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35 Cards in this Set

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List of Neurotransmitters
Catecholamines (DA, NE, 5-HT)
Function of ACh
NT involved in REM sleep
regulation of sleep-wake cycle & memory
*Alzheimer's = low
Function of Catechcholamines
personality, mood, memory, and sleep
Function of Serotonin
*high and low D/O
Inhibitory effect, hunger, mood, temp. regulation, sexual act., arousal, sleep, aggression,& migraine headache
*high = schizophrenia & autism
*low = depression, suicide, PTSD, OCD, and aggression
Function of GABA
NT that is inhibitory linked to eating, sleep, seizure, & anxiety D/O
*Huntington's disease motor functions
Function of Glutamate
NT that is excitatory, role in memory and learning, specifically long-term potentiation (LTM)
*excessive activity = seizure, stroke-related brain damage, Huntington's, Alzheimers, etc.
Function of Endorphins
inhibitory, pain relief, pleasurable experiences that control of emotions, memory and learning, and sexual bx
5 main stages of brain development
Proliferation: embryo about 2 1/2 weeks old
Migration: neurons move 8 weeks
Differentiation: axons & dendrites develop
Myelination: glial cells insulating sheath (postnatal)
Synaptogenesis: formation of synapses
nerves that relay messages btw CNS and organs, muscles, & glands
Somatic nervous system
sensory nerves that carry info from senses to CNS
autonomic nervous system
system responsible for viseral functions (heart rate, blood press, respiration, digestion, sweating)
parasympathetic branch
conservation of energy & relaxation, slow heart rate, low blood press, contract pupils, reduce sweat, increase digestive system
sympathetic branch
fight or flight: increase heart rate, pupil dilation, increase blood sugar, inhib digestion
function of cerebellum
*damage results in*
balance, posture, coordinated motor movements, sensorimotor functioning, aspects of cognitive functioning,
DAMAGE = Ataxia-slurred speech, severe tremors, loss of balance
reticular activating system
consiousness, arousal, and wakefulness
DAMAGE = sleep-wake cycle, coma-like state of sleep
relay station--transmits sensory info to cortex; motor activity, language, & memory
*Korsakoff syndrome
part of brain resp. for hunger, thirst, sex, sleep, body temp, movement, and emotional reactions
*uncontrollable laughter, intense rage, and aggression
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
in the hypothalamus and mediates sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms
*Seasonal Affective D/O
basal ganglia
part of the brain involved in planning, organizing, & coordinating voluntary mvmt; stereotyped mvmts (smiling)
*Huntington's, Parkinson's, Tourette's, mania, depression, OCD, and psychosis
Limbic system
Part of brain that mediates emotion
(Amygdala & Hippocampus)
integrates, coordinates, and directs motivational & emotional activities, attaches emotions to memories, recall of emotional experiences
part of brain for learning and memory; processing spatial, visual, and verbal information,
Frontal Lobe
motor, premotor, and prefrontal
control of voluntary mvmts (fingers, lips, jaw)
Broca's area
speech production
Damage: expressive aphasia- difficulties in producing spoken and written language
prefrontal cortext
function & damage
emotion, memory, self-awareness
Damage= personality change-- pseudodepression & pseudopsychopathology; cognitive problems inc. abstract thinking, planning, decision making, perseveration, & order
Parietal Lobe
sensory motor cortex, pressure, temp, pain, proprioception, & gustation
*apraxia, tactile agnosia, anosognosia
Temporal Lobe
auditory cortex, auditory sensation & perception
*auditory agnosia, auditory hallucinations, Wernickes's--language comprehension & production
Occipital Lobe
visual cortex- visual perception, recognition, & memory
*visual agnosia-inability to recognize familiar objects; prosopagnosia-inability to rec. familiar faces
Temporal Lobe:
Learning & Memory
encoding, storage, & retrieval of LT declarative memories
*removal of right lobe = deficits in nonverbal memory tasks
left = verbal memory
Learning & Memory
consolidation of LT declarative memories (not storage), spatial memory
*chronic stress due to depression, poverty, or other may impair memory as a result of the effects of cortisol and other stress hormonones on the area
Learning & Memory
conditioning, learning reward & punishments, adding emotion to memories
*recall of trauma (PTSD)
Prefrontal Cortex:
Learning & Memory
short-term memory (esp. working memory), episodic memory, and prospective memory
Learning & Memory
*damage results*
processing information and transfering to neocortex
*memory loss, anterograde & retrograde amnesia, and confabulation (Korsakoff's)
Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum, and Motor Cortex:
Learning & Memory
3 parts of the brain that control procedural memory and implict (unconscious) memory
Amygdala: perception & expression of emotions, response to dangerous
Hypothalamus: translate emotion to physical response
Cerebral Cortex: left = positive emotions; right = negative
Areas of the Brain that regulate emotion