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186 Cards in this Set

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genetic change in organisms across generations
natural selection
traits that enhance survival get passed on
Thomas malthus
human populations will eventually out strip resources cause widespread death and social upheaval
adaptive trait
a trait that promotes succsess
a trait that reduces success
accidental change in DNA
Artificial Selection
Selection conducted under human direction
refers to the sum total of organisims in an area
and interbreeding population
A group of individuals of a particular species that live in the same area
occurs in only one place
Background Extinction Rate
the rate at which single species extiction occurs
multiple interacting species in the same location
Encompasses communities and their abiotic material
Functional role in a community
Narrow breadth and Specific requirements
Population density
describes the number of individuals with in a population per unit area
Random Distributrion
Located haphazardly in space with no patter
Uniform Distribuition
individuals are evenly spaced
Clumped Distribution
organisms arragnge themselves according to the availability of resources
survivorship curves
How the likihood of death can vary with age
Departure of individuals of a populationq
Growth Rate
(birth rate+immigration rate)-(death rate+emigration rate)= growth rate
exponential growth
increases at a fixed percentage
limiting factors
characteristics of the environment that restrain population growth
carrying capacity
Max population size that an environment can sustain
A lot of energy taking care of young and few offspring
focus on the quantity of offspring
fundamental niche
one species fullfills all its habitats roles
Realized Niche
It is lim,ited in its roles and resourses by other species
one organism is harmed and the other is uneffected
one species benefits the otheris uneffected
Keystone Species
has a particlarly stong or far reaching impact
a community that resists change and remains stable despite disturbance
a community that chanes in response to disturbance but later returns to its original state
A predictable series of changes when a severe disturbance occurs
Primary succession
A biotic community is built from scratch
Secondary succession
a disturbance alter an existing community but does not destroy all living things
Pioneer species
the first species to grow after primary succession takes place
Invasive species
non native organism spreads widely and become the dominant in the community with no or little preditors
Ecological restoration
restore and area to an earlier condition a natural "presettlement" condition
a major regional complex of similar communities
determines the average monthly temperature and precipitation
Temperate Deciduous forest
mid latitude trees that loose leaf in fall and regrow in spring
Temperate rainforest
heavy rain fall lots of coniferous trees the american pacific northwest
Tropical rainforest
year round rain and uniformly warm temperatures diverse biotic communities
tropical dry forest
warm year round and lower rainfall wet and dry season
Drier tropical regions tropical grassland
sparse rainfall
dry as a desert but located in the high latitudes north
Boreal forest
norther coniferous forest long cold winters
mild wet winters and warm dry summers mediteranean
2.5% of water that is relatively pure with few dissolved salts
Hydrologic cycle
As water moves it redistributes heat, erodes mountain ranges, builds river deltas, maintains organisms and ecosystems, shapeds civilizations and gives rise to political conflicts
Flood plain
areas nearest a river's course that are flooded periodically are said to be within this
littoral zone
the region ringing the edge of a water body, shallow enough that aquatic plants grow from the mud and reach the surface
Benthic Zone
bottom layer of lake or pond, extends along the bottom of the entire water body
Limnetic zone
open portion of a lake or pond away from shore sunlight penetrates enables photosynthesis and plant growth
profundal zone
the volume of open water the sun doesn't reach lacks plant life lower in dissolved ozygen and supports fewer animals
porous spongelike formations of rock sand or gravel that holdwater
water table
the upper limit of ground water held in and aquifer
confined or artesian aquifer
exists when a water-bearing porous layer of rock,sand,or gravel is trapped berween upper and lower layers
unconfined aquifer
no upward layer to confine it and can be easily recharged
consumptive use of water
water is removed and not returned
non consumptive use of water
is not removed or is only temporatily removed - like a dam
any obstruction placed in a river or stream to block the flow of water so that water can be stored in a reservoir
technological apporach to generate freshwater
any matter or energy released into the environment whether from humanactivity or natural sources that cause undesirable impacts on the health and well-being of humans or other organisms
point sources
discrete locations suck as factories or ser pipe
non point source
pollution arising from multiple cumulative inputs over larger areas suchas farms
Waste water
refers to water that has been used by people in some way
septic systems
are the most popular method of wastwater disposal
Primary water treatment
the physical removal of contaminants in settling tanks or clarifiers
Secondary water treatment
water is aerated by being stirred up
the study of the physics chemistry biology and geography of the oceans
riverlike flowsof water moving horixontially for great distances
the vertical flow of cold,deep water toward the surface, occurs in area where horizontal currents flow away from on another
surface water sinks transporting warm water richin dissolved gasses providing an influx of oxygen for deep water life
ocean ecosystems that occur bweetn the surface and the floor
ocean ecosystems that occur on the floor
large brown algae grow on the floor of continental shelves and reach upward toward the sun
coral reef
a mass of calcium carbonate compsed of the skeletons of tiny colonial marine organisms known as corals
intertidal or littoral ecosystems
where the ocean meets the land
periodic rising and falling of the ocean's height at a fiven location caused by the gravitationsl pull of the moon and sun
salt marshes
occur where the tides was over gently sloping sandy or silty substrates
trees with unique roots that anchor into the water and some go above water to get oxygen
water bodies where rivers flow into the ocean mixing fresheater with salt water
methane hydrate
icelike solid consisting of molecules of methane embedded in a crystal lattice of water moleculess
harmful algal blooms
population explosions amound marine algea that produce toxins that attack the nervous systems of vertebrates
red tides
algal species produce reddish pigments that discolor surface waters
marine protected areas
many have been established along the coastlines of developed countries
the tin layre of gases that surrounds Earth
the bottommost layer that blankers earth's surface and provides organisms the air they need to live
its gases experience little vertical mising so one substances enter it they tend to remain for a long time ozone is here
ozone layer
greatly reduces the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth's surface
above the stratosphere
above the mesosphere
Atmospheric pressure
measures the force perunit area produced by a column of air
relative humidity
the ratio of water vapor a fiven volume of air contains to the maximum amount it could conatain at a fiven temperature
convective circulation
warm air being less dense rises and creates vertical currents
specifies atmospheric conditions over short time periods
describes the pattern of atmospheric conditions found across large geographic regions
warm front
the voundary along with a mass of warmer moister air replaces a mass of colder drier air
cold front
the boundar along which a colder drier air mass displaces a warmer moister airmass
high pressure system
an air mass with high stmospheric pressure it moves outward away from the center of high pressure as it descends bring fair weather
Low pressure system
air moves toward the low atmospheric pressure at the center of the system and spiral up
thermal inverion
departure from the normal temperature profile
inversion layer
the band of air in which temperature rises with altitude
hadley cells
equator where sunlight is most intense surface air warms rises and expands as it does it releases moiture
polar cells
life air and create precipitation around 60 degrees latitude causeing air to descend at around30 degress latitude and in the polar regions
air pollutants
gases and pariculate material added to the atmosphere that can affect climate or harm people or other organisms
Clean air act of 1970
set stricter standards for air quality
clean air act of 1990
sought to strengthen regulations pertaining to air quality standards
criteria pollutants
pollutants judged to pose expecially great threats to human health
Volatil organic compounds
carboncontaining chemicals used in industrial porcesses
toxic air pollutants
substances known to cause cancer reropductive defects or neurological developmental immu ne system or respiratorty problems
industrial smog
coal or oil being burned releases co2 and soots
Photochemical smog
formed through light driven chemical reactions of primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds that produce a mix of over 100 different chemicals
depleted the ozone layer
Montral Protocol
signatory nations agreed to cut CFC production in half
acidic depostition
acid rain
green house gases
gases that absorb infrared radiation from the earths surface
greenouse effect
warming of the troposphere
milankovitch cycles
result in slight changes in the relative amount of slar radiation reaching earth's surface at different latitudes of the long term
El nino
conditions are triggered when equatorial winds weaken and allow warm water from the weatern pacific to move eastwaerd preventing cold water from welling up inthe easter pacific
la nina
cold surface waters extendfar westward in the equatorial Pacific
proxy indicators
types of indirect evidence that serve as prozies for direct measurement
Interfovernmental Panel on climate change
collection of scienctific information concerning global climate change
Un framework convention of climate change
outlined a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000
Kyoto Protocol
reduce emisions of 6 greenhouse gases to levels equal to or lower than those of 1990
Gross photosynthesis
The total number of carbohydrates produced
Community succession model
a barren environment slowly changes to become new starting with pioneer plants and getting more complex
Climax Communityq
peaked out the capacity of a system to grow and support things
Individualistic Model change
number size, most efficient at dispersal
Tolerance Model
Major causes of the loss of Biodiversity
H-Habitat Alteration
I-Invasive Species
P-popullation growth
Die back
vegitation dying- usually can handle one stress but not multiple
Bark Beatle
killed trees for over 10 years, leaving dead shells caused huge fire
Polor bear extinction
ice melting rapidly
not able to adjust to the rate of change
a set of objects together with the relationship between the object and between their attributes
open system
a boundary through which energy and matter can move
Closed system
clear boundary no import or expor of energy or matter
part of the out put of a system helpa change or slows down a change
relaxation time
time taken to realize equilibrium in a system during change from one quilibrium condition to another
a condition characterizing the transition from one system to another
elements and compouns that organisms consume and require for survival
Geochemical cycles
physical flow of matter and energy though differing states of environment - no life
Biogeochemical cycles
physical flow of matter and energy though differing states of environment with life
storage for elements or comounds
a way in or out of resevoir per unit of time
Francis Bretherton
Atomospheric proffessor
Diagrams of where things go and flow and store in biogeochemical cycles
Nitrogen cycle
Humans have altered, 70% of atmosphere, limits the grow of plants
Nitrogen fixation
chemical technologies allow us to make NH4 fertilizer plants need fixed nitrogen to grow
Carbon Cycle
the movement of carbon
Important cycles
Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorus, Water, Rock
Hydrologic system
Rs=Surface storage
S=channel storage
M=soil moisture storage
L=shallow storagae
G=ground water
Hydrologic working units
Drainage basin and water sheld the area drained by a stream sn all of its tributaries
Shows discharge over time and the watersheds
Q=discharge, A=cross sectional area
heavily forested hydrograph
Subduded in response, sloping
Semi desert Hydrogragh
Flashy in response Steep
Humams can inpact water sheds
Logging, fire. cities and urbanization
moves water through
blocks water
the surface of the saturated zone
hilltop erosion
sheet flow, rills and gullies
channelized erosion
corrosion-chemical dissolves
corrasian-picks up and carries away
vertical corrasion
cuts vertically down through the floor grand canyon
Horizontal corrazion
the banks fo rivers
oblique corrasion
horisontal and vertical a very tight river bend
knickpoint corrasion
under cuts the hard rock and attacks the softer rock aka a waterfall
the biggest piece in a flow
total amount a flow could carry
Accelerated erosian
Agriculture, urbanization, mining
Disolved load transport
chemically disolve with in the fluid mix even throughout the flow
suspended load transport
solid and or silt muddy water not evenly distributed
Bed load transport
moves along the bottom on the bed
excess load or loss of transport capacity (the slope is reduced or the river fans out common in deltas)
the point at which no more water vapor can be held and it converts
adiabatic Process
no gain or loss of external energy or heat
orographic processes
topographical control
Frontal precipitation
metting of 2 blocks of air with different characteristics
a hot spot rises up condenses and returns as rain a localized process
air flow meets in a valley and rises up together
parcel of air
air with common characteristics
the center of low perssure and the moiture spins around it causing wave cyclones, tonaodes or Hurricanes