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20 Cards in this Set

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In class, we watched a film about the environmental justice movement where people fought against a proposed landfill. What was the outcome?

The dump went in as planned and it leaked into the water table.

_______ gives inherent value to certain living things or to the biotic (living) realm of the earth in general; both human and nonhuman lives have ethical standing


In general, natural resources ____

should be used efficiently and conserved

A(n) __________ expresses environmental impact in terms of the cumulative area of land and water required to provide the resources a person consumes.

ecological footprint

Later in his life, pioneering environmental philosopher Aldo Leopold would have most likely agreed with which one of the following statements?

Humans are members of the land-community

The environmental justice movement started because _____

people realized that environmental damage is not equally distributed among all classes and racial groups; minority and low-income communities tend to contain a much larger share of the environmental damage (such as landfills, incinerators, toxic waste sites, etc.)

What is sustainable development

promoting a viable economy while maintaining a viable environment and meeting social needs

Which of the following philosophies is the most anthropocentric?


John Muir, a great American environmentalist, felt that ____

pristine wilderness should be preserved because "We need beauty as well as brea

A systematic process for learning about the world and testing our understanding of it is called _____


The three components of sustainability are:

Social, environmental, economic

The conservation ethic suggests that ____

resources should be used from natural areas in a responsible way such that they are not depleted

Which component of the ecological footprint is the most difficult to individually reduce


The environmental justice movement began in ___

Sydney, Australia

What ethical perspective would you ascribe to someone who makes environmental choices based on a respect for just the living things in an ecosystem?


Environmental Impact =

Population + Consumption

Which of the following is the study of how the natural world works, how our environment affects us, and how we affect our environment?

environmental science

If someone says, "Earth and all of its contents were created for the betterment of human beings, so as long as something is good for humans, it is good for the whole earth," what ethical perspective would he or she hold?


Members of the __________ movement would be very concerned about the unequal exposure of members of a certain race to pollution.

environmental justice

Of the following people, which is most likely to agree with the statement that an entire ecosystem has inherent value?

aldo leopold