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13 Cards in this Set

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How does manufacturer make profit from from trypsin?

-0.5 is cheaper

-but 35 c faster reaction

-takes less time to make product

-extra heating outweighed by savings on enzyme cost

Explain how an enzyme work or explain the lock and Key theory?

-Enzymes are biological catalyst that speed up reaction without taking part

-makes up from protein moleclues, long chains of amino acid.

Fold to produce a special shape which enable molecules to fit into the enzyme.

How temperature affect enzyme?

1) as temp increases, rate of enzyme reaction increases up to (unit)

2) This increases the chemical rate of reaction . Particles/molecules move faster and gain kinetic energy. More collisions occur.

3) when the temperature is > (unit), enzyme denatures.

4) The active site changes shape, so the substrate will not fit in the enzyme. Enzyme-substrate complex will not form.The reaction will not occur.

How ph affect enzyme

-The rate of enzyme reaction , ad change in ph changes.

-Enzymes denatures.

-different enzymes work best at different ph values.

EG. Stomach enzyme work best in acidic condition.

Mouth enzyme work best in neutral condition.

Explain the job of protease in baby food. Give 2 advantages of using this enzyme [2]

Protease (trysins) breaks down/pre- digest protein to amino acid that is softer for the baby to digest.

This reduces how much the baby needs to digest.

Explain how carbohydrate is used to make sugar syrup. Give 1 advantage using this enzyme.


starch sugar syrup

This is cheaper to extract sugar from sugar cane

Explain how isomerase enzyme is used in slimming food. Give 2 advantages of using this enzyme.


Glucose syrup → fructose syrup

Less fructose needed for the same sweetness.

Less fructose→ less calorie, fattening

It therefore can be used in smaller quantities in slimming foods.

What ďo protein act as?

-Stuctural components of tissues such as muscles

Hormones- insulin regulate your blood glucose levels

Antibodies attack pathogens

Catalyst (photosynthesis, respiration, growth, and protein synthesis)

Tissues, hormones, antibodies, catalust

Explain how different parts of human digestive system help to break down molecules of starch so that they can be absorb into the body [6]

Mechanical breakdown in the mouth.

Amylase enzyme produced in saliva in the salivary gland.

Starch → glucose

+Amylase, which is produced by the pancreas

Occurs in the small intestine.

Excess water is absorbed by the large intestine.

Give advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes in industry.

Advantages of enzymes in industry

1) specific, catalyse reaction you want .

2) lower temperatures and pressure, saves energy, means lower cost

3)product not contaminated with enzyme or is pure for long time.

be reused.

4) Biodegradable


1) allergies and irritation

2) sensitive to temperature and ph changes.

4) enzyme can be reused.

3) temperature and ph need to be carefully monitored and controlled, which can be expensive

4) contaminated.

3.Explain how different parts of the human digestive system help to break down molecules of fats so that they can be absorbs into body [6]

1) mechanical breakdown in mouth

2) fats → fatty acid and glycerol by the enzyme lipase produced in the pancreas

3) fat digestion occurs in the stomach

4) liver produce bile that neutralises acid from the stomach

and alkaline solution in intestine

5) products are small , water soluble moleclues and is absorbed by the intestine.

Mouth, páncreas, stomach, liver, large intestine

1)Where is the protease produced?

2) what is the food molecule?

3) what is the product?

4) what is the condition?

1) protease is produced in the stomach, small intestine, pacreas.

2) the food molecule is protein.

3) the product is amino acid.

4) HCL in stomach (akali condition)

Describe how different parts of the human digestive system help breakdown molecules of fat so that they can be absorbed [6]

1) mechanical breakdown occur in mouth

2) the enzyme lipase is produced by the pancreas and the small intestine

3) fat digestion occurs in the small intestine where fat is converted to fatty acids and glycerol.

4) liver produces biles to neutralise acid from stomach

5) this produces an alkaline solution in the small intestine.

6) products are small, water soluble and absorbed by small intestine.