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54 Cards in this Set

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external openings, present on meso, metathorax. Never prothorax! Also on abdomen segments 1-8


series of airfilled tubes unique to insects, SEPERATE FROM CIRCULATORY system. extensively branched

tracheal trunks

longitdinal tubes connected to main trachea from spiracles


smallest < then one micron. tips of tracheole filled with fluid at rest and air during activity

passive ventilation

smaller insects. based on simple diffusion. controlled by spiracles


large insects force air through tracheole system. controlled by hemolymph fluid and muscles. tracheal sacs can increase tidal air flow.

open ventilation systems

cockroach have lateral trunks. Honey bee has air sac. Mosquito larva, siphon


small dipteran, hymenopteran larva, and collembala, cutaneus gas exchange. mayfly nymph (ephemoptera) has external gills.. Dragonfly(anisoptera) have internal gills.

subelytral space

physically traps temp air supply. Acts similarly to plastron which uses hydrophobic hair to trap air bubbles

circulatory and immune system

open circulatory systems that bathe organs in hemolymph=blood(90% water 10% plasma). aorta forms multichambered circulatory organ system.


insect that feeds on plant


insects that feed on other animals(invertabrate and vertebratees.


live on non-living organic matter


converts maltose(starch? ) into simple sugars.


hyrdolyzes peptides into amino acids


breaks down fats


an enyzyme that breaks down proteins and peptides


helps break down carbohydrates


most important amino acid(essential for larval growth

fat soluble vitatmins, ex

vitamin a for vision

water soluble vitamins

ascorbic acid and b complex


derived from plants and used to make ecdysteroids

sinuous motion

lateral muscular waves, some fly larva

undulatory motion

anterior and posterior waves. typical of moth and caterpillar


posterior and anterior waves used by caterpillars and inch worms

direct flight muscles

attached directly to thoracic segments. other end attaches to wing near joint. results in slow beats

indirect flight muscles

muscles act on thorax and distort it. this acts on the wings and cause it to flap up and down.

protocerebrum - ganglia

first set of ganglia at anterior . responsible for vision processing hence largest


second pair of ganglia processes antennae info


controls sensory input from proto and deuot cerebrums while also connecting rest of ventral nerves. these 3 total are the brain

subesophageal ganglia

innervate mandibles, maxilla, and mandibles, neck muscles

thoracic ganglia

someitmes fused used to control locomotion(wings legs)

abdominal ganglia

used to control abdominal muscles


detect movement, vibrations or other disturbances. tactile receptors, sound receptors. trichoid- hair like. campinform(dome-like). placoid(plate like


provide information regarding position of insect body parts to one another

chordotonal sensilla

when one or more bipolar neurons bridge a gap between 2 internal surfaces of the exoskeleton used for sound


detects chemical substances in air(olfaction) and taste (gustation). ex taste buds on pals and antenna sensilla. looks similar to trichoid receptors but have many more nerve cells. the taste receptors look similar to trichoid cells but have an opening and more nerve cells

johnstons organs

found in pedicel of antenna. sometime propioreceptors (relation to body) and sometimes as sound receptors like in mosquitos.

tympanal organs

a type of chordotanal organ create the drum like membrane that can be found on abdomen, thorax, or front leg

phasic response

a mechanoreceptor that fire when activated andagain when sensory stimulus goes away

tonic response

mechanoreceptor that fires constantly as stimulus is present

compound eye

present in most adult insects, perceive light movement, forms complex images. collection of units call ommatidia.

stridulatory sounds

a frictional noise made by crickets

vibrating mechanisms

cicades vibrate drum like body part

air movemnt

hissing in cockroach

brood pheromone

encourages foraging.


type of insect defense. playing dead like comatosis

other defenses

bristles, hairs, exoskeleton, speed, agility


when insect purposely sacrifices a limb to survive

chemical defenses

-repellants(bad odours), sticky substances, venom or toxins(from urticating hairs or stingers)

crypsis protective colouration

blending in with the backround. think camoflauge. changing outline of body. hiding reflective surfaces and moving slowly


resembling other natural objects

warning colours

displaying colours that send out a message that an unpleasant outcome will occur if interaction with the predator occurs


batesian mimicry. taking the appearance of another insect.