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47 Cards in this Set

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-tells us how human beings act in situations
-let us know characters more intimately
-memorable character-> plot is secondary
Direct Characterization
wirter tells what character is like/writer does the work
Indirect Characterization
Reader Does Work
1. appearance
2. speech
3. private thoughts
4. effects on others/other people's thoughts
5. actions
main character that the attention is focused on
-usually admirable
-real, complicated, strengths, weaknesses
Beginning of a story's action
Main character sets out to get what they want
character in a story that comes in the way of the protagonist
Dynamic character
changes in an important way throught the story
-gains understanding of something
-makes important decision
-capable of growing and learning
Static character
exactly the same throughout
-not failures
-meant to be static
Flat Character
-1 or 2 personality traits
Round Character
a character that cannot be summed up easily and is very complex and 3-dimensional
stock character
a person who fits preconceived notion about a "type"
"dozens of them"
Character's motivation
What moves the character to act the way he or she does
attitude of the writer or speaker toward the audience
0varying pitch, volume, emphasis
Figurative Language
language based on some kind of comparision that is not literally true
Figure of Speech
language shaped by play at imagination, in which one thing is compared with something that seems to be entirely different
-similes metaphors, personification
figures of speech that use words such as like or as to compare things that may have little or nothing in common
-should be striking and imaginitive
comparision between unlike things that is instant
-no an, like, as, or resembles
situation is oppositve of the well run one
humorous imitation
attributing human qualities to a nonhuman thing or abstract idea
an ordinary object, event, animal, or person to which we have extraordinary meaning and significance
-apple= biggest city
-snake around sticks= medicine
public symbol
symbol that has maintained significance in art and literature to this day
-lion, fish=christ, eagle=US, rising sun=Japan
invented symbol
writers take a new subject or event and make it embodiment of human concern
-melville's moby dick
-shapespeare's caliban in "the Tempest"
representation of anything we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell
names something we can see, smell, taste, hear, or tough; particular descriptive shading poet chooses to give sensory experience
repitition of accented vowel sounds and all subsequent sounds in a word
end rhyme
rhyme occurs at the end of line
internal rhyme
rhyme occurs within a line
exact rhyme
perfect rhyme- cat/hat
approximate rhyme
repitition sound is similar but not exact "half/slant rhymes"
repitition of consonant sounds in words that appear close together.. occur at beginning of words or accented syllables
the use of words that sound like they mean
Satyr play
(named for lecherous wood demons, satyrs, formed the chorus) comic, racous treatments of same themes
Greek Theater
Dionysus theater
to arouse pity and fera in audience so that we may be purged or cleansed of unsettling emotions
emotional purging.. realeases exhileration
tragic flaw
fundamental character weakness
-excessive pride, ambition, jealsousy
blank verse
unrhymed iambic pentameter
iambic pentameter
each line of poetry contains 5 iambs
a divded line of formal verse that contains at leats one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables
a foot that contains an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed sylable prepare
5 iambs in a line
blank verse
5 feet of unrhymed iambic meter
end-stopped line
lines that conclude with a apunctuation mark
run-on lines
lines that do not end with a a punctuation mark
words that are old-fashioned and no longer used
archaic pronouns
forms of you