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19 Cards in this Set

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Bacteria causing AOM
H. influenza 50-70%
Strep. pneu 30%
Sxs relief of AOM (4 med cat, 2 other)
1. NSAIDS/APAP po- mild/mod pain
2. Topical Benzocaine drops (Auralgam) >5yrs only or Oticon otic sol - naturopathic - short term relief
3. Narcotics c codeine - mod/sev pain, >2yrs
4. decongestants >2yrs only
ABX tx for AOM
1. Amoxacillin for most
2. Augmentin for special cases (abx in last mo, otitis-conj synd), on amox as prophylaxis, adult c amox tx failure)
Guidelines to treat AOM c abx
1. <6mo always abx
2. 6mo-2yr abx c certain dx or severe dx. Observe if dx uncertain & not severe.
3. >2yr abx c certain dx, severe dz or increased risk. Observe if uncertain dx or certain but not severe.
4. abx always for perf
Treatment of OME
1. Observation.
2. Hearing text Q3mos
3. Abx only if AOM
4. Antihistamines/ decongestants not helpful, only >6yrs
Plan for persistent OME
1. Audiogram if lang delay, learning problems or decreased hearing.
2. speech/lang eval
3. Tympanostomy/ myringotomy
Bacteriology of OE
1. Staph aureus
2. gram +/- (pseudomonas), fungus (aspergillus)
3. polymicrobial
uncommon: p. aeroginosa in immunocompromised & elderly
Treatment of OE
1. Topical abx (Corticosporin Otic susp, Cipro-HC Otic)
2. Acidifying drops (Vosol, Otic Demeboro) to soften cerumen
3. Analgesics
4. Topical corticosteroids
Causative agents of viral pharyngitis
Common: respiratory viruses (adenovirus, paraflu, rhinovirus)
Uncommon: coxsackie/herpangina, HSV (gingivostomatitis), EBV, HIV
Causes of bacterial pharyngitis
Strep (GABHS), H. flu, Myco pneu, N. gon
Strep pharyngitis treatment
1) antipyretics-apap/nsaids
2) analgesics- lozenges, NaCl gargle, tea
3) Abx
Abx for strep pharyngitis
Tx c +RSAT or while waiting for c/s and strong s/s profile.
1. 1st line: PCN (PCN V-K po, Bensocaine PCN IM). narrow spect.
2. Alt's
Amox (broad spect), Macrolides (resistance, GI upset),
Cephalosporins (cross-reactivity PCN allergy)
Treatment for Viral Rhinitis (Common Cold)
Sxs Mgmt:
1. Decongestant spray (Afrin) short term only-causes rebound
2. Antihistamine (Claritin, Benedryl)
3. Antitussive (dextromethorphan, codeine)
4. Analgesics (NSAIDS, APAP)
5. hydration, humidification, fluids, Saline Spray
6. Herbals: zinc/ echinacea
Causative agents of viral rhinitis (from ppt)
1. Rhinoviruses
2. Coronaviruses
3. RSV
4. Kids: flu viruses, paraflu's, adenoviruses.
Bacteria causing bacterial rhinosinusitis
Secondary to viral rhinitis
1. H. flu and S. pneu (75% of cases)
2. M. cat not common
Abx tx for bacterial rhinosinusitis
1. Amox if no risk for resistance
2. Aug if pos risk for resistance
3. Vantin, Ceftin (cephalosporins
PCN Allergy:
1. Erythro
2. Macrolides (Zithromax)
3. TMP-SMX (Septra)
4. Clinda
Tx for bacterial rhinosinusitis
1. nasal decongestants (Afrin)
2. Abx 10-14 days
3. Intranasal glucocorticoids
4. Saline spray
Treatment for allergic rhinitis
1. saline spray
2. Nasal steroids start c if mostly nasal sxs, >2yrs only (fluticazone, triamcinalone, flumisolide).
3. Antihistamines (no kids) start c if lots of allergy sxs (2 gen): 1st gen H1 blockers: Chlor-Trimeton, Benedryl. 2nd gen H1 blockers: Claritin, Allegra.
4. topical decongestants (Afrin)
5. Cromolyn sodium ok for kids
Causative agents of rhinitis (bacterial and viral - per chart)
Adults (rhinovirus, influenza virus, paraflu virus)
Kids also RSV, adenovirus