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50 Cards in this Set

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make out with +
kiss someone passionately
- "Did you make out with Sally?
make * over
do again
- "The teacher made me do my homework over.
make * up +
invent ( a story)
- "Don't believe anything she says. She always makes things up.
make * up +
complete what was missed
- "Fortunately, my professor let me make up the exam I missed yesterday.
make * up +
put on cosmetics
- "I takes me 10 minutes to make my face up.
make up
- "You two have been friends for so long that I think you should make up.
make up for +
compensate for
- "Allen made up for being late by getting me flowers.
mix * up +
- "I sometimes mix the verb tenses up.
mix * up +
- "We need to mix up these different kinds of nuts before we put them in a bowl.
mix * up +
make lively (a party)
- "Let's mix up this party with a little disco music.
name * after +
name a child using another family member's name
- "I was named after my grandfather.
nod off
fall asleep
- "The movie was so boring that I nodded off before it was finished.
nose around +
sneak around
- "I hate it when my mother noses around my room.
occur to +
pop into one's mind, come to one's mind
- "It didn't occur to us that we had left the iron on.
open up
share feelings
- "I'm glad that John feels comfortable enough around me to open up.
out to + verb
try to
- "She is out to get revenge now that her husband left her for another woman.
pan out
be successful, turn out well
- "The trip to Vegas didn't pan out.
pass away
- "After battling cancer for several years, he finally passed away at the age of 87.
pass * off +
try to convince someone that something is real
- "He tried to pass the fake watch off as a real Rol
pass * on +
- "Please pass this message on to your co -workers.
pass on +
not accept (an invitation to eat or do something)
- "Jennifer passed on the invitation to join us for dinner.
pass on
- "I am afraid Professor Johnson has passed on.
pass * out +
- "We need to pass out these flyers for the concert tomorrow.
pass out
become unconscious
- "He passed out because the room was too hot.
pass * up +
not take advantage (of an opportunity)
- "I can't believe she passed up the opportunity to study in Rome.
pay * back +
- "If I loan you money, will you pay me back.
pay * off +
complete payment on a debt
- "It took me ten years to pay off my credit card debt.
pay * off +
to bribe
- "Don't try to pay the police officer off if you get pulled over for speeding.
pick on +
to tease, bully
- "She keeps picking on me! Make her stop.
pick * out +
- "Diane picked out a lovely dress for the dance.
pick * up +
to lift an object with the hands
- "Keep your back straight when you lift the TV up.
pick * up +
come and get someone in a car
- "What time are you going to pick me up.
pick * up +
learn something without effort
- "It's possible to pick up enough English in two weeks to get by on your trip to Los Angeles.
pick * up +
try to initiate a relationship with someone (often in a bar)
- "Some weird guy tried to pick Patricia up at the bar.
pick up
grow, increase (inf.)
- "Business is really picking up this quarter.
play * down +
make less important (inf.)
- "The President played down his affair with the intern.
play * up
highlight something (inf.)
- "She played up her part in the new movie, but it was actually a very small role.
play up to +
flatter someone for your personal advantage
- "She has been playing up to the boss because she wants a promotion.
point * out +
- "I'd like to point out that figures in column two might be outdated.
pull down
- "He pulls down about $300,000 a year.
pull in
park (a vehicle)
- "Mark pulled in too quickly and crashed into the wall.
pull out
depart (a vehicle)
- "Our train pulls out at 8:00, so don't be late.
pull through
barely survive
- "I didn't think she was going to make it, but she pulled through in the end.
put * across +
communicate (an idea or suggestion) clearly so that it is understood
- "I thought Ms. Smith put her ideas across rather clearly in the meeting.
put * away +
return to the proper place of storage
- "I told you kids to put your toys away.
put * down +
insult, say bad things about
- "She always puts down people who don't share her opinions.
put in +
officially submit a request (in the armed forces or public services)
- "He put in for a transfer to the division in Los Angeles.
put * off +
- "Don't put off your work - do it now!
put * on +
- "Make sure you put on a sweater before you go outside.
put * on +
- "I didn't believe a thing he said. I think he was putting me on."