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24 Cards in this Set

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What do plants need to thrive in an environment?

Sunlight, gases, water, nuterirents, minerals, and space

What is the definition of soil?

A mixture of mineral grains, ait, water, and organic material that support plant life

What are the four main components of soil and the percentages?

5% organic material, 25% air, 25% water, 45% weathered rock

What is soil profile?

The series of horizontal layers in soil

What is topsoil?

An upper layer of the soil the contain nutrients and organic material

Where are the most plant roots located?

In topsoil

What are the different layers of soil?

Surface litter, topsoil, subsoil, rock particales, bedrock

What is surface litter?

Composed of loose, fallen leaves and organic matter that is only partially decomposed

What is topsoil

Dark coloured layer with large amounts of organic matter mixed with minerals

What is subsoil?

Contains less organic matter and fewer organisms then topsoil; accumulates nutrients leached from topsoil

What are rock particles?

Contains no organic matter; chemical content of minerals in this layer helps determine the ph of the soil

What is bedrock?

Solid layer of rock

What is humus?

Organic material resulting from the breakdown of plant and animal remains

How is soil texture determined?

By the size of the mineral particles in the soil

What is the ideal soil for agriculture?

Loam- combines large spaces for air and water drainage with the ability of clay particles to hold nutrients and water

What number of ph is acidic

Less then 7

What number of ph is neutral?


What number of ph is basic?

Higher then 7

What can make soil more acidic?

High annual rainfall

What is the definition of agriculture?

The practice of raising plants and livestock for food or other human needs

What is monoculture?

The growth of a single crop, usually on a large area of land

What is algal bloom?

The population explosion of algae

How does synthetic fertilizers impact on aquatic ecosystems?

Algae, bacteria, low oxygen, fish die

What is the definition of pesticide?

Any chemical used to kill or control populations of unwanted fungi, animals, or plants