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36 Cards in this Set

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What embryonic germ layer is epithelial tissue derived from?
All three (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)
Epithelial tissue is characterized by ___________ packed cells with ___________ EM.
Densely, little
Epithelial tissue is found in ___________ , capillaries, endocardium and ___________ . It also forms the ___________ of glands.
epidermis, parietal pleura, secretory
What characteristics make epithelium different from other tissues?
Polarity, cellular arrangement, avascular, basement membrane.
Epithelial tissue is vascular/avascular.
Epithelial cells are arranged in ___________ sheets. The extracellular material is found on the ___________ surface.
Compacted, basal.
Since there is/is no direct blood supply, nutrients arrive by ___________ from blood vessels in ___________ connective tissue. This occurs through the ___________ .
Is no, diffusion, neighboring, basement membrane
Thin, extracellular matrix on the basal surface of epithelial cells that binds them to the underlying tissues.
Basement membrane
The basal lamina is made up of type __ collagen.
The lamina reticularis is made up of type __ collagen.
Flattened cells with flattened nuclei
Cells as tall as they are wide with round nucleus in the center of the cell.
Cells taller than they are wide with oblong nucleus generally located near the basal surface.
If the epithelium is one layer thick, it is considered ___________ .
If the epithelium is more than one layer thick, it is called ___________ .
___________ epithelial tissue appears to be more than one layer thick, but is really just one layer thick with all the cells touching the basement membrane. Not all cells reach the apical surface.
___________ epithelium allows distention. When it is relaxed, it looks like stratified cuboidal. When it is distended, it looks more like stratified squamous.
Transitional epithelium
The tell-tale sign of transitional epithelium is when the cytoplasm is/is not equally distributed around the nucleus.
Is not
Dome cells are found in ___________ epithelium. These cells have more cytoplasm near the ___________ surface.
Transitional, apical
These long, hair-like structures with a core of microtubules known as the axoneme transport substances along an epithelial surface.
Cilia are found on the epithelium of the _____________, _____________ and _____________.
Trachea, bronchii, oviducts
These are non-motile, finger-like cytoplasmic projections that increase surface area for absorption and secretion.
Microvilli are located in the _____________ and _____________.
Intestine and kidney
Long microvilli that are non-motile located in the epididymus and the inner ear (sensory cells)
Keratinized cells will/will not have a nucleus
Will not
Squamous epithelium can be _____________ or _____________.
Keratinized or non-keratinized
Moisture bearing layers such as the inside of your lips are always going to be _____________.
Non-keratinized squamous cells
Dry surface such as the epidermis will always be _____________ squamous cells.
Unicellular glands that produce mucin
Goblet cells
Mucin is excreted through the_____________ surface of a _____________ cell.
Apical, goblet
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia and goblet cells is _____________ epithelium.
Endothelium is _____________ epithelium found along the inside of _____________ and the _____________.
Simple squamous, blood vessels, heart
Mesothelium is _____________ epithelium found lining body cavities such as the _____________ and the _____________.
Simple squamous, parietal pleura, visceral peritoneum
Transitional epithelium is found in the _____________.
Urinary bladder
Secretory cells that arise as ingrowths of the epithelium.
Glandular epithelium
Secretory cells of a gland are called _____________ and are separated from surrounding connective tissue and blood vessels by the _____________.
Parenchyma, basement membrane.