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90 Cards in this Set

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Name two theories of aggression.
1. Frustration-aggression model - aggression arise from blocked goal.
2. Socil learning -observtion and imitation
Factors contributing to sexual predjudice
1. authoritarian persuasion
2. traditional beliefs
3. geeral acceptance f stereotypes
Zimbardo Factors of Aggression
Deindividuation model
Pron to act aggressively when anonymous
threat of retaliation reduces
choice of aggresson increases if threat of provocation accomp by provoc.
Rosenthal pseudo study.
why - purpose/
Social context stereotyping
Affiliation - desire to begin relationship
Anxiety strengthens - misery loves miserable company.
Particular type of affiliation
people attracted to competent pepl who make occsnl mistakes
Greates when initially disliked
Conformity and obedience?
Confomrity - individual alters behav to fit in group
Obedience - obey authority figure - Milner shock experiments
Social influences on behavior
Compliance - get reward or avoid punishment.
Identification - hopes to be likedInternalization - privatelly accepts beliefs
Attitude theory of planned behavior
1. affective - like or dislike of stimuus.
2. cognitive - beliefs or knowledge about stimulus.
3. Behavioral- behavioral tendency toward stimulus.
Minority influence
1. To sway maj - clear consistent message - information
2. Psychologca reactance - maj sees as agent for taking away power - rebel
Communicator characteristics
Credibility - most important
Moderate differene from audience - most likely to change
Over time - remember the message not the messenger
Primacy effect
If two communications are made first is more influential
Recency effect
If there is a large tiem distance between firt and second message, the second oe is more influential.
Social adjustment theory
3 categories of judgement used to evaluate persuasive message
1. lattitude of acceptance 2. lattittude of noncommmitment 3. lattitude of rejection
Attitude inocculatioon
Present weak arguments against position prior to persuasive message.
Persuasion models
Elaboration likelihood
-central route
-peripheral route
Central route of peruasion
listener finds message -attractive, relevant, lisener has slightly egtive affect.
Quality of message
Peripheral route
listener uninterested in message, neutral or slighlly positive mood
Quantity of message
Therapeutic factors in group
interpersonal input, cathrsis, self understanding, cohesiveness
Normal symbiosis
2-3 mos infant can't distinguish between I and not I
4 mos result in sepration anxiety.
Object constancy
3 yrs able to pereive others and self as both eparated and related
Schizoid personality disorder
indifference to relationships, prefer to be alone, restricted range of emotion, indifference to praise
Schizotypal per dis
pervasive interpersonal defects, eccentric cognitive affect, social anxiety, wants to be with others but excluded by behavior
Two types of hypertension
primary unknown cause
secondary - known condition
Types of migraines
Classic-auro, focl onset, throbbing, one ide of head, nasea, diarhea, constipation
Common-none of above - preceded by gastro probs
Why use CAT or MRI scan?
Brain sturcture, tumors, blood clots, MS,
MRI - any angel, more dtail
Types of peripheral nerves
Somatic-voluntary motions
Autonomic-involuntary movmnts,
-sympthetic - arousal
-parasympathetic- relaxtion and digestion
Why PET scn?
Brain activity - crebral blood flow, glucose metab, oxygen consum, brain damage, vascualar dementia, schizophrenia, alzheimers
Organizational justice
3 types
1. procedural-fairnes of implementation
2. distributive - outcomes
3. interactinal - intrrpersonal relatshps
Stages of group development
formingground rules, storming-conflict over rules, norming-agrmnt ovr rules, performing, adjournng
Organizational commitment
1. affective-concerned for welfare of org.
2. Continuance-can't afford to leave
5 stages of sleep
1. alpha 2. Theta 3. Delta 4. General muscle activity decreases 5. REM
pst concussional disorder
disturbance attention or memory, fatique, deression, personality change, distrubed sleep, apathy, lack of sponty
Anticholernic side effects
dry mouth, blurred viin, tachycardia, constipation, urinary retention, delayed ejac.
antipyramidal se's
parkinsonionism, akithisia, acute dystonia, tardive dysk., NMS
Convergent validity
high correlation of scores or measures of same trait
divergent validity
low correllation with unrelated traits
how to increase reliability
longer tests, unrestricted range of scores, heterogeneous subjects, decrease guessing
how to measure internal consistency
Split half method
Coefficient alpha
Kuder Richardson 20
Types of test Reliability
Test-retest-tests of ability, knowledge
Alternate forms
Relevance in test construction
degree tht test items contribute to tst goal
approprite content, taxonomic level, requires extraneous abilities?
Theoris of Career Cnslg
Super - life sace, span, career rainbow
Hollan-RIASEC -personality
Krumboltz-social learning-4 ifl factors
Roe-family, basic needs, personality
Bystander apathy
less likely to help in presence of othes
Pluralistic ingnorance
no help is needed since no one is helping
Evaluation apprehension
helping may lead to social disapproval
Diffusion of responsiblity
someone else will intervene
Methods to facilitate cooperation
Superordinate goal

Jigsaw method
Ziegarnick effect
uncompleted tasks are easier to remember
Contact hypothesis
meet on equal terms and work towards mutual goals facilitates cooperation
False consensus bias
overestimate similarities to another person
Some traits-central traits more imp thn others
Integrative awareness
multicultural/racial stage of feelings of self fulfillment twoards racial ID
Atkinson-Sue Introspection awareness
Stage of raial id uncertin about beliefs - conflicted about feelings f loyalty and autonomy
Atkinson-Sue Resistanc/Immersion
Activ rejection of dominant culture, appreciates own culture - views problems related to oppression
Atkinson-Sue Dissonance
confusioon over conflicting attitudes about self/others - perceives problems related to racial ID
Atkinson-Sue Conformity
Positive attitude towards dominant culture and rejects own culture
Stages of acculturation Separation
Withdrawal from dominant culture/accepts own culture
Stages of accultrn Assimilation
Accepts majority culture/relinquishing own culture
Stages of accultrn integration/biculturalism
maintains own culture and incorporates aspects of domnant culture
Structural family th
focus on boundaries, subsytems, power hierarchies
Parenting styles
ahoritarian, authoritative, permissive, rejecting/neglecting
Authoriative- their children
well adjusted
Authoritarian - their children
irritalbe, aggressive, lw self esteem
Permissive - their children
impusive, self-cenered, easily furstrated
Rejecting/neglecting - their children
moody, aggressive, low self-esteem
Structural Family Th
Here and now, dirctive, concrete
Milan systemmic
understand relationships, problems in alternate ways, new solutions, new choices, circulr patterns
Use of questioing to diffuse emotions, tlk to therapst, start with most functional member, help think clearly about probs
Haley Strategic fam Th
alleviate current symptoms, alter fmaily transactions-orgnizational hierarchies and generational boundaries
Development of conscience in fearful non anxious children
secure attachment
Expressive spouse abuse
occurs within the context of escalating conflict, sign nonviolence contract, joint therapy
Instrumentl abuse
brutal occurs with little provocation, couple physically seaprated, provide seaprte tx
Insecure amivalent children-mothers are
inconsistent, moody
Concordance rate for siblings with schizophrenia
Fraternal twins
Identical twins
Concordance rates for bipolar
fraternal twins
ID twins
Social referencing
sign of attachment - child looks to caregiver for how to respond n unfamiliar situations
3 signs of attachment
1. social referencing
2. seaprtion anx
3. Stranger anx
Primary memory deficits-Alzheimers
Gradual onset, slow, progressive decline
Memory deficits asoc wih head trauma - subcortical dementia
memory deficits assoc with cortical dementia
aphasia - other language deficits
Strategy for ending conflict in an organization
1. locate a cmmon enemy
2. negotiate between subgroups
3. Create a superordnate goal
Decentralized communication
bad wnen task is simple
Centralized communication
Simple tasks
belief that successful performance equals rewards
Causal attributions
1. dispositonal/situational
2. stable or unstable
3. specific or global
Five core job dimensions
1. skil variety 2. task identity 3. task signficance 4. autonomy 5. performnce feedback
Influence of job imensions
1. motivatin 2. quakuty f work perf 3. job satisfactin 4. turnover
Worker charct afecting job satisfaction
age, disposition, occupationa level, race, abiliy to ue one's skils and talent - most imp
ERG Theory - McLelland`
Alteraton of maslow's thry
Motivated by more than one need at a time
Need for achievement NAch-select difficult time consum tasks
Assessing effects of training
1. reaction criteria - empl satis.
2. how much learning
3. behavior - chnge in job perform
4. Results-degree helped org reach goals