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5 Cards in this Set

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33. Which of the following infractions accounts for the largest percentage of malpractice costs?

lack of competence
breach of confidentiality
sexual contact with clients
improper billing practices
sexual contact with clients
The infraction that accounts for the greatest proportion of malpractice claims depends on how the infractions are categorized. However, regardless of the way that malpractice claims are grouped, sex with clients is always the infraction that accounts for the greatest insurance costs, with reported figures ranging from 45 to 50%.
106. In the last session, your gorgeous new client complimented you on how nice you look in your red outfit. You noticed you were very happy before this session–you even caught yourself singing, "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" while looking in the mirror to do a final ‘visual check" before seeing your client in. Ethically,

You need to cancel this session
You need to consult with a colleague
You need to behave more appropriately
You need to get out more
You need to consult with a colleague
While no Ethical Standards have been violated at this point; there is a strong indication that you are experiencing some type of "extra attraction" toward this client. You need to seek consultation and determine how to process and handle your countertransference. Cancelling the session may not be in the client's best interest.
123. The mother of a 3-year old has been told her daughter is very gifted. She wants to encourage the child's abilities and asks you, a school psychologist, to assess the girl's IQ score level and suggest a plan for her future education. You should:

comply with the request.
comply with the request, but inform the mother that test results at this age are not very valid as predictors of future performance.
suggest that the test not be given, but agree to help the mother in deciding on the future educational plans for her child.
inform the mother that there are no standardized valid tests available for children of such a young age.
comply with the request, but inform the mother that test results at this age are not very valid as predictors of future performance.
In this case there is nothing wrong with you testing the child and tests are available. But you should also use your knowledge and judgment to counsel the mother about the use of tests for such a young child. While it's true that there is some predictive validity for intelligence tests starting at about 18 months to 2 years of age, you should still tell the mother that many things will determine her daughter's future school performance and that we can't be so sure she will continue as she presently is.
205. You have been treating a 14-year-old female for the past year and during her final termination session she reports suicidal intent with a plan. You should:

attempt to make a no-suicide contract
immediately contact the parent(s)
call the police
not allow the client to leave your office until the risk has passed
immediately contact the parent(s)
If a client poses an imminent danger to self, a breach of confidentiality, which could prevent the danger, is ethically and legally justified. This holds true for all clients, regardless of age. When the client is a minor, the most appropriate action would usually be to notify the client's parent(s). If they are not immediately available, you should then consider calling the police or PET. Attempting to make a no-suicide contract (A) would not be the most prudent option when there is suicidal intent with a plan, especially during a termination session. Not allowing the client to leave your office until the risk has passed (D) is not a realistic option.
224. Which of the following is a mental health service that HMOs must provide under federal requirements?

pre- and post-pregnancy counseling.
psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy.
inpatient psychiatric care.
short-term outpatient evaluative crisis intervention.
short-term outpatient evaluative crisis intervention.
Federal laws regarding qualification for an HMO requires that the company provide "short-term (not to exceed 20 visits), outpatient evaluative crisis intervention services", and "medical treatment and referral for alcohol and drug addiction." These are the only qualifications related to mental health services. Most HMOs provide certain additional services, because doing so reduces their costs in the long-run.