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8 Cards in this Set

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-popularized the ideas of scientific revolution

-used them to uunder take a dramatic reexaminatoin of all aspects of life

-were thinkers in in science and in other subjects

-main job was "applies himself to the study of sciety with the purpoose of making hid kind better and happier"


-famous for his articulation of the theory of separation of powers, implimented in all constitution around the world



-wrote philosophic letters on the english which focused freedom of the press, political freedom, religious toleration

-well known for critism of traditoinal religeon

-had a strong connection with ideal of religious relation


-a religeous outlook shared by mi=ost other philosophes

-build on newtonian world machine (God)

who had created the universe

-the belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe


-freelance writer

-beleived that christianity was fanatical and unreasonable

-literary attacks from religeon grew worse ad time went on

-most famous for classified dictionary of the arts, sciences, and trades

david hume

-scotish philosopher and was called the social scientist

-known as the most important figures in scottish enlightenment and western philosophy

-strived to create total "science of man" which is the sychological basis of human nature

adam smith

-considered the father of economics

-had the idea of having an ivisible hand in the government

-the idea relates to our givernment by a minor government which handels the police, fire, and the free market

laissez faire

-in french it mean "let them do" but also "let it be" , "let them do as they will", and "leave it alone"

-its an economic system in where transactions bwtween private parties are free from taxes