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43 Cards in this Set

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Time of Faith over Reason.
Colonial Period
All aspects of the puritans' lives were focused on getting to heaven
Colonial Period
anything related to a "religious life" would be ideal -- beneficial and enjoyable
Colonial Period
They had to earn salvation-- it wasn't given to them
Colonial Period
Their biggest fear was eternal damnation
Colonial Period
Puritans wrote in plain style
Colonial Period
Puritans believed that everything -- possessions, good times, sickness, death, spiritual conflict etc-- was god's will
Colonial Period
Also called period of nationalism
Romantic Period
Writers looked at themselves as professional writers
Romantic Period
writers looked at american subjects for inspiration
Romantic Period
writers had a sense of being AMERICAN
Romantic Period
writers demonstrated a love of beauty and nature
Romantic Period
writers focused on real life, but they could also use the supernatural
Romantic Period
writers found inspiration in nature
Romantic Period
writers distrusted industry and city life
Romantic Period
uses nature to illustrate lessons learned
Romantic Poetry
uses figurative language
Romantic Poetry
feels comfortable in nature, uncomfortable in civilization
Romantic Hero
uses intuition and superior instinct rather than "book sense"
Romantic Hero
is happy with his "world" as long as he is in Nature he doesn't want his world to change
Romantic Hero
shy around women
Romantic Hero
unsophisticated and naive about the ways of the world
Romantic Hero
centered in New England

leader Ralph Waldo Emerson
Transcendentalist movement
believed that fundamental reality is beyond a person's senses, so they never know or ask to know reality
Reality must be discovered through intuition and beyond reason and sensory experience
wrote using free verse

rhythm based on cadence

used catalogs

used figurative language
rhyming sound that is not exact fellow/follow mystery/mastery
slant rhyme
wrote using slant rhyme
events from a particular region
the use of natual/actual speech patterns and language
the use of local color
focus on one character's thoughts
presentation of life as it really is
will not find a hero
express irony through dialect dialogue and situations
realistic writers
americans became disillusioned with america
modernist period
left its inhabitants alone, uncertain and confused
modernist period
many artists and weiters moved to paris and became expatriates
modernist period
literary device of stream of consciousness gained in populatiry during this period
modernist period
realistic flow of a characters thoughts
stream of consciousness
protagonist in a story is usually agitated and uncomfortable with the present situation or arrangement and feels isolated
modernist period
insight about human life that is revealed in a literary work
attitude a writer takes toward the subject of a work, the characters in it or the audience