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A reads text to speech;

81 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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first person point of view
perspective in which the narrator is the one speaking, evidenced by the use of pronouns such as I or we
word structure
way in which the parts of a word are arranged together
word that is sometimes used as a verb but is currently being used as another part of speech
word that shows an action or state of being
transitional words
smooth movement from one idead to the next
words include: additionally, finally, similarily, next, however, furthermore
topic sentence
generally at or near beginning of a paragraph
general subject matter covered by a writing
third person point of view
perspective in which the narrator is distanced from the story and tells it as an outsider
subjects that written works frequently touch upon
text features
formatting that serves a consistent purpose in a document
-adds meaning to the text they modify
constant, variable, or product of a constant and variable
technical writing
writing that passes along specific information on knowledge in a formal or standardized way
take-home pay
whays left after taxes, insurances etc...
table of contents
listing of a publications chapters, sections, or other organizational units
-includes page #'s
supporting details
details that support the main idea
examples and details that explain the topic of a paragraph
-follows the topic sentence
summary sentence
recaps the essential point of a paragraph, or large work
group of letters added to end of a word that modifies or extends the word's meaning
subordination conjunction
word that joins two or more clauses and makes the clause that contains it dependent on another clause
ex: because, thhough, although, while, if, as if
noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb sentence
headings that appear below other headings
oversimplified opinions about an entire group of people or things
simple sentence
contains only one independant clause and no dependent clauses
ordered list of thoughts or ideas
semicolon ;
punctuation mark used to indicate division between equal elements in a sentence
second person point of view
perspective in which the writer directly addresses the reader using the pronoun (you)
root word
a word in its simplest form before any affixes are attached
quotation marks " "
punctuation mark used to indicate the exact phrasing of material to show dialogue
purpose of passage
main reason or intent for writing a particular piece
word that replaces a noun
words such as (by,at,to,from,in,on,into,over,from,with) that give additional information usually in relationship to something else.
a group of letters at the beginning of a word that modifies or extends the word's meaning
possessive noun
used to indicate ownership
group of words that are related but do not contain a verb and a subject together
persuasive writing
writing intended to change the readers mind or form the reader's opinions on a particular topic
periodic sentence
independent clause is delayed until the end of the sentence and often preceded by parallel string of modifiers
passive voice
comprised of (be) plus a past participle that shifts the action of a sentence from subject to the object
parentheses ( )
punctuation mark used to indicate interjectory, explanatory, or qualifying material
group of sentences that forms a cohesive whole due to a similar topic or theme
a word for a person, place or thing
nonrestrictive clause
group of words that contain a subject and a properly conjugated verb but does not contain information that is necessary for interpretating the meaning of a sentence
narrative writing
relates chain of events or tells a story
main idea
specific message of a writer
logical conclusion
well reasoned idea that stems from the information in the text, not from the reader's personal ideas or biases
inductive reasoning
arriving at general principal from specific fact
indirect dialogue aka indirect discourse
writing that reflects the idea of someone else's words but does not quote them directly
listing of important names, ideas, and topics from the publication, along with page numbers. Usually at the end of publication
independant clause
clause that has complete meaning
hyphen (-)
punctuation mark used to connect part of a word or to join seperate words together
historical context
time and place in which a text was written
title that preface a section of text
makes it easier to search a particular topic
gendered language
specific male or female gender using words such as he or she
expository writing
introduces a topic or provides background information for later remark
ellipsis (......)
punctuation mark used to indicate a pause or omission of material
direct object
noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb and answers the question whom or what
direct dialogue aka
direct discourse
writing that reflects someone's exact words, often with an attributive tag, using quotation marks
passage text that describes or characterizes a person, thing, or idea.
dependent clause
group of words containing a subject with a properly conjugated verb that is made dependent or incomplete because of the addition of a subordinating conjunction
commulative sentence
contains an independent clause followed by a parallel of modifiers; modifiers maybe adjectives, prepositional phases or dependent clauses
critical reading
reading style where the reader carefully analyses the text, judging it's credibility and authors intentions rather than simply accepting the material as fact
coordination aka
words that join 2 or more words, phrases or clauses so that each conjoined element is equal:
FANBOYS (for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so)
context clues
words surrounding an unfamiliar word that can help a reader understand the meaning of that word
text surrounding a word, phrase or passage
compound sentence
two (or more(independent clause joined together with a coordinating conjunction)
complex sentence
sentnece that contains an independent clause and dependent clause
comparison - contrast
text structure
presents two different cases. usually with the intent of making the reader consider the difference (or similarity between the two cases)
colon :
punctuation mark used to indicate there is information to follow
comma ,
punctuation mark used to indicate a break or pause within a sentence
a group of words that are related and contain subject and properly conjugated verb
cause - effect text structure
first presents an action then describes the effect that results (or may result) from that action
author's intent
underlying reason why the author wrote this text
person or persons who will be reading a piece of writing
attributive tag
part of a sentence that indicates who said a direct quote
word that is used to limit noun, either indefinite - a, an, or definite - the
apostrophe '
punctuation mark used to indicate possessiveness or the omission of the letters or numbers
noun that a pronoun refers back to (replace)
word modifying a verb, adjective.....indication (when, where, how, why, or how much)
descriptive word that modifies nouns or pronouns
active voice
state of a sentence that contains an active verb
active verb
verb that shows an action performed by the subject of the sentence
changing a verb, adverb, or adjective to a noun