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29 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
what is an adjective
describes or modifies a noun or pronoun
questions it answers
what kind, which one, how many, how much
a, an, the
6 indefinite pronouns
all, each, both, few, most, much, several
5 possesive pronouns
my, his, her, our, your
describes a ver, adj, or adv
when do you use the comparitive form of an adj or adv?
when you compare a person or thing with another person or thing
when do you use superlative form
when you compare someone or thing to another person or thing
what does the complete subject in a scentence include
tells who or what the scentence is about
what does the complete predicate include
verb and that other words that tell about the verb
simple subject
main words that tell about the subject
simple predicate
main words in the predicate
what is a clause
group of words with its own subject and verb
independent clause
has a subject and verb AND its a complete scentence
subordinate clause
has a word at the beginning that tells you its sub. such as: as, although, because, if, once
all scentences can be classified according to the......and............they contain
number and kinds of clause
simple scentence
single independent clause
compund scentence
two or more independent clauses put together with a conjunction and comma or a ;
complex scentence
independent clause and subordinate clause
what is the rule regarding commas and complex scentences
sub 1st comma, sub 2nd no comma
4 kinds of scentences
declaritive, interogotive, imparitive, exclamitory
what are scentence types that have unusual subject order
questions, commands, inverted scentences, scentences beginning with here or there
adverb phrase
prepositional phrase that describes a verb, adj, or another adv
adjective phrase
prepositional phrase that describes a noun or pronoun
word used to join words or a group of words
7 common conjunctions
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
word or phrase used to express emotion
scentence fragment
a scentence that is missing either a subject, predicate, or both
run-on scentence
two or more scentences written together as if they were a complete scentence