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352 Cards in this Set

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Differences between cultures
Applies a universal approach to all cultures. Judging a culture by your standards.
Endorphins are opioid peptides which bond to opiate receptor sites. Endorphins prodice analgesia and block the release of substance P.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC)
-Reflects Luria's theory of intelligence.
Steroid hormone released by the adrenal cortex.
Cortisol is critical for many body functions including mediating the stress response, maintaining blood sugar, bodily fluids, and electrolytes.
Rescorla Wagner
Theory of Classical Conditioning. Predicts that the amount of conditioning depends on how surprising or unexpected the association between the CS and the US. The more surprising the US, the more conditioning will occur.
Protocol Analysis
Involves having an individual think aloud whild solving a problem and then evaluating the protocol.
an over extension of grammatical rules to words that are exceptions (e.g., adding 's' to 'feet')
The smallest unit of sound in language. The English language has 44 phonemes.
smalles unit of sound that contains meaning
Korsokoff's Syndrome
Exhibits anterograde and retrograde amnesia and confabulation. Research suggest that the mammilary bodies are most affected.
Structural Brain Imaging Techniques
MRI and CT
Measures cerebral blood flow using radioactive isotopes.
Beck's Proposed Cognitive Distortions
Control Fallacy- No matter what I do, it won't make a difference.
Personalization- It's all my fault.
Overgeneralization- I can't do anything right.
Catastrophizing- If I assert myself and ask for a raise, I may lose my job.
Differeintial Reinforcement of other Behavior (DRO)
Used to eliminate an undersirable behavior and establish alternative deisrable behaviors.
Zajonc's Confluence Model
Predicted that children's intellectual growth can be either ehanced or hindered by their immediate family circumstance. Zajonc considered birth order to be a critical factor with first borns performing slightly better on tests of achievement.
Holland's Scale
Distinguished between five occupational themes (RIASEC). Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
Psychological Reactance
When people feel that their freedom is being threatened, they will try to restore it.
Item Response Theory
The steepness of the slope indicates discriminability.
Motivational Interviewing
Combines a Client-Centered Approach with the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Especially good for indiviudals who are in the beginning stages of change.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control. The Dx does not require obsessions or compulsions.
Post-Partum Blues
Post-Partum Major Depression
Post-Partum Blues = 50-80%
Post-Partum Major Depression = 10-15%
The authoritative style of parenting and ethnicity
Research shows that authoritative parenting is beneficial for school success of white and hispanic students, but not asians and blacks
Brain structure among ADHD individuals
The right frontal lobe, the caudate nucleus, and globus pallidus tend to be smaller, and have lower than normal levels of metabolic activity.
Spatial learning in rats with cognitive maps
Studied chimpanzees and found evidence of insight learning
The Ponzo Effect
This is an illusion that involves the way our eyes judge distance and size. The moon looks larger when it is at the horizon.
Zeigernik Effect
People remember unfinished tasks.
Tests that are useful to determine frontal lobe damage
Wisconsin Card Sorting
Halstead Category Test
Tiedeman and O'Hara
Emphasized personal identity in their career identitiy model.
Needs Assessment Analysis
Used to determine training needs
Job Evaluation
Determines the worth of a job so wages can be set
William Glasser
Founder of Reality Therapy. Focused on individual choice, specifically acting and thinking.
When does the ability to recognize oneself in the mirror occur in infants?
1 1/2 - 2
Origin or petit mal seizures
Parkinson's loses at leas 80% of _________ producing cells in the substantia nigra.
MRI of a patient with Huntington's Disease is most likely to show atrophy in the __________.
substantia nigra
Ferber's approach to get babies to sleep during the night.
Progressive Waiting Approach
Leading cause of death for all age groups
Heart Disease
Type of memory that si the deepest level of processing and produces the best recall.
Elaboritive Rehearsal
Encoding material sematically in terms of meaning.
Parkinson's Disease
Characterized by neuron loss in the substantia nigra.
Two Factor Theory
Involves the development of a phobia through classical condtioning and negative reinforcement.
Job Enrichment
involves redesigning a job to make it significantly different in terms of the variety of tasks, autonomy and responsibility it provides.
goal is to gain external rewards
Factitious Disorder
One takes on the sick role; intentionally fakes symptoms. The motivation for the behavior is to assume the sick role. External incentives are absent.
Somatization Disorder
A hx of many phsyical complaints beginning before the age of 30 that occurs over several years. Requires: 4 pain symptoms of differing sites; two gastrointestinal sxs; one sexual sx.
Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
One or more phys complaint that after investigation cannot be fully explained by a known general medical condition
Conversion Disorder
One or more sy or deficites affecting voluntary motor or sesory funstion athat suggest a neurological or other general medical condition. Sx precipitated by conflict or stressor. Sx is not feigned/intentionally produced. The sx cannot be explained by a medical condition.
Preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease base on the person's mininterpretation of bodily symptoms and persists despite medical evaluation.
Dissociative Amnesia
One or more episodes of inabiliyt ot recall important personal inforamtion, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explaiend by ordinar forgetfulness.
Dissociative Fugue
Unexpected travel from work or home iwth inability to recall one's past.
Depersonalization Disorder
Persistant or recurring experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one is an outside observer of, one's mental processes or body (feeling like one is in a dream).
Cluster A Personality Disorders
Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal
Cluster B Personality Disorders
Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic
Cluster C Personality Disorder
Avoidant, OCPD, Dependent
Bipolar I vs Bipolar II
Bipolar I involves Presence of at least one manic episode and no past Magor depressive Episodes, while Bipolar II involves the presence of one or more Major Depressive Episodes and at least one hypomanic episode
Coefficient Alpha
indicator of internal consistency reliability
Stateways often occur before folkways. A law will prevent violations. Law influences customs.
Posture, Balance, Coordination of Movement
Retroactive Inhibition
New learning interferes with old learning
Myasthenia Gravis
Disorder of neuromuscular transmission
Cerebral Palsy
Is used to describe a number of motor disorders resulting from brain lesions that cause persistent, non-progressive motor dysfunction. Causes may be prenatal, natal or post natal.
Cystic Fibrosis
Genetically transmitted disorder that affects exocrine gland functioning.
Extrapyramidial disease that affects the control of voluntary movements, is believed to be due to the lack of domapine in the basal ganglia. Progressive degeneration of dopamine containing cells in the substantia nigra. Causes are unknown. Maybe exposure to toxins. Sx are characterized by positive and negative. Ps: Pill rolling, muschle rigidity, akathesia, tremor. Ng: Postural disturbances, speech difficulties, bradykinesia (slowed movements). In a minority depression precedes motor sx. Motor sx alleviated by L-dopa. Dopamine agonist. However, degeneration of cells continues with tx. Recent tx involves injecting fetal cells into the basal ganglia.
Impairments in short and long term memory
After one year of therapy...
...75% of clients can be expected to show measureable imporvements in symptoms.
Marked Parental Turmoil...
...tends to have a more significant negative affect on boys than girls. With boys exhibiitng more aggressive, impulsive, an other undercontolled behaviors.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Rare, idiosyncratic, reaction to neuroleptic drugs that may be caused by dompamine blockage in the basal gangla. Symptoms include muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, and stupor
Symptoms of Tricyclic Overdose
Ataxia, cardiac arrhthmia, and delerium
5 HT Toxicity
Headache, confusion, tremor
Lithium Toxicity
Nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination, and seizures
Herzberg's two factor theory
Hygiene and Motivator Factors
Hygiene = $
Motivator = greater autonomy, challenge, responsibility
Piaget 3 Stage Moral Development Model
1) Premoral
2) Moral Realism - Degree of Consequences
3) Moral Relativism - Intentions behind the act
Dx of Mental Retardation
IQ of 70 or below
Deficits in adaptive functioning
Separation Anxiety
Begins around 6 to 8 mos; increases until the first half of the second year and then declines
Self Efficacy - People embark on activiites they believe they will be good at. People use four sources of info: 1) past accomplishments; 2) Observations of others; 3) Verbal persuasion; and 4) logical verification.
Horn and Cattell
Differentiated between fluid and crystallized intelligence
The Rosenthal Effect
The self-fullfilling prophecy. Expecting differences, makes you see them.
Item Response Curve
Steeper the slope the greater the ability items can discriminate
Bounded Discretion
Limitations on the decision maker placed by social, legal, moral, and organizational factors.
Autistic children are typically misdiagnosed with ______ and ________ becasue fo their lack of communication.
hearing impairment
selective mutism
Advantage of Cloraril
Rarely cause movement disorders, but can cause anticholinergic effects
Recovery of cognitive functions following a head injury
1. Orientation
2. Place
3. Time
Feminist Object Relations
Explains gender differences in terms of same gender versus opposite gender influence in the mother child relationship
High vs. Low Context Communication
High = fewer words
Low = uses more words
Structural Family Therapy
Joining with the family occurs when the therapist successfully adapts to the family, adapts to it's communication style in order to dx and restructure the family
Total Quality Management
Theory of management style that emphasizes employee involvement. Failures occur when employees do not participate fully in problem solving and decision making.
Studies on aging and memory reveal...
...show that encoding is the primary problem, while retrieval activity is comparable to young adults
Huntington's Disease
Involves affective, motor, and cognitive sx. Early signs include anxiety, depression and emotional lability.
Inability to perform purposeful movement
Retrograde Amnesia
Cant remember anything before the accident
Anterograde Amnesia
Cant learn anything new
Clomipramine (Anafranil)
Used to treat OCD and is a tricyclic that resembles SSRI's. It has a good impact on serotonin.
Cause anticholinergic effects (i.e., dry mouth, urinary retention)
Defecits in behavioral inhibition assoc w/ADHD has been linked with abnormalities in the caudate nucleus. It's abnormally small, as well as the prefrontal cortex adn the globus pallidus
Personality and Career Choice
Selection ratio and base rates are linked to _________, or decision making accuracy
incremental validity
Stepwise regression
Analysis indicates the fewest number of predictors needed to obtain maximally accurate predictions. Involves adding or subtracting multiple predictios at a time and calculating the multiple correlation coefficient to determine the effects of having more or less predictors.
Sympathetic Nervous System
Fight or Flight
Parenting Styles
Cross Cultural Counseling
Ethnic minorities respond best to goal directed therapies, problem solving and time limited therapy.
Associative Visual Agnosia
Occurs when vision and language are disconnected
Aperceptive Visual agnosia
cannot name a familiar object she sees, but can name it when it is in one's hand
Gestalt Psychologist
Learned Helplessness - Did the study where the dogs were shocked. Wanted to know about the dogs who did not give up. Also assoc with positive psychology.
Collaborative empiricism; Socratic Questioning; Automatic thoughts; core beliefs; schemas; Dichotomous or polarized thinking; catastrophising, overgeneralization; arbiturary influence; selective abstraction; personalization
Process of storing information in shor term mem
Nonsense syllables are hard to remember
Recognition memory
preserved even in the worst cognitive injuries. Good malingering test.
Prospective Memory
Remembering to do
Yerkes Dodson Law
Curvilinear relationship between stress and performance
Produces a 3D image of the brain
Measures blood flow while one performs a task
Measures blood flow
CT Scan
Structural image
US before the CS
Backward conditioning; giving the meat before the bell; the bell will never be conditioned to produce salivation
Sx in early stages of Alzheimers are most closely linked to...
the loss of cholinergic neurons or cells that secrete ACh
Antipsychotics that serve to block particular dopamine receptors
Atypical antipsychotic that works on serotonin receptors
Broca's Aphasia
Affects speech production
Left frontal lobe
Wernickes Aphasia
Affects receptive speech
Left Temporal Lobe
Anomic Aphasia
Impairs ability to retrieve and label semantic concepts
Interest Tests (Actuarial vs. Trait and Factor)
Strong and Kudars - Actuarial (looks for consistencies between variables)
Hollands RIASEC - Trait and Factor
Pattern Analysis on WAIS
High Verbal and Low Performance = left brain damage
Low Verbal and High Performance = Schizophrenia
Gifted, Minority, preschool children
Halstead Reitan
Neuropsych screening for brain damage. Motor, perception and language
Peabody Picture Vocabulary
Receptive Vocabulary
Hiskey Nebraska
Developed for deaf and hard of hearing children
Pituitary Gland
Master Gland
Adrenal Gland
Produces Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
Metabolizes sugar
Abnormal sensations such as numbness, tinging or pricking
Slowed movements
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification: Must be female for a female restroom attendant
Stress Inoculation (3 Phases)
Rehearsal/Skills Training
Application training
Implosive Therapy
having an individual repeatedly imagine an anxiety arousing situation and to experience anxiety as intensely as possible in order to extinguish the anxiety response
Halo Effect
Raters continue to rate on the basis of their first rating regardless of subsequent behaviors
is often accompanied by personality change and mood swings
Multiple Sclerosis
Often accompanied by personality change and mood swings
Often accompanied by delusions and paranoia
Often accompanied by anxiety, derpession, and confusion
Fixed Interval Scallop
The organism pauses and then gives an increased rate in responding until next reinforcement
Delerium and Dementia share the following symptoms in common
Impairment in memory, hallucinations, delusions, depression.

They do not share disturbances in consiousness; only delerium is charac by reduced consiousness. Demented persons are alert.
Idea that change can happen at any point in one's development
When Verbal is 20 pts or higher
Indicative of poor visual motor integration
In order to dx a learning disability
you need a discrepancy between school perfoormance with IQ
Normal discrepancy in Verbal Performance
15 and below
One ethnic group consistently gets lower scores on a test, but are able to perform just as well.
Recipricol Inhibition
Wolpe's technique using counterconditioning - used to weaken and eliminate anxiety reactions - Using massage to decrease anxiety surrounding sex
4 Stages of Systematic Desensitization
1. Relaxation Training
2. Constructing the Axiety Hierarchy
3. Desensitization in Imagination
4. In Vivo
Masters and Johnson
Sensate Focus - Used to treat performance anxiety
Law of Effect - Trial and error connectionism - Cats learn how to escape puzzle boxes trough trial and error or instrumental learning
Law of Effect
Any response followed by "a satisfying state of affairs" is likely to be repeated
Failure to recognize one's own impairment
an integrated cluster of knowledge about a concept
A cluster of knowledge about sequence of events and actions in a particular situation - a wedding's sequence of events
Bayley Scales
Used to assess infant development
The Buckley Amendment or Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
States that any school district may be denied federal funds if parents of students are not given access to their school records.
Atkinson's Identity Development Model
1. Conformity
2. Dissonance
3. Resistance/Immersion
4. Introspection
5. Integrative Awareness
Water Head - an accumulation of fluid in the ventricles usually causing mental retardation
Helms White Racial Identity
1. Contact
2. Disintegration
3. Reintegration
4. Pseudo Independence
5. Immersion/Emmersion
6. Autonomy
More advanced the therapist, the better it is for the patient
Test Item Difficulty
The closer to 1 the easier the item; .5 is medium and ideal
Vascular Dementia
Course of deterioration is "patchy" and there is a stepwise progression of symptoms
Early Symptoms of Alzheimers
Include forgetfulness, denial of memory impairment, mood and personality change, loss of interest in usual activities. On the WAIS the lowest scores are usually on Processing Speed and Perceptual Organization
Troiden's 4 stages of homosexuality Identity
Sensitiation, Confusion, Assumption, Integration
Damage to Hippocampus
Inability to form new memories about facts and events
Good predictor for some aspects of organizaitonal behavior
Involves neuron loss in the medial temporal lobe, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus. You will see tangles of proteins, clumps of scar tissue, and amyloid plaques.
Korsokoff's Syndrome
Displays greater decrements in explicit memory than implicit memory
Implicit Memory
non conscious, nonverbal, emotional, procedural is one example
Explicit Memory
Conscious, verbal, contextual
To reduce symptoms of Tardive Dyskenesia
Decrease Dopamine Levels
Ability Tracking
Placing children in groups according to their abilities. Higher achieving students often benefit the most.
Piaget's Equilibration
Motivation for cognitive development comes from a drive toward cogntiive balance
Multiple Sclerosis
Occurs because of a loss of Myelin on the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include numbness, weakness, tremor and ataxia
Myasthenia Gravis
Loss of ACh receptors
Believed that developing language is innate
state of inhibition
Absolute Refractory Period
Cell cannot fire regardless of the amount of stimulation
Long Term Potentiation
Is believed to underlie certain types of learning and memory
CT and MRI
Both are basically an e-ray of the brain, and are structural imaging techniques
Provides information on brain functioning
Catecholemine Hypothesis
Links depression to low levels of norepenephreine
Gate Control Theory
Spinal cord contains gait that can block the transmission of pain to the brain. Negative emotional states tend to keep the gate open.
Signal Detection Theory
There are no absolute thresholds for sensations. Detections depends on several factors including the physical snergy of stimulis and the costs and benefits of detecting it or not.
Pattern Theory
Certain combinations of stimuli evoke coded patters of neural impulses that lead to the experience of pain
Difficulties in concentration, forgetfulness, sensitivity to cold, unexplained weight gain and constipation
Consuming foods containing tyramine (e.g., aged cheese, beer, wine, soy sauce, chicken liver) when taking an MAOI is likely to produce a hypertensive crisis: extreme headache and high blood pressure.
Schemata Theory of Memory
Memories of events are altered by past experiences, current values, and emotions, and expectations about the future. Memories are reconstructions rather than reproductions.
used to compare the means of two groups
test of abilities by giving a person an on the job scenerio.
assessment center
used for the selection, promotion, or placement of managerial level employees
examining possibel alternatives only until a solution meets minimal requirements is found. Then a person stops looking for alternatives.
A person makes change through having awareness of thoughts, emotions and behaviors
Found that there are diffuse or weak boundaries in psychosomatic families and a consistent avoidance of conflict.
Gestalt Principles
Suggests that a person makes change through awareness of thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
Kuder Richardson 20
A method for assessing internal consistency, reliability and like other measures of internal consistency, produces a spuriously high reliability coefficient for speeded tests.
The therapist induces stress to create structual change
used to assess the affects of one or more IV on two or more DV
Central route
more processing of the idea
Peripheral route
no deep consideration. quick accept or reject
Dollard's Frustration Aggression Model
Purpose of aggression is to remove a frustrating block
Kurt Lewin
Field Theory and Motivational Conflict
Approach Approach
Approach Avoidance
Avoidance Avoidance
Neuroleptic Malignent Syndrome
Causes stiffness in muscles. The chemical CPK increases causing rigidity, stupor, and fever.
Type I Schizophrenia
Reactive or Acute Schiz.
+ sx's. Responds well to antipsychotics.
Type II Schizophrenia
Negative Sx's. Unresponsive to antipsychotic meds. Believed to be due to structural abnormalities.
ADHD Children typically do badly on what WISC subtests
SCAD: Symbol Search, coding, arithmatic, digit span
Kappa Coefficient
Measure of inter-rater reliability
Elaborative Rehearsal
Involves actively analyzing information and relating it to previously learned information. It is the best way to encode into longterm memory.
Sensory memory
lasts less than 2 seconds; cannot be deliberately retained through attention
psychopharmacological tx for Alzheimer's
Medications that have a positive effect on memory and reasoning involve increasing the effects of ACh by preventing it's breakdown
Neurotranmitters that are indicated in Alzheimers
ACh and L-Glutamate
Ethnic Matching
More predictive of tx length than outcome
Damage to temporal lobe
Can cause damage to Wernickes area causing receptive aphasia. Can also cause severe anterograde amnesia causing an inability to transfer info to long term memory. Can cause temporal lobe epilepsy and changes in sexuality.
3 types of "rigid triangles" or boundary disturbances as described by Minuchin
1. Triangulation: child's loyalty to one parent means rejection of the other
2. Detouring: tension between the husband and the wife is reduced through the attention they pay to a child through scapegoating or overprotection.
3. Stable coalition: occurs when the child and parent consistently gang up against the parent.
Marital Skew
a term used by Lidz to describe a situation where the dominant partner has serious pathology and the other partner is dependent and provides support.
Thomas and Chess: Goodness of Fit between parent and child
Childhood pathology is related to lack of fit between child's temperament and the parent's style
Caudate Nucleus
Involved in converting sensory input into cognition and action. Appears to be over-active in OCD. Treatment involves reducing activity in this area.
marital quid quo pro
the implicit and explicit expectation in a marriage
Implicit Memory
An aspect of long term memory that does not require conscious recall. Studies have found that itis resistant to age, brain damage, and drug induced amnesia. This is memory for words and objects.
Cognitive development is most influenced by social interactions that occur within the child's zone of proximal development
Procedural memory left fairly intact whild episodic and semantic becomes incrasingly worse.
Moro Reflex
Occurs when a baby is dropped or exposed to a loud noise.
Babinski Reflex
Produces by tickling te middle of the soles of the infant's feet
Babkin Reflex
Occurs in response to an object being placed in both of an infant's palms
Palmar or Darwinian Reflex
A response to placing something in the infants palm
Levels of Mental Retardation
Mild 55-70
Moderate 40-55
Severe 25-40
Profound under 25

Also the age of onset must be prior to age 18.
Learning Disorder
Achievement must be substantially below IQ (more than 2 standard deviations)

If so, you can be dx with:
Reading Disorder
Math Disorder
Writing Disorder

Think of the 3 R's: Reading, Writing and Arithmatic
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Is successful in treating enurises
Blocks release of dopamine
Differential Dx of Dementia
Pseudo Dementia

Development of multiple cognitive deficits subsequent to medical conditions
Balance, voluntary movements of skeletal muscles
Free Rider Effect
Suggests that people reduce their effort on a group task when they observe that their contributions to a group are dispensible and that the group will succeed without them
Jigsaw Classroom
Students work together in teams in order to complete an assignment. This helps to reduce hostiliites related to racial, ethinic, or cultural differences.
Sherif's Robber's Cave Study
Found that cooperation in achieving a superordinate goal reduced hostility between groups of boys.
Berkowitz Frustration Anxiety Hypothesis
Found that frustration leads to aggression, particularly in the presence of aggressive cues.
Ajzen and Fishbein: Reasoned Action Theory
People consider two factors when deciding whether to behave in certain ways:
1. Their attitude toward the behavior.
2. Subjective norms that apply to the situation.
Treated successfully by clomipramine
Decentralized Communication Network
All people in the system can communicate freely with each other.
Centralized Communication network
Autocratic associated with decreased employee morale, Works best with simple tasks
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Lasts for no more than a month
Used to predict x from y. A regression line is pretty much a running average.
Mose dx psychiatric illness
Beck's Therapeutic Approach
Collaborative empiracism
Driver's Career Concepts
Steady State
Solomon Four Group Design
Purpose of this design is to evaluate the effects of pretesting on a study's internal and external validity
Helm's 6 Identity Status'
Pseudo Independence
Equipotentiality Law
States that intact areas of the brain can assume the functions of aras that have been destroyed
Ehoic Memory
Memory for sounds
Iconic Memory
Memory for images
Leading figure in behavioral marital family therapy
Object Relations family therapist
Incorporated psychoanalytic concepts and processes into a family therapy approach
A humanistic family therapist who assumed that people want to be while, genuine, and authentic. In therapy she'd look for healthy intentions even in unhealthy behaviors.
Types of Prevention Strategies
Primary Prevention: Designed to keep the problem from developing. Not smoking cigarettes.

Secondary: Early identification and intervention. Going in for health screenings.

Tertiary: Preventing a proplem from becoming chronic. Eating a good diet while dx with diabetes.
Object Relations theorists refer to introjection as when one assimilates parts of an oject as part of oneself.
Cross's 4 Stages of Black Identity Development
Ideomotor Apraxia
Inability to carry out simple motor actions like blowing out a match with the understanding that you have the deficit.
Sensitive vs. a Critical Period
A sensitive period is longer and more flexible than a critical period. One good example is language. One can still develop language after the sensitive period, however it may be more difficult to do so. Like learning a 2nd language in HS.
Is the tendency for genetic endowment to restrict the development of certain characteristics.
Range of Reaction
Refers to the fact that each individual responds to the environment differently because fo their genetic endowment.
Vroom and Yetton's Leadership Model
Distinguishes between Autocratic, Consultative, and Group Decision Making Leadership Styles. The best one is determined by the situation.
Falloon's Inner vs Outer Externalization
Inner: Adapt to co exist with the problem
Outer: Problems can be defeated
Cause of Parkinson's
Degeneration of cells in the substantia nigra
Causes of Vascular Dementia
Hypertenstion, diabetes, and cigarette smoking are high risk factors
Causes for Pick's Disease and Alzheimers are largely_________.
Adler believed that...
people are motivated primarily by the need to belong. However, this need may be misdirected into one of four goals: attention, power, revenge, or to display inadequacy.
Persons with a low need for achievement prefer tasks that are _________.
highly difficult.
Persons with a high need for achievement have a need for tasks that are ________.
Moderately Difficult
Delerium Tremons
Involve delerium, delusions, hallucinations, agitated behavior, and autonomic hyperactivity (sweating, tachycardia).
Path Analysis
Evaluate the viability of a causal model for a set of variables.
Smith and Glass
Meta analysis of several hundred therapy outcome studies found that 75% of individuals were "better off with therapy" than no therapy. The various typs of therapy were not significantly different. behavioral treatment slighlty more effective for certain disorders.
Needs Assessment
The first step in designing a training program
Job Analysis
Job Evaluation
Instrumental Abuse
Brutal, Dangerous, an committed with little provocations. Seperate tx of couple is reccommended.
Expressive Abuse
Abuse related to the emotional life of the couple. Conjoint tx rec.
Pseudologia Fantastica
uncontrollable pathological lying about one's hx
giving approximate answers
Family Systems Feedback Loops
Negative: Preserves current level of functioning or homeostasis
Positive: Produces change
Job Enlargement
Job Enrichment
Both serve to increase satisfaction. However, enlargement increases variety of job tasks, while enrichment encreases autonomy, freedom, and greater responsibility.
Alderfer's ERG
Existence, Relatedness and Growth
Linked Occupational choice to personality and basic needs. Influenced by Maslow. Personality and needs determined by early family acceptance, avoidance, avoidance, over production.
Moving toward others.
Moving not toward others.
Theory X and Y
Distinction between scientific management and human relations approach

x - Employees dislike work and avoid it
y - Work is as natural as play

Y is more likely to lead to an effective organization.
Scientific Management
Looks at how workers can complete jobs in less time and with greater efficiency.
You can do this by: analyzing job into parts; selection of employees; training; fostering cooperation; responsibility.
the sequence of physiological reactions produced by protracted periods of stress; consists of three stages: the alarm reaction, resistance to stress, and exhaustion.
-- a conflict arising from . having to choose between two goals, each of which has both attracting and repelling aspects.
Kurt Lewin's Conflict Theory
APPROACH-APPROACH CONFLICT -- a conflict stemming from aroused motives which have as their objective two desirable but incompatible goals.

APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT -- a conf lict arising when an individual has tendencies both to approach and to avoid the same goal object. -

AVOIDANCE-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT -- a conflict resulting from the simultaneous arousal of motives to avoid two alternative goals, both of which are unpleasant. (The conflict arising from having to choose be- tween two
the tendency, arising from frustration, to limit attention to a small range and thus be blind to alternative paths.
hormones from the adrenal gland which regulate the body's use of sugar, water and minerals.
Polythetic Criteria Set
Don't need all of the symptoms to have a dx.
Characteristics of Rett's
usually develops after a perioid of normal development (5 mos.); characterized by head growth decelerization; poor coordinated gait; only females
In which disorder do skills disintigrate after 2 years normal development?
Childhood disentegrative disorder
What (2) disorders commonly co-occur with Tourette's Disorder?
3 Stages of Alzherimer's
1. short-term memory loss (where did I park my car?) Lasts 2-4 years
2. More memory problems; dificulty with complex taskes Lasts 2-10 years
3. Serious impairment in all functioing; don't recognize family/ self. Lasts 1-3 years
What are the three major differences between vascular dementia (VD) and Alzheimers?
1. Cause (VD caused by CVA) 2. Progression (A is slow; VD stepwise) 3. Deficits (VD initially patch not uniform)
Who has the highest suicide rate among all ethnic groups?
Native Americans under 45 (if not a choice, whites are more likely than non-whites)
What are the three common classes of anti-depressants?
-MAO inhibitors -tricyclics -SSRIs
What neurotransmittor(s) do the MAO Inhibitors primarily act on?
What neurotransmittor(s) do the Tricyclics primarily act on?
Serotonin and Norepenephrine
Most common S/E Lithium
Fine motor tremor
If a person has schizophrenia, what is the liklihood (a) their biological sibling will also have it? (b) dizygotic twin? (c)monozygotic twin?
10% b: 15-17% c: 46-48%
What are factors related to a better outcome for people with Schizophrenia?
-female -later age onset -precipitating external events -pos. symptoms -good premorbid adjustment -no family hx. -early intervention
Haley (communications theorist) deals with what three concepts?
Double-bind, setting coalitions, and paradoxical interventions
What term in Gestalt therapy refers to adopting the values and behaviors of others w/o fully assimilating them?
What are the basic needs associated with Reality Therapy?
Survival, belonging, power, fun and freedom
Masculine protest is associated with which theorist? And describes what?
Adler. Inferiority complexes that provide motivation to grow.
Stranger anxiety emerges at what age? When is it most intense?
8-10 months; 18 months
What are some characteristics of child exposed to cocaine in utero?
Oversensitivity to sensory stimulation, low birth weight, increase liklihood to be born premature, smaller head circumference
Which two subtests on the WAIS are most sensitive to organic brain disease?
Digit span and digit symbol-coding
Describe anaclitic depression
Occurs in 6-8 month old infants who have been deprived of maternal attention. Sx's: withdrawal, crying, insomnia, dec. in physical health
What does the Strong Interest Inventory assess?
Job interests for individuals interested in business/professional work
Insight learning is associated with which theorist?
Kohler (a-ha)
Describe the two types of long-term memory
Explicit (aka declarative) facts; Implicit (aka procedural) skills
Which brain structure is involved in processing all sensory information except olfaction?
The Tricyclics include:
imipramine, clomipramine, amtriptyline (Tofranil, Anafranil, Elavil)
SSRI's Include
fluoxetine, sertaline, paroxetaline (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil)
MAOI's include
phenelzine and tranylcypromine (Nardil, Parnate)
Long term potention occurs in which brain structure? And is associated with what?
Hippocampal neurons; learning and formation of memories
In a negatively skewed distribution, most scores are: low, medium or high?
Very high with a few extreme low scores
Why does one calculate Standard Error of Measurement?
To determine a confidence interval around a measured score.
How does one calculate Standard Error of Measurement?
Stand. Er. Meas= Stand. Dev multiplied by (the square root of 1 minus the reliability coeeficient)
A test is valid when a test measures what it intends to measure.
z score
Kohlberg's moral development
Level 1 Pre-Conventional

1. Obedience and punishment orientation
(How can I avoid punishment?)

2. Self-interest orientation
(What's in it for me?)

Level 2 (Conventional)

3. Interpersonal accord and conformity
(Social norms)
(The good boy/good girl attitude)

4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation
(Law and order morality)

Level 3 (Post-Conventional)

5. Social contract orientation

6. Universal ethical principles
(Principled conscience)
Kohlberg's Stages of Gender Deveopment in Children
Gender Identity: The child knows that he or she is a male or a female, but the child fails to realize that gender is a constant attribute. Most three year olds had reached this stage.
Gender stability: The child knows that their gender is stable over time. A child in this stage knows that boys will grow up to be men and that girls will grow up to be women. 4-6
Gender consistency: The child knows a person gender stay the same regardless of changes in the person's activitives or appearance. For example, A 6 or 7 year old who had reached this stage knows a person gender stay the same when a person dressup like a member of the other sex or when a person does cross-sex activitives.
George Kelly
Developed Personal Construct Therapy: Based on the premise that person's constuct their own experiences. Influenced by the narrative-constructivist approach
Cannon Bard Theory of Emotions
Emphasizes brain structures, specifically the thalamus and cerebral cortex
A needs assessment ordinarily consist of what 3 componants
1. job requirements
2. person's performing the job
3. organizational analysis, or goals of the organization
Huntington's Disease
Since it is caused by a dominat gene. A child with one parent has a 50% chance of inheriting it.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease is a progressive degenerative disorder that begins with anterograde amnesia (the inability to form new memories). The anterograde amnesia gradually worsens and, evenutally the individual also exhibits retrograde amnesia.
the goal in in vivo exposure ...
...is to extinguish the classically conditioned response
Primary vs. Secondary Intervention
Primary is normally geared toward a group of individuals (i.e., DARE). Secondary, kids identified as high risk for poor grades because of a learning disability enter an after school program.
Piaget's stages of development
1. Sensorimotor 0-2 - Object permanence 8 mo; usderstanding of causality 10 mo; symbolic representation thouth 18 mo
2. Preoperational 2-7: symbolic/semiotic thought permits child to learn through language, symbols; magical thinking (having bad thoughts about dad will cause a bad thing to happen to him); egocentrism; centration- they focus in on the most notable thing about an onbject
3. Concrete Operational 7-11: Conservation; capable of logic and metnal operations
4. Formal Operational 11 +: a person can think abstractly and relativistically
Acknowledged the impact of biology on cognitive development, but placed greater emphasis on social and cultural factors. The Zone of Proximal development was a basic Vygotsky theory, involving where a child is, and where a child can go with adult help or scaffolding.
When elements of the microsystem ineract: school and parents.
Parents workplace
Cultural beliefs, economy, political ideologies
nativist approach to language development
emphasizes biological mechanisms and stresses universal patterns. Chomsky is an advocate of this position. Proposed idea of an innate language acquisition devise (LAD).
surface vs deep structure
org of words and sentences; meaning
measurement error/ random error
It is due to factors that are irrelevant to what is being measured by the test and that have an upredicatable (unsystematic) effect on an examinee's test score
Provides dependable, consistent results
Reliability Coefficient
a correlation coefficient from 0.0 to 1.0. When a test's reliability coefficient is 0.0, this means that all variability in obtained test scores is due to measurement error. +1.0 = true score variability.
Split Half Reliability
Method for evaluating internal consistency; ordinarily corrected by the Spearman Brown Prophecy Formula
Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha
used to provide the average degree of inter-item consistency; when test items are scored dichotomously, a variation of coefficient alpha known as the Kuder Richardson 20 is used.
Kappa Statistic
Used as a measure of Inter-Rater Reliability
Convergent and Discriminant Validity
Does teh test have high correlations with measure of the same trait and low correlations with measures of unrelated traits; the multitrait-multimethod matrix is used to measure convergent/discrimant validity
Factor Analysis
Examines construct validity and convergent/discriminant validity
Criterion Validity
when test scores are to be used to draw conclusions about an examinee's likely standing or performance on another measure.

There are 2 Forms:
Concurrent and Predictive
Both refer to the time which the predictor and criterion are administered. Concurrent is at the same time, while predictive is the criterion is measures sometime after the predicotry.
Incremental Validity
Increase in correct decisions that can be expected if the predictor is used as a decision making tool.