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29 Cards in this Set

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Explain the following characteristics of epithelium:
Apical surface specializations
-different sides of the cell have different characteristics and perform different functions
-no blood vessels pass between epithelial cells
-the apical surface often has special features such as microvilli or cilia
What are the differences between cilia and microvilli?
Cilia are long fingerlike extensions from the apical surface, and have a core of microtubules and exhibit
synchronized movements, allowing the cells to move materials over that surface in the extracellular space.
Microvilli are short extensions off the apical surface, increasing the surface area of the plasma membrane, usually allowing the cells more transport activity across that surface of the cell.
What is the difference between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland?
Endocrine glands secrete their products into the extracellular fluid; the products diffuse to nearby blood vessels and are carried away in the bloodstream. Exocrine glands secrete their products directly into ducts, pipes which carry the secretions toward a particular location and onto the epithelial surface at that organ.
What is a goblet cell?
A goblet cell is a single gland cell interspersed among other epithelial cells in a sheet of epithelial cells. The
goblet cell produces mucous
a layer of tightly adjoining related cells
(sheets of cells)
-physical protection
-control permeability
-provide sensation
-produce specialized secretions
located on body surface, lines all hollow structures in body glands
cells tightly linked with neighbors (sided-ness)
often has special features such as microvilli or cilia
-free or exposed surface
surface anchored to connective tissue
basement membrane
attaches to underlying surface (connective tissue layer)
don't move. movement of stuff across cell membrane
small fingerlike projections
-on one surface of an epithelial cell (100s/cell)
all beat in same direction
-surface of a cell,
rhythmical movement
gap junction
proteins extend between cells and form a pore connecting the cytoplasm of one cell with the cytoplasm of the adjacent cell, allowing rapid and direct movement of ions between cells
tight junctions
The plasma membrane of one cell is directly linked by proteins right against the surface of the adjacent cell, leaving no extracellular space between the cells
proteins link one cell to another across the extracellular space, but there is space between cells for materials to move. Anchor cells together rather than “fusing” them together
lateral interdigitations
membranes of adjacent cells form complex, interlinking networks; the cells are not physically linked, but the interlocking membranes hinder the movement of materials in the space between the cells.
broad, flat cells
narrow, taller than wide
simple epithelium
single layer of cells. one cell thick
stratified epithelium
multiple cells thick
cells of epithelial line which are specialized to produce and secrete materials outside the cells
exocrine gland
secrete through ducts onto the surface of the organ
endocrine gland
release hormones into surrounding fluid to be picked and carried away by the blood
secretory vesicle
membrane bound vesicle derived from Golgi apparatus, containing material that is to be released from the cell
product is packing into secretory granules, released from cell by exocytosis
mechanism of glandular secretion
the entire cell bursts, releasing product. cells dies and must be replaced
-mechanism of glandular secretion
apical portion of cell is shed, taking product with it
glandular secretion mechanism
unicellular gland
single cell glands
-secretory cells embedded among an epithelium
multicellular gland
large accumulations of secretory cells