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207 Cards in this Set

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common name is fleas
characteristics of siphonaptera
-complete metamorphosis
-peircing/sucking mouthparts
-no wings
-many disease vectors
about fleas:
-female needs blood for eggs
-eat 15 times their weight
-larva feed on adult feces
about flea larva
-larva spins sticky cacoon
-cacoon camoflaged
-enviro is important
what are fleas attracted to?
what is resilin
a protein in back legs works like rubber band
-can jump 200 X length
Miriam Rothschild
a world flea expert
showed fleas react to female hosts hormones they adjust their cycle to match that of host and lay eggs on the babies of the host.
Bubonic Plagues
swollen lymph nodes=bubo
death rate is 75%
vector: rat flea
organism: bacteria
genus: Yersinia pestis
antibiotic treatments are affected
-bacteria enter flea with blood meal
-bacteria multiple in flea gut
-flea seeks new host
-regurgitates blood with bacteria
-host is infected
vecotr= mosquitos
disease organism: round worms
-causes swollen apendages
River Blindness
vector=black flies
disease organism: round worms
found in West Africa
how does river blindness work?
-infected fly transmits larval worm to person. the worm grows slowly, the adults worms produce young which causes itchy and loose skin. there is a gradual loss of sight.
what treatment exists for river blindness?
no effective treatment
what foundation helps in river blindness
Carter Foundation
possible use of insects in war?
-modify plague bacteria
-destroy crops
-war on drugs
Jeffery Lockwood
six legged soldiers the idea of using insects as weapon of war.
Cultural impact of insects
who is Darrel Posey
-studied ethnoentomology of Kayopo (central Brazil)
-what they do is place an ant colony near the crops and ants cultivate plants and wasp colony in banana tree.
-men become adults=hit large wasp nests
the wasp nest =the universe
what is sago?
extracted from sago palms
-it provides starch = 80% of calories
people also eat Capricorn beetle which provides protein
what kinds of bugs do they eat in Thailand?
-steamed bamboo worms
-water bugs
-steamed hornet grubs
what kinds of bugs do they eat in Boswania?
-charcoal grilled catapillars
what did Australian aborigines eat?
beetle larva: witchetty grubs
Vincent Holt said why not eat insects- his reasons??
1. protein
2. fat
3. vitamens
what is the favorite insect of the arts?
what nursery rhyme is about the bubonic plague?
ring around the rosie
which poet wrote alot about insects?
Robert Frost
what are some terms for insects in language?
-busy as a bee
-social butterfly
what is a famous musical piece?
Flight of the bumble bee
by: Rimsky-Korsakov
who is Maria Merian?
combined art and entomology
forensic entomology
study of insects from a legal perspective
-estimate postmortem interval
estimate postmortem interval
-based on blow fly development
-most accurate in first 30 days
-several species blow fly involved
about blow flies?
-arrive at corpse first
-larva develop
-temperature development
-succession of insects is predictable
what does a forensic entomologist do?
-recover insects from the body
-identify the insects
Magot mass
a large number of blow fly larvae in carvion
they maintain a high temperature
decomposition studies
-test animal
-environment conditions are recorded
-succession of insects monitored
what is at the University of Tennessee
the body farm
people donate bodies
book called Deaths Acre
Case study from Oregon
-rifle fired at party
-neighbor killed
-body found 1 month later
-insect evidence set time of death
Case Study
-child brought to hospital suffering from abuse and neglect
-anal and genitals had dlies
-larvae age= 5 days
-diapers were not changed for 5 days
Case study from Chicago
-women raped by man in ski mask
-mask in apartment
-suspect said mask hadnt been worn
-burrs from crime scene on mask
-catapillars in burrs
-the life cycle eggs laid in summer
so mask had to have been outside in the last 6 months
Case study from Tennessee
female skeleton found jan. 29
-large wasp nest in skull
-skull must have been dry in spring
-blow fly puparia in skull
-blow fly in skull in warm season
-women must have died 18 months ago
Ticks and Mites
class= arachnida
subclass= acari
about ticks and mites
-usually 8 legs
-two main body parts
cephalothorax and abdomen (no division exists between the two)
lime disease
(associated with high prevalence of deer)
-vector: deer tick
-disease organism: bacteria
-genus: borrelia

most prevalent in northeast, appeared first in Connecticut and has had a ressurgence
how does lime disease work?
feed infected mite, bacteria multiply in the tick, tick feed on man
-circular rash appears, flu like symptons
later arthritis and nerve problems

antibiotics are effective
deer tick
-nymph usual vector
-year 1 - larva hatch feed and molt
-year 2- nymphs feed: adults emerge and feed
-birds disperse ticks
lime disease
cause unknown
attacks heart, nervous system, joints
patient response variable
-protective clothing in woods
-have someone check
rocky mountain spotted fever
vector: dog tick
disease agent: bacterium
genus: riskettsia
most prevalent in west
class: arachnida
subclass: scorpiones
about scorpians
-large pinchers
-tail with venom
-can kill humans
more about scorpions
-survive extreme temperatures
-male puts sperm on stalk and pulls female over stalk
-female live birth
class: arachnida
subclass- aranea
about spiders
-two main body parts
cephalothorax joined to abdomen by pedicel

- 8 legs

-produce silk
what do male spiders deliver sperm with?
palps which are modified mouthparts
large jawed spider
male produces sperm in abdomen and transfers to special web and then to palps on cephalothorax
jumping spider
male attracts female with mating dance where he puts her in a trance with front leg movement
Net Casting Spider
male talks to the female by strumming on the web
uses palps deliver sperm to female
female mates once stores sperm male may mate many times
Saint Andrews Cross Spider
female much larger than male
male plucks on web to identify web
risks death in order to mate
orb weaver
stabilmentum= zig zag cross strands in web
-warns birds so dont fly into
-some may use to find silk for their nest
(many different species)
-covered with hairs
-can throw at predator
-hairs barbed like espitis and toxins
black widow
-hourglass on abdomen
it is underneath and hard to see
about black widow venom
-intense pain peaks at 30 minutes
-venom in neuortoxin
-venom 30times more toxic than rattlesnake
nausea and profuse sweating
brown recuse
-violin on cephalothorax
-venom causes skin rash (necrosis)
spider silk
first production in china
Si-Ling-Chi was goddess of the silk worms
secrets of silk production
went first from China to Japan
Marco Polo brought back to Europe
silkworm larvae
silk has protien
protein made of small amino acids
spider silk
Randy Law
(University of Wyoming)
cloned spider silk gene
medicine:sutures, bandages, and ligaments
fabrics: parachutes, clothes, and canoes
hymen= god of marriage
common name=
ants, bees, wasps
characteristics of hymenoptera
-complete metamorphosis
-chewing mouthparts
-2 pair membranous wings
-female select sex
-most beneficial
compact wings that fold back
back wings hooked to front wings
wings beat as if one pair
relevant solitary wasp
adult females
-wingless, hairy, and bright colored
-parasitize hymenoptera nests
-extremely painful sting
mud dauber waps
put live spider in nest cell
male helps guard the nest
insect whose larvae consumer host
three levels of interaction:
1. plant
2. herbivore
3. parasitoid
bark beetles
infest pine trees
carry fungus
modify tree terpenes
this also attracts parasitoid wasp
Joe Lewis
-catipillar feeds
-plant damage signals parasitic wasp
-to find host wasp uses:
smell wounded plant, grass and host cuticle
teach wasps to find specific crop
war on bio terroism fought by?
training wasps to detect toxins
solitary bee
-digs nest and collects pollen
-bees have branched hairs for pollen
-marks nest with chemical scent
-lay egg- larvae eats pollen
mining bee
-rich in protein
-uses chemical communication
-memorize nest location
carpenter bee
-male is territorial
-female builds nest
-the cells with female egg larger than cells with male
-the daughter will guard and reuse the nest
transfer of pollen from anthers(male) to stigma(female)
-70% of all plants pollenated by insects
lily flower
(example of pollenation)
smells and looks like corpse
blow flies are attracted and trapped
flies are then dusted with pollen which they spread to next plant
hammer orchid and solitary wasp
flower is shaped like a female wasp and pheromone smells like wasp
-male tries to mate
-plants puts pollen on male and the wasp then moves on to pollenate
queen bee
-rules colony with queen pheromone
-workers do not reproduce
when queen takes over
-workers make large cells
-workers feed on queen larvae royal jelly
-queen larvae are much larger than the worker larvae
-queen emerges and kills any rivals
(male which is unfertilized egg)
-part of parthenogenesis
drome has larger eyes
it mates and dies and sperm good for 5 years
worker female is a fertalized egg
-produces wax
-guard bee
bee sting
stinger is barbed bee dies after
stinger contains protein and melittin
self-destructive behavior for sacrifice of others
wasp nests
queen starts nest with cells and pedicel
lays eggs
larvae eat other insets. spin silk and adults emerge
stining by social wasps
only done by females
stinger: at end of abdomen it is a modified ovipositor
paper wasp nest defense
apply fatty acid to base of nest to repel ants
wasps defend together use alarm pheromone
paper wasp composition of nest
plant fiber and saliva which acts as the glue
kin recognition
wasps and hornets use cuticular hydrocarbons
fire ants
family: formicide
genus: solenopsis
origin: South America
entry into U.S.- mobile Alabama
red and black
about fire ants
-destroy young fruit
-benefit: attack pest insects
-attracted to electric circuits
only 4th in star larvae can eat solids
only the reproductive male and female have wings\
venom has alkaloids
exchange of liquids between members of a colony
chemical control
8000 chemicals
Fire ant pheromone as bait
parasitoid fly eats the fire ant head
study of ants
-E.O Wilson best known to study
-ant colonies live 2-18 years
queen mates one time and stores sperm
chamber sac in the abdomen for sperm
-storage produced by male storage done by female
ants, bees, and wasps have
nest mate recognition
and cuticular hydrocarbons
weaver ants
nest made of leaves bound together with silk and larvae.
symbiosis- caterpillar secretes fluid for ants and the ants protect the caterpillar.
Caterpillar attracts ants by producing sound.
army ants
workers link together with leg hooks
nomads: have no nest
workers: are blind or have poor eyesight
leaf cutter ants
-cut leafs
-carry leaf to nest
-feed on fungus that grows on leaf
ant control
-dont like Co2
-limited use of insecticide
cecropia plants and ants
symbiotic relationship
-azteca ants protect cecropia
-cecropia provides sugar pacets for azteca ant
-azteca ants survive in the stem
what is the common name for members of the order Phasmida?
walking sticks
what kind of metamorphosis do members of hemiptera have?
incomplete metamorphosis
Ronald Ross is famous for his work with?
what genus does the bronze leaf beetle belong?
bees are
pollen feeders
what small arthopod has an hourglass shape on the abdomen
black widow spider
what is genus name of organism that causes lyme disease?
order for tube and wingless?
how many pairs of antanae do most insects have?
Randy Lewis of University of Wyoming works with?
works on cloning spider silk
stinger of the social wasp is a modified?
ovipositor(tube through which deposits eggs)
what dosnt do well where fire ants are present?
blue birds
insects most important as vectors of human disease belong to?
mayfly nymphs live?
live 1 to 3 years
which is smaller a deer tick or a dog tick?
deer tick
which anthrodpod can cause skin neurosis
brown recluse
insects that vector malaria belong to the order of?
which order does the migratory grasshopper belong
what is another name for leaf cutter ants?
parasol ants
hammer orchid pollenated by?
solitary wasp
zig zag strands of orb weaver spider called?
what year did Rachael Carson die?
silk first used where? and by what?
China and by silkworm moth
how many species of ants are found in the U.S.?
which insect vectored disease causes the most deaths each year?
how many pairs of wings do mosquitos have?
DDT containes
egg case deposited by a praying mantis is?
true/ false most insects excrete uric acid?
how many wings in order hymenptera have?
2 pairs of wings
diptera mouthparts?
piercing/ sucking
DDT was banned from use in?
resemblance of organism to its background
loss of leg to escape
how many times can a male honey bee sting you?
none. only females sting
spider subclass?
disease agent causes Elephantiasis
round worm
anthropod lives in cecropia tree?
azteca ant
river blindness vectored?
black fly
genus disease agent bubonic plague
Yersina Pestis
bald faced hornet builds what kind of nest?
-native to georgia
bag nest, white and black
Eurpeon Hornet is?
-native to georgia
yellow and black, hidden nest
Diplopoda common name
male honey bees mate?
silk produced?
in Eastern Europe after second world war
adjust reproductive cycle to match host
Departmental by Robert Frost is about?
USDA lab tifton georgia works with
parasitoid wasps and catapillars
-joe lewis
what food does mud dauber wasp provide for young?
live spider
what insect most important to forensic entomologist
blow flies
what phylum do ticks belong?
which insect order most harmful to humans?
fire ants can eat solids at which life stage?
4th instar larvae
fireants first introduced?
mobile, alabama
vector chagas disease?
kissing bus
Miriam Rothschild
famous for work with fleas
men in New Guinea
eat insects (capricorn beetle) that they collect in the larvae stage
insects order lepidoptera
siphoning mouthparts
complete metamorphosis
greatest color variation
what percent of plants are pollenated?
when was EPA formed?
ants have what kind of metamorphosis?
complete metamorphosis
part of hymenoptera
most spiders are?
hornets have what kind of mouth parts?
chewing mouthparts
butterflies have siphoning
fleas belong?
dragonflies belong to?
when buttefly larvae puppates it makes?
a chrysilis
where is Chagas disease most prevalent?
South America
mayflies belong to the order
exchange liquid between membersof a colony
polistes wasps make their nests out of?
paper wasps molt only when
it is a larvae
damsflies lay eggs in
plant stems under water
hornets recognize nestmates by
cuticular hydrocarbons
batesian mimicry is?
resembalence of an edible species to an unpalatable species
Nemoria Arizonaria catepillars mimic
oak trees and flowers
why do insects excrete uric acid?
limits water loss
Terry Erwin
discovered 80% new beetles did so by fogging trees
irodes dammini is vector of?
lyme disease
Winslow H?
at uga museum of arts
chitin is
a polymer
5 characteristics of order orthoptera
-chewing mouthparts
-front wings narrow
-back wings fan like
-strong hind legs
-incomplete metamorphosis
weaver ants make nest bound together
with silk from ant larvae
2 species of hornets in georgia
blueberry bees what order?
2 main body parts of spider
cephalothorax and abdomen
Gary Larson draws
the Far side cartoons
Vincent Holt wrote
"why not eat insects" in 1885
when honeybee lays a fertalized egg it is?
butterflies have what kind of metamorphosis?
blow flies determine
postmortem interval
hymen means
god of marriage ptera means wings
-refers to union of fore and hind wings
species going extinct at rate of
one per day
spermatheca located
on abdomen of queen fire ant
genus name causes malaria?
silk produced by spiders composed of what polymer?
fire ant venom contains
insects in which order have the greatest variation of color?
insects in war?
-modfy plague
-destroy crops
-war on drugs
plague agent?
resivoir= rodents
enters flea through blood meal
bacteria multiply in flea gut
flea seeks new host
feeds on new host
regurgitates blood with bacteria
host infected
complete metamorphosis
-more have this (87%)
incomplete metamorphosis
-less only 13%