not affected by mass

Period of pendulum

2pi sqrt(l / g)

Not affected by mass

v max of pendulum

v = sqrt( 2 gh)

Conversion between degrees and radians

180 degrees = pi radians

Transverse wave

Wave propagates in direction perpendicular to direction in which medium is vibrating

Ex: wiggling one end of rope

Wavelength and amplitude of wave

Wavelength is distance from crest to crest

Amplitude is maximum displacement from equilibrium and does NOT depend on f, v, or lambda

Wave equation

v = lambda f

Two big rules for waves

1: speed of wave is determined by type of wave and characteristics of medium NOT frequency (exception is light waves: greater freq, slower speed, greater bend for refraction)

2: when a wave passes into another medium, its speed changes, but its frequency does NOT

Longitudinal waves

The direction in which the particles of the conducting medium oscillate is parallel to the direction in which the wave travels

Speed of sound equation

v = sqrt( B / p)

B is bulk modulus (resistance to compression) and p is density

Speed of sound in air

340 m/s

Open end of pipe corresponds to?

Displacement Antinode (dmax)

Pressure nodes (constant pressure)

Closed end of pipe corresponds to?

Displacement node (no motion)

Pressure antinode ( max pressure fluctuations)

Open pipe wavelength and frequency

Lambda = 2L / n

f = nv / 2L

Closed pipe wavelength and frequency

Lambda = 4L / n

f = nv / 4 L

n is odd number

Max and min amplitude sounds

Max is loud

Min is soft


Resulting equally spaced moments of constructive interference ( the loud moments)

Beat frequency

Fbeat = ( f1 - f2 )

Constructive interference

Crest meets crest amplitudes add

Intensity and it's relation to r and A

The energy a sound wave transmits per second ( the power) per unit area

I inversely proportional to r^2

I proportional to A^2

Threshold of hearing

Lowest intensity human can hear

10^-12 I0

Intensity level

B = 10 log I / I0

Usually multiply by 10 to get decibels dB

Important relationship of intensity level equation

Every time we multiply I by 10 we add 10 to B

Every time we divide I by 10 we subtract 10 from B

Doppler effect theory

Approaching - higher detected frequency

Receding - lower detected frequency

Detector moves away/near relative speed changes with constant wavelength

Source moves wavelength changes with constant speed

Doppler effect equation

fD = fs (v +/- vD ) / ( v -/+ vs)

v is speed of wave

Top sign is toward

Electromagnetic waves are?

Transverse waves

Oscillate with same frequency at which electric charge does

In phase

Perpendicular to each other

Direction of propagation (polarization)

Electromagnetic waves speed equation

c = lambda f

Increasing frequency and energy of EM waves

Decreasing wavelength

Radio, micro, infrared, visible (ROYGBIV), UV, X-rays, gamma rays

Photon energy

E = hf = h (c / lambda)

Destructive interference

Crest coincides with trough

Amplitudes subtract

Plancks constant

h = 6.6 x 10^-34

Law of reflection

Angle of reflection is equal to angle of incidence

Angle with normal

Index of refraction

n = c / v

v is speed of light in medium

n = 1 for air and vacuum

n is never less than 1 and the greater the value the slower light travels in the medium

Law of refraction ( snells law)

n1 sin theta1 = n2 sin theta2

If n2 > n1 theta 2 < theta 1, ray will bend toward normal

If n2 < n1 theta 2 > theta 1, ray will bend away from normal

Critical angle for total internal reflection

Sin thetacrit = n2/n1

Turning unpolarized light into polarized

Use of polarizing filter

Concave mirror focal length

f = 1/2 r

Object farther than focal point: image will appear at focal point

Real in front of mirror inverted

Halfway between C and mirror

Object inside focal point:

image forms behind mirror

Virtual upright

Convex mirror focal point

Imaginary/ virtual behind mirror so it is upright

Mirror lens equation

(1/o) + (1/i) = (1/f)

o is objects distance from mirror (always positive)

f is focal length

i is the images distanxe from mirror ( positive means in front and real; negative means behind and virtual)

Magnification equation

m = - i / o

Multiplying the height of object by m gives the height of image

Positive- upright

Negative- inverted

Real images are inverted and virtual are upright

Path differences for waves

= n lambda waves in phase

= (n + 1/2) lambda waves out of phase

Converging lens (convex)

Thicker in middle

Refract light rays that are parallel to axis toward focal point on other side of lens

F is positive

Real and virtual

Diverging lens (concave)

Are thinner in the middle and refract light rays that are parallel to the axis away from the imaginary focal point that's in front of the lens

F is negative

Only virtual in front of lens

Lens power

P = 1/f

P = P1 + P2



Diverging lens correction



Converging lens correction


Ability to focus on near by objects through the action of the ciliary muscles which essentially squeeze lens of the eye increasing its curvature and decreasing it's focal length

First harmonic (fundamental)

Lambda = 2L / 1

Second harmonic

2L / 2

Third harmonic

2L / 3

Standing waves for wavelengths for two fixed ends

2L / n

Standing wave frequencies for two fixed ends

(n / 2L) (v)

Using fundamental frequency to find all other harmonic frequencies

fn = nf1

Two big rules for waves

1: speed of wave is determined by type of wave and characteristics of medium NOT frequency (exception is light waves: greater freq, slower speed, greater bend for refraction)

2: when a wave passes into another medium, its speed changes, but its frequency does NOT

Longitudinal waves

The direction in which the particles of the conducting medium oscillate is parallel to the direction in which the wave travels

Speed of sound equation

v = sqrt( B / p)

B is bulk modulus (resistance to compression) and p is density

Speed of sound in air

340 m/s

Open end of pipe corresponds to?

Displacement Antinode (dmax)

Pressure nodes (constant pressure)

Closed end of pipe corresponds to?

Displacement node (no motion)

Pressure antinode ( max pressure fluctuations)

Open pipe wavelength and frequency

Lambda = 2L / n

f = nv / 2L

Closed pipe wavelength and frequency

Lambda = 4L / n

f = nv / 4 L

n is odd number

Max and min amplitude sounds

Max is loud

Min is soft


Resulting equally spaced moments of constructive interference ( the loud moments)

Beat frequency

Fbeat = ( f1 - f2 )

Constructive interference

Crest meets crest amplitudes add

Intensity and it's relation to r and A

The energy a sound wave transmits per second ( the power) per unit area

I inversely proportional to r^2

I proportional to A^2

Threshold of hearing

Lowest intensity human can hear

10^-12 I0

Intensity level

B = 10 log I / I0

Usually multiply by 10 to get decibels dB

Important relationship of intensity level equation

Every time we multiply I by 10 we add 10 to B

Every time we divide I by 10 we subtract 10 from B

Doppler effect theory

Approaching - higher detected frequency

Receding - lower detected frequency

Detector moves away/near relative speed changes with constant wavelength

Source moves wavelength changes with constant speed

Doppler effect equation

fD = fs (v +/- vD ) / ( v -/+ vs)

v is speed of wave

Top sign is toward

Electromagnetic waves are?

Transverse waves

Oscillate with same frequency at which electric charge does

In phase

Perpendicular to each other

Direction of propagation (polarization)

Electromagnetic waves speed equation

c = lambda f

Increasing frequency and energy of EM waves

Decreasing wavelength

Radio, micro, infrared, visible (ROYGBIV), UV, X-rays, gamma rays

Photon energy

E = hf = h (c / lambda)

Destructive interference

Crest coincides with trough

Amplitudes subtract

Plancks constant

h = 6.6 x 10^-34

Law of reflection

Angle of reflection is equal to angle of incidence

Angle with normal

Index of refraction

n = c / v

v is speed of light in medium

n = 1 for air and vacuum

n is never less than 1 and the greater the value the slower light travels in the medium

Law of refraction ( snells law)

n1 sin theta1 = n2 sin theta2

If n2 > n1 theta 2 < theta 1, ray will bend toward normal

If n2 < n1 theta 2 > theta 1, ray will bend away from normal

Critical angle for total internal reflection

Sin thetacrit = n2/n1

Turning unpolarized light into polarized

Use of polarizing filter

Concave mirror focal length

f = 1/2 r

Object farther than focal point: image will appear at focal point

Real in front of mirror inverted

Halfway between C and mirror

Object inside focal point:

image forms behind mirror

Virtual upright

Convex mirror focal point

Imaginary/ virtual behind mirror so it is upright

Mirror lens equation

(1/o) + (1/i) = (1/f)

o is objects distance from mirror (always positive)

f is focal length

i is the images distanxe from mirror ( positive means in front and real; negative means behind and virtual)

Magnification equation

m = - i / o

Multiplying the height of object by m gives the height of image

Positive- upright

Negative- inverted

Real images are inverted and virtual are upright

Path differences for waves

= n lambda waves in phase

= (n + 1/2) lambda waves out of phase

Converging lens (convex)

Thicker in middle

Refract light rays that are parallel to axis toward focal point on other side of lens

F is positive

Real and virtual

Diverging lens (concave)

Are thinner in the middle and refract light rays that are parallel to the axis away from the imaginary focal point that's in front of the lens

F is negative

Only virtual in front of lens

Lens power

P = 1/f

P = P1 + P2



Diverging lens correction



Converging lens correction


Ability to focus on near by objects through the action of the ciliary muscles which essentially squeeze lens of the eye increasing its curvature and decreasing it's focal length

First harmonic (fundamental)

Lambda = 2L / 1

Second harmonic

2L / 2

Third harmonic

2L / 3

Standing waves for wavelengths for two fixed ends

2L / n

Standing wave frequencies for two fixed ends

(n / 2L) (v)

Using fundamental frequency to find all other harmonic frequencies

fn = nf1

Energy of photon

E photon = hf = hc/ lambda

h is plancks constant = 6.63 x 10^-34