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20 Cards in this Set

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List the four levels of MR
1.Mild-(IQ 50-55 to 70
2. Moderate (IQ 35-40 to 50-55)
3. Severe (IQ 20-25 to 35-40)
4. Profound (IQ berlow 20-25)
Associated features of MR
Mood Disorders
Rare recessive gene syndrome -inability to metobolize the amino acid phenlalanine
Down Syndrone
Trisomy 21 extra Chromosome.
Characteristics Short crooked fifth finger slanted almond shaped eyes, large protuding tongue.
Learning Disorders
2 or more SD between achievement and IQ scores.
motor coordination
memory deficits
LD Prognosis
Continues through life time
School dropout rate 1.5Xs average
improved prognosis w/early id
LD Etiology
ear infections (Otitis Media)
Hemispheric abnormalities-incomplete domancy and exposure to toxins
What is theory I?
Stanovich-1993 Reading Disorders =deficit in Phonolological (hearing) processing.
Remediate processing deficits
One X One initial careful assessment
Social Cognitive skills beneficial.
Communicatin D's-Stuttering
disturbance in normal fluency
and time patterning of speech.
begins between 2-7 3x's more common in males
60% spontaneoulsy decrease by age 16
reducing stress at home stop reprimanding kids when they stutter
learn to cope w/ frustration
regulate breathing method
breathing and vocalization exercises
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Autistic Disorder
Abnormal funcitioning prior to 3
lack of eye c0ontact
oblivious to others
Echolalia speech (Echoing words and phrases of others
fascination with inanimate objects
sterotyped behaviors -hand flapping, rocking-spinning
Impairment in Social Interaction
at least 2 symptoms
nonverbal behavior
absence of developmentally appropriate peer relationships
lack of social or emotional reciprocity
Impairment in communicaitons
Delay or total lack of development of spoken lang
impairment in ability to initiate or sustain conversation
stereotyped and repetitive use of lang or pecular lang.
Preoccupation w/ stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest.
inflexible adherence to nonfunctional routines or rituals
stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms
persistent preoccupation w/ parts of objects.
Autisic Associate Features
75% MR
Cognitive Skills uneven
above average on measures of auuditory rote memory, visual spatial abilities, mechanical skills
poor on measures of verbal comprehension, conceptial and abstract reasoning
4-54 X's more common in males
early signs-lack of responsiveness tocaregivers
babies refuse to cuddle-do not smile 'look throught' people
best outcome ability to communicate verballyby 5 or 6 IQ over 70 later onset of symptoms.
Neurological and neurochemical factors
EEG abnormalities in 40-65%
Elevated Serotonin, norepinephrine and dopemine levels
50-100 x's more high among siblings
enhancing daily living, communication and social skills.
shaping and discrimination training to increase communication skills
Retts Disorder
characteristic patterns of symptoms following a period of normal development for 5 mos or >
Only in females
Head growth deceleration,loss of purposeful hand skills nad stereotypical hand movements.