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116 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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- Three phases
- Nerve for phase II
- Describe phase II
- Phase 3 voluntary or involuntary?
- Oral preperatory, pharyngeal, esophageal
- CN 9 and 10, involuntary
- 1) NP closes (CLOSE)
2) BOT propels bolus (PUSH)
3) Larynx elevates and closes (CLOSE)
4) Pharynx shortens (SHORTEN)
5) UES opens (OPEN)

- Trick, BOTH. upper 1/3 voluntary striated, lower 2/3 involuntary smooth
What is being evaluated in FEEST? What is not?
Laryngeal adductor Reflex, SLN

Esophageal dysfunciton
Esophageal layers?
Plexus and function
- Mucosa, Submucosa, Inner circular muscle, Outer longitudinal
- Auerbachc- Myenteric plexus (Para- swallowing is para!)
- Meissners- submucosal plexus

- Auerbach's- between muscles
Normal LES tone
- Above normal
- Below normal
- 10-40 mm Hg
- >40 = Achalasia
- <40 = Scleroderma
Three type of peristalsis
Primary: initiated by food bolus
Secondary: Initiation by esophageal distention (Residual bolus)
Tertiary: non-peristaltic, spontaneous
- Problem in swallowing
- smooth muscle atrophy (Lose distal 2/3 motlity
- Calcinosis, Raynauds, Esophagus, Sclerodactyly, Telangectasia
Esophageal problem in polymyositis and dermatomyosits?
Striated muscle (Proximal 1/3)
- Killians
- Killian-Jameson
- Laimer-Haeckerman
- Posterior: CP and inferior constrictors
- Lateral: Between CP and longitudinal esophageal muscle
- Posterior-Lateral: Between circular and longitudinal fibers of esophagus
Typical location of a true esophageal diverticulum
Corkscrew esophogram
- Pathophys
- Treatments
Diffuse esophageal
- Simultaneous non-peristaltic contactions, normal pressure
- CCB, dilation, botox
Eagle sydrome
Long styid or ossified stylohyoid ligament --> inflammation of surrounding nerves

Pressure reproduces pain
Plummer Vinson syndrome
- Site of increased cancer risk
Web, microcytic hypochromatic anema (Fe deficiency), chelitis, dysphagia

-Post cricoid
TE Fistula
- MC type
- Silent aspiration
- Associated syndrome
- Esophageal atresia (Blind pouch) with distal Fistula
- H type
- VATER- Vertebral, Anal, TE, Radial limb/Renal defects
Chagas disease effect on Esophagus
- cause
- Auerbech's plexus destroyed (Mysenteric Para)
- T Cruzi parasite
MC benign tumor of esophagus
Jones Major?
Jones Minor?
what do you need for RF Dx
MAJOR: carditis, polyarthitis, Aschoff bodies, erythema migranatum, chorea

minor: Arthraliga, fever, CRP, ESR, prolonged PR

2 major or 1 major and 2 minor
Cause of Herpangia
Coxsackie A virus
Afferent Tongue course
- Ant 1/3, Touch and Temp (T&T)?
- Post 1/3, T&T
- Lingual nerve--> Chorda--> GG --> nervus intermedius --> nucleus solitarious

- CN IX --> Inf petrosal ganglion --> nucleus solitarius
What percentage of taste disorders are smell disorders
Risk of malignancy
- Leukoplakia
- Erythroplakia
Small painful vesicles in oral cavity: treatment
Herpetic Gingivostomatitis- HSV-1. Treatment acyclovier- oral or topical
Borrellia Vincentii causes?
- Clinical findings
Acute necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (Trench mouth , Vincent's gingivitis)
- "Puched out" craters interdental papilla, grey cover
Fungal stain Canidida
90 degree, pseudo-hyphae
Branching anaerobic gram negative bacteria, sulfur granules?
- Debride, long term abx (PCN, Tetra, Erythro)
Pemphigous Vulgaris
- Cellular site
- Anatomic site
- Anitbodies
- Nikolsky sign?
- Dx?
- Treatment
- Intraepithelial
- Oral mucosa
- Desmosome
- Positive (skin fragile, breaks apart)
- Tzanck cells or serum antibodies
- Steroids
Cicatricial Pemphigoid
- Cellular site
- Skin lesions? Other important site?
- Nikolsky sign?
- Dx?
- Subepidermal blistering
- NO, mucose membranes, eyes (50%)
- Yes, epidermis will sheer
- Direct immunoflorescence in basement membrane
Bullous Pemphigoid
- Cellular site?
- Type of sensitivity
- Skin leions?
- Nikolsky sign?
- Dx
- Epi/Dermal junction
- Type II
- YES, mucosal rare
- NO, Epidermis is intact
Types of apthous ulcer syndromes
- Which type(s) have risk of scarring
- Sutton's disease
- Minor: MC, <1 cm, last 7-10 days
- Major: more painful, 1-3 cm, mutiple, lasts >1month
- 1-3 mm, numerous, lasts >1month

Scaring- Major and herpetiform

Recurrent major
Behcet's disease
- Recurrent oral and genital ulcers WITH eye problems (uveitis)....Blind ulcered Japanese guy
Most common odontogenic cyst
- cause
- Radiographic findings
Peripical (Radicular cyst)
- nonviable tooth, epthelial cell rests of Malassz spurred on by inflammation
- Radiolucency at root apex
2nd Most common odontogenic cyst
- Association
- Radiologic findings
- Complications
- Treatment
Follicular cyst (Dentigurous cyst)
- Impacted tooth
- Radiolucency at crown of unerupted tooth
- Risk of malignant transformation
- E&C
Primordial cyst
- Findings
- Treatment
- If it recurs?
- Cyst were a tooth would normally develop
- E&C
- Must consider OKC
Most aggressive Odontogenic cyst
- Pathology and Findings
- Tooth anatomic association
- Most common site
- FNA dx
- Initial Treatment, recurrent treatment
Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC)..New name= Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT)
- Similar to Primordial cysts
- Root or crown
- Mandibular third molar and ramus
- White keratin debris
- E&C with rotary burr, 1cm margins
Name cyst, give treatment?
1) Bluish cyst overlying alveolar ridge

2) Cyst located between maxillary central incisors

3) Palate mass in baby

4) Cyst in teenage mandible after truma
1)Eruption cyst
- Excise only if symptomatic
2) Nasopalantine duct cyst (Incisive canal cyst)
- Same as above
3) Midpalatal cyst of infants
- E&C
4) Aneurysmal bone cyst
- Rapid Enucleation to avoid hemorrhage
Basal cell Nevus Syndrome
- Inheritance
- Features
- AD
- Multiple OKC's, Basal cell CA, hypertelorism, prognathism (Mandible sticks out --> Underbite), calcified falx cerebri, palmar pitting, frontal and parietal bossing, depressed midface)
MC odontogenic epithelial tumor
- Location
- 3 types
- Radiographic findings
- Treatment
- Mandible (80%)
- 1) Central - intraosseous
2) Plexiform Unicystic- More aggressive central variant, impacted teeth
3) Peripheral- From soft tissue around bone

- Multiloculations with "Soap bubbles"

- Peripheral - local excision
central - 1 cm margins
Peripheral unicystic- 3-5 cm margins
Pindborg tumor
- Other name
- Derived from?
- Association
- Radiographic findings
- Histo finding
- Calcifying Epithelial OT
- Stratum intermedium
- Impacted molars
- Unilocular radiolucency with calcifications
- Liesegang rinsgs (Psomomma body like)
Ameloblastoma like tumor in younger patient
- Histo
- Treatment
Ameloblatomic fibroma
- Islands of epithelium, connective tissue
- E&C only
Anterior maxillary mass, slow growing
- 2/3 rule
Adenomatoid OT
- 2/3 anterior maxilla
- 2/3 female
- 2/3 associated with impacted cuspid
- 2 and 3rd decade
Gorlins cyst
- Other name
- Where?
- Radiographic
- Treatment
- Calcifying Odontogenic cyst
- Anterior mandible
- Well circumscribed with calcifications
- E&C
Asymptomatic mandibular bony mass?
- 3 types
- When to extract and curretage
1) Periapical: Black females, multiple
2) Cementoblastoma: first mandibular tooth
3) like ossifying fibroma

- Cementoblastomas
Non-odontogenic Tumors
1) Young african american- cotton wool appearance on xray
2) Multiple lesions associated with: precocious puberty, skin pigment changes
3) Cannon ball like opacity
4) xray findings- chinese writing
1) Osseous dysplasia
2) Fibrous dysplasia (McCune-Albright)
3) Ossifying fibroma
4) Fibrous dysplasia
- Inheritance
- Age group
- ENT problems
- Lab findings
- AD
- Older, FD younger group
- Elevated Alk phos
What type of joint is TMJ
Diarthroidial Joint- True synovial joint
Work type I and II
- Most common
I) Dupliate EAC, ectodermal only
II) Presents near angle of mandible, VII at risk
Warthin Starry stain?
Catch scratch fever
- Bartonella Henselae
MC Atypical Mycobacterium H&N presentation?
- Lymph node features
- Treatment
- Corneal ucleration
- Purple, adherent to overlying skin
- Complete excision
Fascial layers of the neck? Conents?
1) Superficial cervical fascia: Platysm and muscles of facial experession
2) Superfical layer deep cervical fascia (DCF):
- Forms stylomandibular ligament
- SCM, Trap, Parotid, SMG
3) Middle layer DCF: strap muscles, larynx, pharynx, trachea, esophagus (Everything, bascially!)
4) Deep layer DCF- prevertebral fascia
5) Carotid sheeth- All layers of DCF "Lincoln Highway"- Caroitd, IJV, Vagus
Pathogen in Nec Fasc
Group A B-hemolytic streptococci
Contents of Pterygopalantine fossa
V2, vidian nerve, sphenopalantine nerve, lesser and greater palanine nerve

Sphenopalatine ganglion

Maxillary artery
Langherhan Cell histiocytosis
- Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
- Eosinphilic granuloma
- Letterre- Siwe disease
- chronic disseminated form (Granluoma of unknown etioogy)
- Localized form: middle ear granulation
- Acute disseminated form--> Fatal, <3 years old
Heerfordt's Disease
Uveparotid fever
- facial palsey
- recurrent parotitis
- uveitis
Hutchinson Triad
Conenital syphilis
- Central inncisor
- interstial keratitis
- deafness
Fungal disease
1) Braod based bud
2) Cenral America and midwest
3) Southwest
4) Mississippi and Ohio river valley
5) Bird droppings association
6) pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (2)
7) Sac with bugs histo
8) bat exposure
1) Blasto
2) Blasto
3) Coccidio
4) Histo
5) Crypto
6) Histo and blasto
7) Coccido
8) Histo
What improves reliability of choanal atresia repair?
What is the mechanism?
Mitomycin C

DNA crosslinker
Definition of a hypopnea
50% drop in airflow for 10 seconds
Nerves involved in Frey's syndrome
Parasympathetic of Jacobsons (IX) and auriculotemporal nerve (local nerve)
Definitive prevention of pneumocephalous in Ant cranial resection
Management vWD disease prior to tonsillectomy
1) DDAVP 30 minutes before
2) cryoprecipitate vs. factor VIII
Course of superior trochlear artery?
- Location form midline
Under and medial to trochlea

Over corrugator and under frontalis and orbic

1.6 cm
Treatment of chornic mucocutaneous candidasis
Medical treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Tegretol (Carbamazepine)
Classes of medications used to treat GERD
H2 blockers
Prokinetic (Dopamine antaganist)
Cytoprotective (Sucralafate)
Organism covered in leech therapy?
Aeromona Hydrophila

Most common cause of unilateral exopthalmous in child
Orbital abscess/SPA = Infection
When can you enecucleat a Ameloblastom?
Rest of the time?
- Unicystic
- 1 cm margins
Changes to the following in aging nasal skeleton
1) Tip
2) Nasolabial angle
3) Projection
4) Maxillary bone
5) Columella
6) Upper vermillion length
7) Nasal tip thickness
8) Nasal dorsum thickness
9) Intradomal ligament
1) ptosis
2) decreased
3) decreased
4) Resorbed
5) shortened
6) decreased
7) increased
8) decreased
9) Laxity
Muscles innervated by V
Muscles of mastication
Ant. Belly digastric
Muscles of masctication
Open mouth?
Close mouth?
- L Pterygoid (minor: digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid)
- Temporalis, Masseter, M. Pterygoid
Muscles innervated by VII
Facial expression
Post. Belly digastric
Test for Wegner's. Use? Limit?
- diagnosis
- monitor progression
- Not good for recurrence
Most specific test for DIC

Treatment of DIC

FFP replaces clotting factors and inhibitors
Cryoprecipitate provides fibrinogen and should be given if fibrinogen
<100 mg/dL
Platelets are given if platelet levels < 15-20K, or if < 50K with active bleeding
Give vitamin K and folic acid
Findings in Hep B with-
1) Acute infection
2) Resolved infection
3) Chronic infection
4) Vaccinated person
1) Antigen - HBsAg, HBeAG
Antibodies- HBcAb
2) Antibodies- HBcAb, HBsAB
3) Antigens- HBsAG
Antibodies- HBcAb
4) Anitbodies- HBsAb
When to give HBIG in exposure? (2)
1) Source Antigen Positive/Exposed non-responder or unvaccinated

2) Unknown Source high risk/Unvaccinated or known non-responder
Calcium change in MH
Intracellular increae in calcium (No effect on serum calcium)
Bood volume for infant
70-80 cc/kg
Histo fidingsin Alzheimers
Neurofibrillary tangles (-fibril is never good!) adn neuritic plaques
Classification of caustic esophageal injury
First degre- Erythema/edema

2nd degree- Full thickness mucosal injury and ulceration

3rd degree- Full thickness into or through muscular layer
Esophageal caustic injury?
- When to use G tube
- When to look again in 24 hours
- When to use a string?
- 3rd degree or significant necrosis
- if unsure of necrosis look again b/c it coudl get worse
- After NGT placed for 3 weeks to use for future dilation
What does student T-test assume
Normative data and independent measures
Advantages to crossover design (2)
Patients serve as own control

Reduce confounders
Where does PPI work in cell?

Where does H2 blocker work?
Secretor side H/K ATPase transport

Basal side- Histamine receptor
Stain for Cat Scratch
Warthin starry silver stain

Remember: Cat looking up at starry sky
Treatment of cicatrixal pemphigoid?

Side effect form treatment?

Treatment of side effect?

Methemoglobineniam- HA, tachy, hypoxia, cyanosis, seizures, comas

O2 and methylene blue
Where does LSN branch off the vagus
Above carotid bifurcation. Remember that external branch goes with Sup. Thyroid, the firs branch off of ECA
Antibody found in Rubella fetus
Inheritance of HHT
AD with HIGH penetrance and VARIABLE expression
Treatment of diptheria
Single dose of antitoxin plus Abx (Flagyl, Erythro, PEN G)
MC complication with transantral orbital decompression
hyposthesia > Diplopia
When are steroids safe in pregnancy
3rd Trimester
Reasons to leave bites open
1) Puncture- Like cats
2) Involing legs/arms
3) 6-12 hours old
Relative contraindications to Secondary TEP
1) Radiation >6500
2) Stoma <1.0 cm
3) Dysphagia
Eagle's Syndrome
Sharp pain form elongated styloid process

- post-tonsillectomy

- Styloid process > 2.5 cm

- swallowing, turning head, carotid compression
Stroke of
1) MCA
2) ACA
1) Middle Cerebral Artery: Contralateral hemiplegia and sensory loss affecting the face, hand, arm and leg.

2) Anterior Cerebral Artery: Contralaateral paralysis and sensory loss affecting the leg. Impaired voluntary control of micturition.

3) Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery: (Wallenberg’s, or lateral medullary syndrome) ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia, Horner’s, facial sensory deficit, contralateral impaired pain and temperature, nystagmus, vertigo.

4) Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery: Ipsilateral facial weakness, gaze palsy, deafness and tinnitus
What happens if phenyleprhine is given --> HTN then B-Blocker is given.


B-Blockade in face of increased afterload
MC complication of Adenoidectomy?
Bleeding 0.5-1%
vWD Disease
1) Problem
2) Test
3) Treatment? Effect?
1) decreased vWF and Factor VIII --> increased bleeding times
2) Ristocen
3) DDAVP --> Increase vWF and VIII peaking 30-90 minutes
Optic Canl traverses which bone
Lesser wing of sphenoid
O2 tension curve

- What shifts to right
- Left
Right (BAD)- Increased CO2, Temp, and Acidity

Left- Decreased CO2, Temp and acidity
How does cocaine cause vasoconstriction
Increase norepi
Which local anesthetics are cleared by plasma cholinesterases
Esters- One "I"

Amides- Two "I"'s, Liver clearacne
What do do if tooth falls out
Replace in socket or saline/milk
What to do. Child becomes bradycardic during intubation
Worse prognosis with laryngeal cleft repair?
Effect of lupus anticoagulant antibodies

Actually causes clot, no preop intervention
What does fibrin need to work?

Think evicele
General Language milestones
- 3 months
- 6-8 months
- 15 months
- 18 months
- 2 years
- Vowels
- Consonant sound "Mama, Dada"
- Words up to 10
- Nouns and 2 step commands
- 50 words, jargon
Size of newborn airway
Propofol compared to gas (Induction and nausea)
Faster and Less
Mechanism of Hirudin
Natural inhibitor of thrombin --> anitcoagulant
Enhancing mass in thyroid of young male. Two possibilties
Infected TGDC or 3/4th branhcial cleft with intrathyroidal abscess
Action of NO
NMDA antagonist
What vitamin overdose --> Neuromusclar problems
What worsens symptoms of glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Taking, swallowing, chewing, coughing and yawning
Treatment of NP stenosis after UPPP
laser and obturator
Treatment of NP stenosis after UPPP
laser and obturator